We want RDF

It was heroic+!!!

Dudes are sad.

My sub expires in 7 days and I’m in same boat, I haven’t logged in in 2 weeks.

Game sucks.

I started the trails in the sky series since steam had a sale and I had a jrpg itch.

Currently on game 2 of 3.


Why wait the justifications you see for how classic is totally fine now are already pretty entertaining.

Not trying to have the highest parses possible isnt the same thing as not trying at all, but ok. You have your opinion.

One less toxic parse lord gone, classic will be a better place.

Sadly you will likely resub for ulduar.

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A free teleport to the dungeon just because you used rdf is a bonus reward for using rdf.

No it’s not I get free teleports to dungeons all the time now, they’re called summoning stones.


Someone had to run there to summon you.

Also good job confirming you regularly make others summon you.

Im usually the one that goes to the dungeon to do the summoning, so i can say with certainty that the rdf teleport is a bonus reward. Now if they place summoni g stones inside of the dungeon for rdf that would work essentially the same as it does for those not using rdf. So 2 have to run there and then summons go out. So good news you will still get your summons when you refuse to spend the smallest amount of effort to get to the dungeon.

You have admitted to not even using raid consumables when your whole raid does… You are getting carried.

I’m not a parse Lord, parses are just easy to get by just playing normally.

Have you tried learning your rotation and using consumables??

Mr 10 years of hunter experience and still bad.


I really don’t know why you guys keep feeding that troll. It’s not hard just to put someone on ignore. He’s SO obviously trolling. No one could possibly believe the utter nonsense he spews.

One guy (and his alts) attribute like 90%+ of the anti-rdf posts. If only people would stop getting baited.


Functionally it’s no different to me whether I get summoned through the tool or from a summoning stone, either if I don’t want to run I can safely sit doing whatever I’m doing and get summoned.

The teleport was not added as a “reward” for using RDF it was added because it simply made more sense(and was probably easier to implement than cross realm summoning stones) and as noted functionally is no different.


I still plan on renewing my sub but I have kinda moved on from this, I’m just tired of bringing up same arguments to the same people and I have better things to do with my time than just simply respond to someone who tries to pass “RDF ruined the game” as fact and than their points sometimes lacking a foundation.

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I dont regularly use potion of speed because its not a good pot for hunters and the spell crit one isnt very good either.

Hunters dont really have a good dps pot. Mana potions yield more benifit to a hunter than the actual dps pots if it prevents using viper. Haste is an absolute garbage stat for hunters the the point the spell crit pot is comparable just for the crit rating. The haste pot is a little better, but not by much. Still got a 95 parce without it.

But then again, not using pots when the content was on hard farm since week 1 isnt a huge deal. I will be pushing harder for ulduar, when content actually gets somewhat difficult. But dont worry you wont be here for that right? Wow classic is better off with less parse lords like you.

You worship parses and live by them based on your behavior, so you are a parse lord.

Aw yes because everyone against rdg is just one person and his alts right? You cant even comprehend that there are people genuinely agaist rdf that you have to make these excuses for your own sanity.

Naw you just see me call people out who bring it up or talk about performance.

I never openly bring up parses, it’s always because someone brought up performance or it’s a thread about it.

Parses aren’t a thingz you literally do your rotation and use consumables.

Should let the other hunter in your raid know that, he’s parsing around 30% better, let him know about your 10 years of hunter experience.


I’d still like to play wrath, Cata, and MoP before I quit classic. I’ll come back and play them if rdf is added. So I’ll spend a few minutes a day to help keep the issue on the front page and see if Blizzard comes to their senses.

And what I lack, I will not go until I complete something in the Vanilla areas first and the TBC except the Raids that will be with time.

I’m kind of a lore master, I don’t want to skip content, but I can do what is available depending on my ability to clear the dungeons.

So I’m not worried about not being able to pass Ulduar, worse than I don’t think I’ll get to do Naxxramas and we won’t know if the LFG will help to do the previous raids of the previous phase.

at least that would remain as the Retail that there is no RDF for mythics dungeons.

One more reason for the RDF to return in the next phase.

Of course, Blizzard thinks that WoW HAS MORE THAN 12M SUBSCRIBERS LIKE 2009 and believes that the LFG will be friendly and sociable for a classic server that they abandoned due to the 10.0 honeymoon hype and disrespects the roots of an expansion that led it to success to the company

The company really disappoints me, they think they are helping us, because of their decisions they are getting worse, that is why the RDF has to return as much as possible.

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You’re literally too stupid for your own good.


You dont understand what a bonus is. That or are acting like you dont because you dont want to agree to lose your favorite part about rdf that has nothing to do with the forming of groups.

Don’t bother with Kurathis, they are willing to change a definition any time rather than admitting being wrong.

I’ve linked you the actual definition of the word.

If anything, the teleport feature would be considered a perk, not a bonus.

Thanks for chiming in, adding nothing to the conversation.

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synonyms for perk

  • advantage.
  • bonus.
  • dividend.
  • extra.
  • fringe benefit.
  • gratuity.
  • perquisite.

You can try to use a different word, but the meaning is essentially the same.

You have admitted its a bonus, so now what?