We want RDF

No idea what you’re talking about, probably replied to the wrong person

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nope im responding to you, you get no community, because the community isn’t interested in doing dungeons the hard way, we’d rather raid log. Try reading

well also the point that polls must be conducted by a neutral 3rd party, aka a blizzard poll would be the most biased of any poll possible, because they can pick and choose who gets said poll. Its why polls are conducted by independent 3rd parties.

Ah I see, well they’re talking about RDF - random DUNGEON finder, not raid finder and raid finder was introduced in cata so your temper tantrum is moot lol


no I’m talking random dungeon finder, its waht got raiders to start doing dungeons and be engaged with the game beyond their raid’s. My point is very much spot on. Congrats welcome to wrath if you didn’t get a raid spot at launch your now paying 15 bucks a month to do absolutly nothing.


You think you’re making sense but in reality you’re not lol


no im making perfect sense, you just lack the mental fortitude to understand it

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Sure if that’s what makes your day better then ok sounds good


Only a small, very vocal, minority want RDF. It’s better not having it.


wrong again voidarcane, a small minority was listened to by ion. every server i log onto trade and lfg chat are full of people begging for RDF at launch.

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i love to read your lovely replies on the topic. they amuse me.

This this and more of this.

RDF for Pve servers only.


We know about the existence of Classic Era.


Is there an honest, legitimate reason why people are so unequivocally against RDF?

I get that you think it takes away from the “community”, but just because something is there doesn’t mean you have to use it.

What harm is bringing it in and allowing those who want to use it to do so, and have those who wish to abstain do so? You aren’t forced to use it. You can still do your Dalaran fountain gear checks if you so desire. You can still choose to put toxic players from your realm on ignore and not get grouped with them.

People are waiting literal hours to play the game because they’re worried that if they play on lower populated server they won’t be able to find groups for things. What is the penultimate argument against RDF that isn’t outbalanced by one or more of the benefits to the community as a whole?


Of course guys! Of course :wink: :wink:

Thats still a restricted poll. Blizzard using the in game GM ticket system is the best way to reach everyone.

I’ve also not demanded anything, i think you’re confused. All i ever said was Blizzard could figure out the most accurate numbers by doing what i mentioned above.

I honestly find it hilarious the amount of people complaining that there’s so many pro-RDF threads going…it’s almost like a lot of people want it to be in the game


Agree, literally impossible to find group for lower level dungeons period, unless I spend 30+ mins spamming chats like I hated to do in Classic and TBC Classic, but I was fine there since RDF wasn’t a thing in those version of the game.

I do not care if they add RDF at the end with ICC, as long as they release it like original WOTLK did and if they do Cataclysm Classic they better have LFD at launch.

The best case scenario would be to add RDF for level 1-70 and only add RDF for level 70-80 once ICC is release like they did in original WOTLK.


I am 110% RDF fan, but yeah there is a reason.

I think there is a genuine fear that allowing RDF will lead to Blizzard releasing Cataclysm and then MOP Bucket and then all the garbage after. In other words, some people (incorrectly) see RDF as the beginning of the end. I view Raid Finder, Cataclysm and MOP bucket as the actual end.

I think RDF was very good for the game and bolstered the sub number a good bit. Everyone leaving (half the games population) during Cataclysm can’t be blamed on RDF, the blame should lie with Cataclysm and numerous very bad decisions in it. MOP Bucket cemented the dead game feeling in wow (YES, Numerous personal opinions based on my perception of facts).