We want RDF

You’re not right, but okie.

just like icecream is a treat if you have it every night? sort of like you do all your chores your allowance isn’t a bonus (which you proved my point on thank you for that.) but i mean i’m wrong right?

I would consider ice cream to still be a treat in that case, yes.

Considering RDF literally states, “Using the Random Dungeon Finder to do a random dungeon will earn you extra rewards,” and the definition of “bonus” being, “something in addition to what is expected or strictly due”

Yes, you are wrong.

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i don’t agree with you, because eventually a treat stops being a treat. especially if its a daily helping of the icecream

i understand what it says. but if its fixed. always happens. it stops being a bonus. further more. this was never about the badges or the gold. this was about a hunter stating tanks and healers getting bonuses from doing dungeons. which they don’t get. they get it in cata yes. but not in wrath. but that is so buried over badges and gold. and if it happens every time it ceases to be a bonus. its now the standard. much like if you do a daily quest, you get roughly 7 some odd gold to 20 gold and some rep as well. the gold isn’t the primary reason you do the daily its the rep. its a bonus at this point and btw, not every quest has gold most dailies do. but has this any different by your logic oh wait. because it says reward. oh wait, it does say rewards, also when i look at rewards on merriam webster literally no word of bonus. and the text here in the RDF tool says Randon dungeon which you complete subsequent to first each day will earn you: 2 Emblem of frost. then if you do your frost daily it switches to emblem of triumph. sorry gonna go with merriam webster.

It’s still a bonus because the expectation is what is received inside the dungeon - otherwise, it would be the same if you used RDF or not.

Tanks and Healers both get boxes of items right now.

Interesting, because that’s where I pulled my definition from.

You think you do but you dont…

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It is the same whether you use RDF or not, you can only get 2 of the good emblem either way.

I’m talking about the additional rewards.

Right which are so trivial they don’t impact why people want RDF.

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…I never commented on their quality.

I said those additional rewards are bonuses to using RDF.

So then there is no issues with removing them right?

I’d be in favor of removing them. I don’t think I’ve seen even one person advocating for them to remain.

However, rewards for tanks and healers should be implemented (or kept, depending on how you look at it at the moment) and used IF the number of players offering to play that role is significantly low.

Nope it would be a non issue.

They need to up the rewards to original Cata levels for tanks healers, but dps whined about that.

It’s totally a non issue. I don’t care if they were removed but no one really cares if they’re not. This is just more of red’s trolling.

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its kind of odd that those arguing against rdf because of the rewards, in the next breath arguing FOR keeping the rewards for tanks and healers. smdh. anti rdf position is so faulty its about as solid as a hillside house in california. lol.


Those rewards are gotten without having to use rdf. Aka, the reward is the same with or eithout rdf, so it doesnt make rdf feel mandatory to use.

Make rdf truely optional with no additional reason to use it outside of group forming and i am fine with it. The problem is it becomes basically mandatory to use with the bonus rewards tied to it.

Do you find it mandatory to play a tank or healer right now?

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Don’t speak for me you clown, I have no need for your fatty teleport retail system.

The current LFG tool is pretty well retail. Wanna try again?


Well if its fine as is, what are you crying about. Don’t speak for the majority when yore the minority sweetheart.