We want RDF

We get it you had parents.

Weird flex

i know it is, but i did add another. because i forgot to mention that in my last statement but threw in another analogy.

We get it your rich and can afford to eat ice cream every night.

Weird flex

i mean why does it have to be the rich? i know a bunch of poor people who abuse their food stamps on icecream. further more middle income people can afford daily icecream. i don’t consider them rich. and no its not a weird flex. but nice job of actually trying to discredit my argument.

Wow now you want to be in control of how people spend their food stamps…

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since you want go down social economics sure, lets make so you can’t buy soda, candy, snacks, and icecreams. oh wait. that’ll never happen. because the state/fed govt wants them fat and dumb.

Wow so now they are dumb?

sounds like you think that. but yes the fed/govt and state are. glad we agree.

No you said the fed government wants to keep the people on food stamps fat and dumb.

How do you know that?

the way they treat the people.

Since you brought it up:

It’s more like the way corporate America treats its workers. Over 1/3 of families that received SNAP assistance had 2 or more people working. Over 3/4 of those families had 1 person working.

The average worker makes about $58,260 a year. The average CEO will make that within the first 7 hours.

Tyson Foods, PepsiCo, General Mills, Hormel Foods and other big corp that are responsible for providing food for America reported record profits for 2021 - 2022.

Exxon’s profit was nearly $20 billion for the last quarter reported. Chevron’s reported a profit of $11.2 billion for one quarter. Oil companies have been reporting record profits since 2020.

Google it.

And yet you blame the government and the people themselves. The term “greed-flation” didn’t become a thing for no reason.

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yes i do blame the state/fed gov. they put the restrictions what is subsidized, and what snap cards can be used on. and you are right the average worker makes around 58k in a year and someone at 58k a year will not get snap.

oh and i have a lot of issues with pepsico and General mills. pure sugar cereals and toxic surgery drinks. gotta keep the addicts hooked ya know. as far as hormel foods, not sure who they are. and as far as tyson goes if i’m not mistaken they are one of the 4 meat packing companies. they’re straight evil to ranchers. charging less for the meats and charging us more for them. (could be wrong on them being a meat processor). and yes i blame the government because they take from the citizens and blow the money on special interest BS. no longer is that money put back into states cities and neighborhoods. they go to corporate millionaires and billionaires. they can all go to hell.

but hey, i’m all for people moving up. most people don’t want to be an electrician, or plumber or any of the trade skills. they view that as beneath them even though they can easily jump up into the 6 figures after a 2-4 years being a journeyman but you have to want that life.

Of course you’re going to blame everyone else except the people actually responsible for the disparity of wealth in this country. Also, look up what “average” means.

This is way off topic and it’s pointless to argue with you about it. All the information is out there and you aren’t going to look. You just want to blame poor people blah blah. And then you bring up plumbers and electricians and claim they make 6 figures. Wow. FYI:


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i mean if we stopped getting taxed we’d have more money in our pockets. and yes taxation is theft. if you want to start sling mud, i’m a Ron Paul guy.

Also i don’t blame poor people for being poor. i blame poor people for not taking responsibility for trying to improve their situation. i blame their actions.

okay i was wrong plumbers i’ll eat that one. so consider that sword fall on.

Life is too short to waste listening to nut cases. Ignored.


No, I’m calling you stupid because you can’t comprehend what “bonus” means.

Additional emblems obtained through queuing with RDF are a bonus, but so is the bonus experience and gold.

No, when I was a child, I had to make sure my room was cleaned, and help out with chores around the house to earn my allowance. The same would go for if I were working at a job for 8 hours a day - the income from those 8 hours wouldn’t be considered a bonus.

A bonus is generally given out around Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, etc. The bonus is in addition to their normal salary, hence the word, ‘bonus’.


It’s this crazy thing called sleep. Believe it or not, my world revolves more around sleep than it does you.

That’s not the greatest analogy.

You keep proving why you’re an idiot.

That is blaming poor people you idiot.

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i know its a hard pill to swallow being told taxation is theft. its a hard lesson to learn. but one day you will learn it hopefully.

pretty i understand what it means. you on the other hand do not. it ceases to be a bonus if it happens every time you do a random dungeon. oh, oh my did i just say that? i did.

again see my last statement. its not really a bonus if it happens every time. just like if you have bowl of icecream every time it ceases to be a treat.

so wait. did you just confirm what i was getting? oh thank you. if you do the basics of your job you don’t get paid anymore much like if you hit the button do the job of the dungeon you get the 2 badges. its outlined there, it doesn’t fluctuate up or down its static it happens whether you do 2k dps or whether you do 5k dps or tank or heal. everyone gets it. every time.


but it is. you just don’t like it.

i mean believe what you want. taxation is theft. you just dont’ have to agree with it. but it is.

i mean if thats how you want to take it that is fine. if you continue to work at a walmart into your thirties and never try and apply for a new job, thats your actions not to apply for the job. i can blame your contentness at your job to not want to get out. also if they are unhappy with their station in life but do nothing they deserved to be blamed for their lack of inaction. i am not going to feel bad.

Troll on, friend. Troll on.

its not a troll if you’re right :slight_smile: