We want RDF

And that typically came at a gold cost and still required someone to go to the dungeon. So its still not the same as the free ez bonus reward of teleporting that rdf gives, unless you want to make the UI charge gold for the teleport? It would make a good gold sink. 20g per teleport sounds about right.

Sure it did. However, “still required someone to go the dungeon” doesn’t fit here. Yeah, it had someone go, but they literally went there to sell summons - not to run the dungeon.

It IS the same - it doesn’t matter if it costs gold or not, it’s still a “teleport” to the dungeon.

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No, it isnt. One costed gold, the other is absolutely free.

Make it cost gold to use and they are comparable. It would honestly make a great gold sink. A lot of lazy players that would throw hundreds if not thosands of gold away just to not spend 3 minutes getting to a dungeon.

By that logic everything is a bonus reward. The rdf queue is a bonus reward since you don’t get it if you don’t use rdf. What ever. You’re a stupid lying troll so I expect you to say stupid lies as you troll. I’ve been telling you that for a couple years.


It doesn’t matter - you’re grasping here, man.

The effect is still the same.

You really are an idiot, its an automated system VS a player generated service.

You want this so bad you can’t see other perspectives. Are you really too fat to fly to a dungeon, but more so because no one wants to paly with you (just look at how you talk to people who disagree with you in this thread LOL)? You really NEEED paired with Randoms across servers and just teleported there?

Why don’t you just go play retail or better yet, an RPG.

The end result is the same, you get to the dungeon. The cost isnt though. Not using rdf costs some form of time/effort. Using rdf its absolutely free. Whoch means its a bonus reward, kind of like layalty programs. Sign uo for the loyalty program and you get a free drink. You wouldnt have gotten that drink for free without signing up for that loyalty program. Which means its a bonus reward for being a loyalty member.


With the amount of gold most players have, how does it require any more time or effort to accept a summon?

But see, here’s the thing… The drink is a bonus. The method in which you use to sign up is not a bonus.

So there is no issue adding a gold cost to the teleport then? Glad we agree.

Gold itself is a resource that is supposed to be gained for spending time playing this game. And the old saying of “time is money” applies here as money is also time saved if you chose to use it for that. So if you want to save time with the teleport, spend the gold. It will also help the economy by being another gold sink.

And pressing “join queue” is how you sign up for rdf. The teleport is a bonus you get after doing that.

My god… you’re super dense, aren’t you? Let me try to break this down so that even a child can understand it.

RDF and the teleport feature are both delivery methods for players to receive those extra rewards. Neither of those are bonuses. The same rule applies for your theoretical situation - the method in which I use to sign up (an app, website, paper, etc.) is the delivery method - the drink is the bonus that I received for signing up.


Whats a synonym for the word extra?

synonym extra

Look at the noun section. Even you just admitted its a bonus by your own words.

No, rdf is the delivery method of the teleport which is a bonus reward for using rdf. Or one of the

You get for using rdf.

Your own words used are showing i am right.

We want RDF .

It is healthy for the game, it boost every realms population.

It helps all characters from level 1 to 80

It provides emblems, gold , achievements , pets.

Bring back the original RDF from wrath, and if you don’t , start improving the current system because it is garbage, please make it better.


Maybe the classic team should ask the retail team how they got it to work ON THE SAME CLIENT if they can’t figure it out.

Some want RDF.

It is really bad for the social experience.

It helps character do what exactly? Questing is faster.

It provides stuff to get to raid-logging faster.

The current system is not a match-making system, so it is working as intented. Leave RDF out of Wrath Classic.

It helps them do dungeons while questing.

It’s always mind boggling that people claim RDF is bad socializing while also claiming that solo leveling instead of being in a dungeon with 4 others is a good thing.


It also saves players time and is immensely helpful in low population realms .

For low level characters leveling it gives them the opportunity to level in all zones and also run all sorts of dungeons without having to waste time traveling the world

For lvl 80 characters , it helps fresh characters by encouraging bis players to play at least once for 2 free emblems plus gold.


And since it doesn’t promote sitting in a city staring at chat/lfg tool RDF encourages players to actually be out in the world doing something.


And it also encourages players to play with a 100 different players to obtain the perky pug pet (Best pet in wrath imo) plus other achievements.

It is not “Really bad for the social experience”.

If anything it brings players from level 1 to 80 together in an way better way.

It give’s you the player the opportunity to quest plus do dungeons while you level, in comparison to the current tool, most players have not experienced most dungeons in the game , it is poorly designed.

There’s a reason they implemented during ICC , blizzard always takes a long time to implement systems and they shouldn’t have to learn from their same mistakes from 2009 again in todays era. Learn from the past, implement RDF.

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