We want RDF

Why would they fear this? They still gonna have Classic, TBC, WOTLK server up for them to play forever on without a single worry if they want to, personally I would be fine with Cataclysm Classic, since it was the most fun I had in WoW pretty much, I loved those few last Heroic dungeons they added they were fun to do and my favorite class Hunter/Mage were very fun to play, especially the Survival Dots Multishot build in dungeons.

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To understand why there is so many people is you have to read these types of comments but I will will save you some time so you dont have to keep scrolling and reading them all one by one.

Here is what is in common points from the Anti-RDF crowd…

  • Kills social interaction

  • Losing the ability to manually form and or vet your group.

  • RDF enables toxicity and ninja looting.

  • Kills communities.

  • RDF to some of these people is the reason why retail is :poop: .

These five points could be debated on as we see here on whats goes on in today’s Classic, TBC and now Wrath. You can still be social even if RDF is out and you choose to be social or not. Toxicity happens anywhere, I have had a mage that used arcane explosion right off the bat during TBC classic while we had a tank druid and proceeds to tell the tank that he bad because this mage is literally using Arcane explosion on pull and recently another mage rolled need on timbals and won despite it being useless on a mage and he was in a group with an affliction lock, he was oughted out as a ninja looter but he did give in and trade it to the lock. RDF has nothing to do with as to why retail is in the state that its in and if you have played retail recently you will understand my point.

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Blizzard already released a Cataclysm survey - there’s no connection between RDF and Cataclysm.


Im good, i made a tank to hr all the frozen orbs so would like to continue on that path.

you want it,you don’t speak for me.

the lfg tool is simple and easy to use.
yes people could be picky, that should not be affect you at all becuse he does not affect me yeah i got rejected from certain group but it don’t stop me from doing it.

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Actually whenever I PVP in that area I camp the tube with water breathing and drown people. It’s quite fun.

Also I have gigs and gigs of videos of me doing hilarious stuff in classic vanilla wpvp. Flying killed a lot of it but RDF solidified it.

I gank people who are on flying mounts all the time. It’s pretty easy with engineering. I didn’t have to explain all of this to you especially with you patronizing why I have fun in the game but there you go. I am a type of person who would never play retail. I am an example of why blizzard did not implement RDF.

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That’s fair and I don’t oppose this at all.

The classic “community” is obnoxious and has been pushing the meta since it released in 2019. Implementing RDF will have zero impact on the “community”. LFG is just adding an extra barrier to such a small and insignificant part of the game.


You forgot kills the immersion and vibrant/populated feeling of the open world and ruins any chance of seeing people traveling to/from dungeons and makes the world feel a lot more smaller and instanced. That is alone is a reason in part why people who prefer classic do not like retail.


Outside of old world dungeons, people will be flying to the instance or waiting to get summoned. With warlock summoning available inside, you’re far less likely to encounter a “vibrant and populated feeling of the open world” unless of course you look up and see 100 proto drakes idling outside of Ulduar.

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Does the opposite: creates far more social interactions as you meet far more people and run far more dungeons.

Simply untrue. You can manually from every single dungeon group even with RDF in the game. Just another example of anti-lfd posters not knowing how the system works.

The most toxicity I’ve ever experienced in WoW is TBC Classic. The dungeon gatekeeping is ridiculous. RDF has nothing to do with ninja looting. Reputation means nothing already, and now you can change name and soon faction and race. Not to mention especially on megaservers everyone is a stranger. By contrast, RDF back in Wrath was a fantastic experience. Met a lot of people and had a lot of fun.

How? You can still manually from every group. It will encourage players to invite people they meet because it’s so easy to queue up and run some dungeons. Which right now doesn’t often happen because it’s a waste of time. RDF actually builds communities.

Those people are…well, idiots. RDF isn’t even used at max level. And take it out of leveling and what happens: no one runs low level dungeons. Is that game suddenly better because of that?


Your char is wearing boost gear and you’re saying “we” as if you’ve been playing Classic for more than even a couple hours, if that, xd


lol i would hope so. its literally happening right now.

you can call vanilla the “classic” era if you want but blizzard uses the terminology different.

THIS is the classic era. and classic is obviously not a clone release of og wow. and one day you will have to get over the irrational sadness over the fact that blizzard isnt just re releasing the retail timeline XD

The cool thing about social interactions is that they’re not all good! You get to pick and choose who you enjoy, and who you don’t.

Like personally, you’re too whiny for my tastes, and the guy you quoted seems pretty funny.

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IDK why you guys waste your time positing totally unverifiable crap like this, as if it matters one way or another.

You think WoW is a democracy? Huh? You don’t get a vote, none of us do. They have an experience they’re gonna deliver, and you can get down or lay down.

I have methods to reliably gank flyers. I roll with a shadow priest and have engineering. It’s easy to kill flyers in one-two passes. We have riding crops for extra speed so most of them do not ever get away.

Been doing this for a lonnngggg time. I don’t see why it’s unreasonable to believe people like us exist. I will level with all of you RDF people.

Give us a WPVP server. Literally give us a tag, just like PVP. RPPVP, give us WPVP.

“WPVP” server has no RDF, There, solved. I’ll move there and you guys can retail the game.

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I could be the sole player in the game who didn’t want RDF, and it still wouldn’t matter. Because WoW development is not a democracy.

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Yeah like i said before they know they will make more money not having it.

Blizzard isnt dumb when it comes to making money, they have a failing MMO that still makes more money with less subs.

Classic Era is literally what the 1-60 servers are referred to as.

Correct it is a business.