We want RDF

I didn’t admit it’s a bonus - “bonus” and “perk” can mean two completely different things.

They are synonyms. They have extreamly similar meaning.

Christmas bonus - something you get at Christmas, in addition to your normal salary, if you meet a quota, worked hard, etc.

Employment Perk - access to a company vehicle

You can twist it however you want, but it is a fact that perk and bonus are synonyms. It is something extra (another synonym you have used) outside of just the queue based grouping that rdf does.

You can think what you want, I have no problem with that.

Think about this discussion. You’re not talking about all the good RDF does. How it creates accessibility for players to dungeon content. How it brings players together, and let’s them meet and interact with for more people. That it adds variety to the leveling experience and makes it a lot more appealing. That it gives casuals an endgame. How it cuts back on the rampant toxicity and gatekeeking of the dungeon experience.

No, you have endless posts about Christmas bonuses and dog treats and a free order of fries at McDonalds and who knows what other nonsense. This is what the trolls do. Make it about anything other than RDF. And people keep indulging them.

I don’t blame redhead. He’s doing what a troll is supposed to. But the people who keep getting baited I don’t get. Do you argue with a flat earther for months? They don’t deserve the attention or the platform. Accept some people exist to mess with you, or they’re too stupid to waste your time on. Either way stop giving them attention.

But of course that’ll never happen.


so sad for you then. merriam webster told me you were wrong. so you be wrong. toodles.

“bonus rewards” what gold that you get from using RDF? or the 2 lesser badges for repeat use? still not seeing that as a huge bonus. but if this is what you see as a bonus then you’re foolishly naive. if these are not the “bonuses” you speak of then what are advocating being removed? i do not see them as bonus.

Also if you implement RDF it should be as it was in wrath no changes.

what magical social experience are you thinking we are getting in the year of 2022 and 2023? it doesn’t exist dude. stop inflating the important of this non-existent social experience. i get more of a social experience when i accidentally bump into someone in the real world. we apologize and move on. the most you get when you make a group for a dungeon is their class spec and GS. at the end its either GG or TY. this isn’t a social experience.

according to i don’t know how many studies. until you show your studies they are non existent. this isn’t just misleading its a lie. we are not asking the looking for group tool to make a group for us. we are asking for RDF the tool that was part of the retail wrath which made the group for us. i think you don’t even understand what you are saying. if you’re gonna throw out crap with out being challenged you need to be a little more careful with what you say. i don’t know anyone who says i don’t know how many studies but. at least i have advocated for a poll to find out the temperature of the implementation of RDF to see where the classic community sits now. most of us pro RDF understood it shouldn’t be in classic. you oh i don’t know how many studies but using LFG provides a better social experience… you are a disingenuous liar.


We all know they’re bonuses - you’re just stupid.

I would agree, but I’m also not that attached to the bonuses.

The teleport feature allows people to be out in the world, while waiting ( much like bgs). Instead having to stay close to a FP.

Again, if you don’t like it don’t use it. The peope using rdf and teleport are not to holding long, loving conversations with you no matter what they are doing. Most probably have limited play time, as is.


yes anyone that disagrees with the all mighty Kurathis is stupid. but i mean this

And this

thats literally a bonus my dude. a perk would be company benefits like vision dental and medical paid by the company for all employees. thats a perk having a vehicle provided to you is a bonus. not everyone has a company vehicle. and when they do its usually a service industry vehicle. But i mean the all knowing Kurathis knows what a bonus is.

As i believe a one DrinknBlink stated a bonus would be something that wasn’t originally outlined. so like when tank and healers got queue bonuses bags which had gold and i think mounts in there for having heavy queue times from DPS. if that was a guaranteed after every oh wait thats already part of the current dungeon system!!! thats by definition of a bonus. if its always there it ceases to be a bonus. if one day they removed any additional badges or gold the RDF system that would have meant it was a bonus. they’ve never done this during retail wrath. thus it wasn’t a bonus. it was status quo. much like you could earn infinite amounts of JP in Cata. there wasn’t a finite or set amount you could earn. you had a cap so you should blow it as fast as possible. but thats not what we are discussing. the fact is regardless of how you or the hunter feel about it. its not a reward nothing about the RDF system is a reward. i said before if your’e complaining about 13 gold and 23 silver from RDF you’ve lost your mind. same with two heroism badges or two conquest badges or two triumph badges. oh no, everyone got two lesser badges the horror!!! shrivels up in fear of two badges being dispersed to players for using a retail wrath feature literally we need to stop acting like this is breaking the game. it isn’t. least you and i agree on one thing when it comes to the RDF Redheadchild is too stupid for his own good on this subject.

Actually, you already said what they were, benefits. Nice try, though.

Hardly. MANY people have access to company vehicles that they use outside of work hours.

i’m still not wrong. about the benefits being a perk. on meriam-websiter. fringe-benefits. what do fringe-benefits encapsulate? accident and health benefits health insurance. oh wait were you just blown up by merriam-webster? oh you were. ty marriam-websiters.

and no not many have company vehicles actually the vast majority of employees do not have company vehicles.


You even spelt it right once - my goodness.


Do I need to highlight the word in there that you used? Ah, screw it, I will.

Clearly you don’t make a living in the business world.

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oh know spelling errors!!! how dare i!!! merriam-webster. pardon me for a spelling error again you provide nothing meaningful to any conversation.

gives a cookie to the troll

Again… if you wanna call someone stupid, having spelling and grammatical errors in your comment doesn’t do much for your claim.

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you are stupid. what is fringe benefits? paid time off, health care, retirement plans. tuition reduction. stock options, and medical leave. but a company car is so common right? where is the company car for cashier? what about call center agents company rig? oh how about the gas station attendant’s chevron rig? or what about the receptionists company car? oh right, they don’t those. there are many times more of these than people have company rigs. instead of owning the fact a company car is a bonus and when most of think of company car we usually think something like a benz bmw or audi. not a work van.

So, let’s educate you a bit here, okay?

None of the jobs you just listed even require a company vehicle. There are PLENTY of occupations that provide you with a company vehicle - usually these occupations would require some form of frequent travel, which your examples don’t. Why would you give a cashier a company vehicle… if they don’t do any transportation for the company?

A company car is not a bonus. In this case, a bonus is something that you retain permanently. For example, a Christmas bonus. Let’s say it was $500 - pretty good bonus there, but that’s your money. The company vehicle is not yours; it is the company’s property.

A company vehicle can be literally any vehicle on the planet. It can be a bicycle, it can be a motorcycle, heck, it can even be a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire.

Fringe benefits, or just benefits, are additional compensation offered to an employee, in addition to their normal salary.


its obvious that over half of the community wants rdf by now… there are alwasy a 3 to 1 when it comes to comment likes in these threads…

give us a happy medium at least… give us rdf for non current content… let levelers do rdf so these dungeons remain relevant.


This is what that tryhard bot spammer will never accomplish.

This is beautiful. Look at all the people. Nearly six months of shenanigans.

RDF spam tied the community together.

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