We want RDF

Designing a system that’s already designed, and they had to physically remove from the game prior to release? Yeah, I have no idea, that’s shocking.


LOL - No one is throwing fits when that ‘compromise’ is brought up.

It is though, its something you get for using the rdf tool, that you dont get without using it.

So you have your doctorate in game design as well. The game is not built off the original wrath client, its built off the legion client you clown.

Just because it was tested, if at all, doesn’t mean its functional for mass use.

That’s actually not true - you get the same effect through summoning stones and Warlock summons.

Which has RDF you idiot.


Someone had to run there though. Its not the same. With rdf noone has to run there. Thats a bonus reward for using rdf.

Go ahead and design a beta model for them and submit it for them, master game designer. The client source code is available.

I haven’t seen anyone throw a fit over them. All I’ve seen is people call them trivial and meaningless. But I suppose some rare individual has. No matter how stupid an idea is someone will get excited over it on the internet. You’re a prime example of that.


That doesn’t matter - YOU can still be summoned, therefore skipping the ‘journey’ to the dungeon.

Aww, you have no actual argument here, do you?

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It does though. With rdf you can bounce between dungeons, 0 downtime, 0 travel time, 0 waiting for a summon. Thats a bonus reward from using rdf that isnt an option for those not using rdf.

The argument was that they have no justifiable reason to spend the money on a small group when their goal is to entertain the majority.

your clown response to that was “iTs tHeRe iN rEtAiL, mAkE iT 4 mE nOwWwWWW!”

So who doesn’t have an answer here, Dr. Clown.

I mean, kur is basically doing so right now over his personal preferred rdf bonus reward of teleporting to everything rdf is designed to group you for.

That’s still not true. You could have the same experience without RDF - would it be as common for two people to be consistently at every stone as soon as you’re invited? No, but it is possible.

Again, they don’t need to spend money. Look into it. Furthermore, neither of us know who the majority is.

No, my response was that the client they chose to build Classic from has RDF in it, so they wouldn’t have to “design” it.

Still you.


Yeah, no one is going to give up the teleport. We don’t consider that a bonus reward. That’s one of the main parts of rdf that people want. We want to be able to go out into the world to farm or quest while in the queue. I get that when you used rdf you just sat in town and spammed dungeons but we want to go out into the world and play the game.


This research wizard. A few biased google searches really jazzes up your echo chamber doesn’t it - you clown, hahahahahaa.

You have absolutely no idea what designing a cross server group matching system entails. You’re assuming its just a copy and paste because you’ve seen it before in the game.

You sound like a little spoiled clown child who wants his treats now haha.

And if people are doing more than 1 dungeon? That isnt possible outside of using rdf. Because you cant finish the dungeon and instantly be at the next, unless of course you are using the bonus reward of free teleports from rdf.

Obvious troll is obvious. Have a nice night.

That’s ALSO not true. We saw this all throughout Classic with Warlocks effectively selling summons to various dungeons. Wanna try again?


Yet it is a bonus reward. It is something you dont get if you dont use rdf. So its a bonus of using rdf.

Psst. No it’s not.

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I too, exit a debate when I lose :slight_smile:

Thanks for showcasing to the forum’s how you lack objectivity & the ability to have a nuanced take.

Inflammatory thread is inflammatory.