We want RDF

It’s NOT fine. Who said it was?

Aw, that’s cute. You think you know who the majority is.


No one cares about the rewards. Keep them, remove them, they’re so trivial no one cares. Except you. The only question unanswered is are you that stupid and greedy that you care or are you a lying troll. I’ve been reading your posts long enough to have my guess and I’ve told you what I think.


Whats the name of your thread?

Having a hard time understanding how that makes any sense.

Of the 178,586 logging US players, how many of them want RDF? 51%?

Where did you aggregate this data?

Or are you just pulling it out of your clown arss?

No one knows. Hence why I said it’s cute that you think you know.

Seems you’re the one doing that.


what does “we want RDF” mean? hahahahaha

It means that them and at least one other person want RDF. Do you have trouble understanding basic English?


So we should put in a whole RDF system for 2 of you?

So, you ARE pulling numbers out of your backside for this. Classy, man. Classy.

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Nice personal attack because you have no ground to stand on.

Keep looking silly clown, you’re entertaining.

The rewards that the bag drops isnt a limited supply item like emblems are. The special loot from the bags (pets and mounts) can also be constantly farmed for in other methods, usually with a higher chance of actually getting it, and for the one you want.

The amount of emblems you can get is limited daily and weekly. The bag rewards are not. If you do heroics for the bags to get flasks, you could farm the raw gold or even the materials to make said flasks more efficiently from just farming those outright.

As an example flasks on my server are currently about 10g per. Varying by a few gold depending on the flask. Lets say a heroic takes 15 minutes average (usually a little more, but still) and lets just assume you will get 2 flasks of the flask you want from the bag (we know its random and not garenteed to get what you want, but we will assume its a garentee for this) you can easily complete 2-3 dailies within that 15 minutes. This typically yeilds around 40ish gold, depending on the dailies you do. Thats 4 flasks vs the 2 the heroic would yield you, and dailies are not the fastest way to farm gold by a long shot.

But regardless i do have multiple tank and healer alts, but thats moreso to help others do content.

You say two people want RDF - have you not been around the forums for very long? Plenty more than two, even just on the forums.

Not sure how I’m looking silly, but okay.

Dude, are you stupid? We’ve already deduced that the simplest fix is to keep both “daily quests” in the game. We’re not talking about emblems here.


Do this and im fine with rdf.

Except the people who throw a fit the moment you even suggest removing the bonus rewards and making it just a queue based system for grouping.

Anecdotal forum posts must represent a majority stake huh? You must have your Doctorate in Statistics you clown wizard.

Do you happen to have any threads to use as sources for people throwing fits?

Again, I never said either side is the majority. I said that it’s plenty more than two in favor of RDF, you clown.


And im not just talking about emblems.

The teleport, luck of the draw buff, and ability to bypass lockouts are all bonus rewards for using rdf.

How does a publicly traded company justify the development cost of designing, testing, & implementing a system for a small group of folks - when the vast majority of subscription payers are only concerned with max level raiding content?

The teleport isn’t a bonus reward. Lol. Nice try, though.

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Basically every rdf thread?