We want RDF

so, when we get cata, and you do your daily heroic. you get your VP right? is the JP for the next dungeon bonus JP? no, they are not. doing a RDF is not providing bonuses. a bonus would be if you do a dungeon you get 2 additional badges on top of what you get from the dungeon Plus queuing in. sort of like how TW works in retail. and again if you’re worried about the gold you’re worrying about the wrong thing. and you’re dying on a mole hill at this point.

and you i am willing to admit you are not wrong in this statement. But you’re openly advocating removing things that were of the RDF system that isn’t a bonus. from the RDF system. you’re actively sabotaging a system and its design implementations. if it was designed this way its not a bonus.

even if they designed the RDF system with no rewards attached to them its still not bonus rewards. thats like saying doing a leveling quest that you get a green from and gold from is a bonus reward outside of exp. its neither. they’re standard.

They exist. Whether they’re significant isn’t the issue. You don’t need to argue their existence, because using RDF to queue isn’t something anyone has given any legitimate reason to avoid.

Someone says, “I don’t want to feel compelled to use RDF to queue.” But they never say why. Therefore whatever bonuses may exist from queueing are irrelevant. There’s no negatives to using the system.

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You’re literally the stupidest person I’ve ever talked to.

really, i think its you. you consider things that aren’t bonuses bonuses. but GG on that one.

No, I consider bonuses to be bonuses.

you can consider it whatever you want. but its not a bonus.

Clearly you don’t know the meaning of the word.

i understand it quite well. this is not a bonus it is a reward from completing the dungeon. a bonus is like if you are working off commission. and depending on X of what you sold goes to you. so if you make a crap ton of sales your bonus will be bigger. if you make no sales you literally get no bonus. if i got 6 extra badges per completion for my dps that would be a bonus. this is not a bonus. this is clearly outlined. but nice try.


If you were to get a $500 bonus at work - it’s a bonus because you wouldn’t otherwise have it.

Commission is not the same as a bonus. Wanna try again?

nope because it still works.

see and you’re still wrong here. because its not guaranteed to get a bonus. doing a random dungeon and completing it guarantees you the badges. thus not bonus. you’re sorely mistaken.

You are LITERALLY the STUPIDEST person I have EVER spoken to. Have a fun night - my goodness.

you’re literally the stupidest person because you don’t agree with me WHAAAAAAA!!! thats you right now dude. bonuses are not guaranteed. i literally lived and died by my bonuses from a 5 jobs ago. i wasn’t promised monthly bonus i wasn’t even promised an increase in salary. i had to earn that bonus. most jobs you have to earn that bonus. only people in this world that don’t have to do anything to get their bonus at a job is a C level employees.

i do have one question for you thought lets say i agreed with you (i do not btw) say we are in the 3.1 patch phase of wrath thats ulduar right? say they also give us RDF right and lets go ahead and take the pathetic amount of gold out of the the RDF system. what difference does it make if i do 5 dungeons and i receive 10 valor badges? how does this hurt you, me or anyone? can you explain this to me? because as i see it right now. there is nothing that it hurts. in fact, if its there. it fast tracks your toon to get a 213 cloak a 213 ring 2 pc for shoulders and i think legs for your spec from naxx tier. a pair of BoE wrists which btw, will be come increasingly less valuable once we clear through ToC with its its patterns for the wrists for all professions which allows you to craft 245 gear. you get access to a 213 boots. never mind the sigils, librams, idols or sigils. These are deterministic loot upgrades available at the previous badge level gear. how does saying 2 saying 2 more extra badges hurt anyone? is it because you don’t want people to get geared for Ulduar? are you trying to prevent people from gearing the way you want them? because you’ve got a hard on over a 2 badges that you feel are a bonus. why is two badges something you and the idiot hunter hiding on a retail account going to die on? are these badges literally something to die? because at this point no matter what you say to me even if you are right i’ll never be able to agree with you. and generally i’m willing to be reasonable. but you’re making 2 badges and 13 gold and 23 silver a mountain out of a mole hill. if this is a bonus. its the most innocent bonus that Blizzard has ever implemented. and its not. btw, in your own words, your daily randon bg you get a bonus of 3720 honor for winning and your daily bonus 25 AP based on your definition. and if you lose its only 620. but again its not a bonus. you’re welcome to call it what you want. i will not. and i refuse to at this point. because you’ve made a defined outcome a mountain out of a freaking mole hill. but again. i’m not wrong you are.

See, this is one of the reasons you’re stupid - I never said it hurts me that RDF provides bonuses. I never said I didn’t want RDF. I never said anything in regards to either except that RDF does provide bonuses when you queue up through it.

