We want RDF

Well except that a lot of people would actually like to run regular heroics.


Sometimes I just wonder what in the world was going on in the minds of these “people” that work at this company to think that not having RDF was good for a community of people who are actually trying to run content.

Ive yet to make any friends simply because running a group with people on my server. Unfortunately this isn’t 2007/2008 anymore. We all know how the game works and what we want to do, and we know the friends we’re really going to make are those we raid with. come on now


I sometimes wonder why others think they know better than the developers, game creators or other people. I wonder about a lot of things to be honest.

It odd because I never said I knew better than the developers. What I do know however is what I experience myself and the 159276 + posts about wanting RDF.

But again, I must be wrong.


Do you hear us blizzard we want rdf plz

Tired or waiting for a group in 70 to 79lvl
Always as to force my druid to go resto


“Sometimes I just wonder what in the world was going on in the minds of these “people” that work at this company to think that not having RDF was good for a community
” - This implies you know better than the “people” who work at Blizzard.

we don’t know what we want

Hmm, does it imply that because you are forcing that meaning onto it or could you also say that it is more of an opinion of curiosity as to why they thought their current option was better?

Its an honest question, but enlighten me please because im still confused

I do know what I like better than someone at blizzard. And in the case of RDF apparently a lot of other people also like having RDF more than not having it.

And when we look at blizzard’s reasoning for not having RDF they largely just end up being BS. So they are either lying or just incompetent and out of touch, neither of which is good.


It implies. I am not here to provide English lessons to be honest.

And to your point about the 159276+ posts
 My opinion is, most of those are on Alt’s - (See how opinion and implying work??) just exactly like the OP is an alt of someone on here trying to make it look like more are for it.

I have 10 alts on my server alone. I could post on all of them and inflate numbers but if you don’t think Blizzard knows how to pull data to determine how many actually are for or against it, you’d be wrong.

Good news, there’s already a game with RDF in it, called World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. No need to ruin Classic with it. Go back to retail.

So WOTLK wasn’t WOTLK for the first three major patches of its content back in 2008-2009? lmao

just proving that the RDF babies never actually played the original game and are just retail tourists demanding retail features be added to the game that was created specifically to NOT be retail

because we actually play the game


RDF is a quality of life improvement, it’s not content and it would be consistent with the general release of classic that it would be available now since it’s you know not content. And yeah it was in Wrath for just about half of it’s time and solves a lot of the problems we are experiencing now.


So when the patch (phase) of WOTLK releases that also actually carried RDF with it and IF RDF still isn’t the game, then what would be your argument?


Only thing being proved, is that you’re completely clueless
 answer this, why are they using the all the updates from the end of the expansions and a system that was never in the game but not a system that belongs to the expansion?


I too would like RDF, but I am not reading 975 Replies. I JUST WANNA QUEUE BLIZZ! I don’t want to have to beg or barter to get into a group!


When people say this I have to wonder if they’re lying trolls or incredibly stupid. We want a classic wrath that is an accurate recreation of original wrath. We want it to have the talent trees of original wrath, the spells of original wrath, the rotations of original wrath, and the rdf of original wrath. You can’t find that in retail.


and thats what its come down to for the most part. if you want to pug you have to beg, barter, or flat out pay to run. its ridiculous.


exactly, everyone who says go to retail to play wrath seems to be forgetting that wrath mechanics are NOT in retail, and thats part of what we are looking for. yet if they want classic and its mechanics, isnt there a vanilla classic and tbc classic servers out there to serve their needs?