Yes, it’s a bonus bit of honor.

That’s cute.

but you keep calling it a bonus as if its a bad thing again i do not agree with you that it is a bonus. these last few idiots act as if its a bad thing. i’m being called stupid. well the people arguing for a “bonus” (i don’t agree with this statement) to be removed form doing a RDF these badges DO NOT HURT ANYTHING. if i was consistently getting conquest badges for doing RDF in Ulduar thats a bonus. but doing RDF and getting valor badges literally isn’t a bonus to me or anyone. the goal isn’t valor, the goal is Conquest at this point. again i ask a question. because these badges from RDF are presented in a negative light. i am asking why is it a bad thing. if you can’t answer that then who’s really stupid especially if the badges are a bonus which i do not agree with. can this be answered? what about when conquest and or triumph become badges to get triumph and frost badges drop? why is getting them a badge thing even of it they are 2 extra for doing the dungeon? if you can’t answer this then i just blow a hole in the reason to remove them from the RDF tool all together. but i’m the stupid one. lolololol you don’t get it you don’t agree with me lololololol stupid. again this is you. answer the question if you can’t that is fine. insults don’t win you arguments it exposes the fact your argument was weak.

Maybe you will finally get why i stopped replying to you when you started resorting to pure insults. Hmmmm.

i mean a guy told you straight something and went right over your head. i don’t care if you respond. i know you’re dumb. when you say you want wrath classic what you say is i want wrath my way. when we say we want wrath classic, we say we want wrath as close as it was when the game finished. if there is feature in that game that was in wrath during 3.3.5 we want that feature. thats like saying no transmog if we cata, no reforging 4.0.1, no assist for pets in 4.0.1. or no 25 man raids or the opposite, no 10 man raids. these features were established in these xpacs. if blizz when they launched cata said no reforging btw, we know alot of you were hyped for 10man raiding guilds, sorry guys no 10 man raids its all 25 man raids. would you be at all okay with these changes? i wouldn’t why should we accept anything else with wrath. we want those features in the their xpacs. its not unreasonable. its not us being being annoying. you feel its annoying because we’re trying to get through to blizzard look you’re taking our experiences away. i’ll get on that band wagon of hating on LFR. I don’t think its socially destroyed the game. i think that ship came and sailed. i think it allows for bad behavior and people won’t react to those bad behaviors like remove people from the groups. but, its a feature of the xpac for cata. its one of the few features I HATED. but when DS comes if it comes out it should be there. much like i didn’t particularly like CMs or the cap removal for dailies for the billion dailies of mist, that should be there. this isn’t subway where you make the classic experience that fits your wants. we the people who want RDF are willing to accept the good and the bad of wrath. for us we see RDF as a positive you do not. and that is fine. we also know that your arguments are completely disingenuous. you say we have an aversion of flying to the dungeon. you’re basically doing what you’re criticizing me of doing to you. only you’ve shown true ignorance with something flying over your head. you can say that about me and the RDF “bonus” badges and gold. that gold is pitiful amounts of gold. if you cry over that amount of gold you need to touch grass. oh, before i forget those badges if you’re gonna cry about those you weren’t talking about badges you were talking about tank and healer rewards the idiot paladin had that fly over his head. thats 2 badges of the second highest quality badge available. again it doesn’t hurt the game to get those. especially since everyone gets them.

if you want to back and reread where i started calling you a brainlet and similar responses please do. i’ll be right here. i may not respond immediately but i do read it. some times i just don’t respond. but you are guilty of just ignoring like hard core ignoring facts to the point i consider you nothing more than a troll from retail who doesn’t want a true classic experience.


RDF for non wotlk instances/raids sounds good to me. Old content is pretty much dead and dungeon leveling is nearly impossible unless you have a group of friends that actually all stick together while leveling the alt toons.

For all the folks worried about end game content, just make sure that RDF doesnt effect current content… or just reserve it for normal dungeons. Make heroics and raids the same as they are now.

You are stupid. You don’t understand the definition of the word, “bonus,” and are arguing about it.

you’re calling me stupid because i refuse to agree with you about the RDF badges being considered bonuses. i don’t consider them bonuses. when you got your allowance was that was a bonus? or was that your allotment of money from your parents? oh wait you probably never got an allowance so i know its a hard concept.

this is the edit.

still no answer? oh well i guess i’m the stupid one because i can’t find it your comments right? oh wait that can’t be correct. you haven’t offered an answer. oh and just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them wrong sort of like if you have a bowl of icecream every night its not a treat.