We want RDF

The anti-lfd people is the worst kind of player, and the one comunity you don’t want to encourage, they think they have some kind of moral high ground and know better than us what we really like and find fun, they are all about controling and gatekeeping, kinda like Blizzard, and how many times they were wrong and had to reverse course?


yeah but then he wouldnt have further alienated everyone who isnt throwing a cry baby fit about rdf, worsening their support.

let them keep making posts and annoying the piss out of everyone else!

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we apparently do know better than you, because we know about the existence of retail. which is what you want. go play it.


But rdf was in original wrath?!?


this isn’t original wrath.
unless you’ve been playing on private servers until this very moment, you have noticed they’ve been making changes since vanilla classic released.

why on earth would they just want to re release retail again but twice the pace LOL

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I know one time they added RDF and they “reversed course” by not adding it into the game…

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Nah, we don’t want RDF. I want to be able to see people in the world and intercept their travels. I like WPVP. I like the world to feel alive. That’s kind of why I like classic. Don’t care if it was in the original wotlk, I played original wotlk and hated that part of it. I’m glad they learned from their mistakes and took it out. I think they knew they would genuinely lose a big chunk of us if they didn’t remove it (not like fake unsubscribe like you all threaten to.).

I was unsubbed for years before classic. I wasn’t going to sub to wrath but with the removal of RDF it’s basically just an extended TBC for me in regards to wpvp so i’m sticking around. Sorry! Maybe blizzard could give all of you who want RDF one single server. Then you guys can all roll there and use RDF while the rest of us can have what we want too. I’m sure the type of people who want RDF all play on servers like benediction or faerlina where it’s basically a PVE server anyway so you won’t ever miss the WPVP RDF completely kills anyway.


“ we want RDF … to be forever deleted and to never be brought up again.”

You love to read LFG bulletin board don’t you? And you just love to stare at LFD hoping the role you need queues up, you’re trolling right?


So you’re telling me that when you join a group for heroic slave pens and after looking for the group for about 30 minutes you finally find one, and then they all wait on you to world pvp your way into the heroic from the other side of the outlander……And you just love to see some lvl 63 in the water killing a Murlock while you’re flying from shadow moon valley zangarmarsh. And that because you love to do those things we should all do them too so that when you fly past us while we’re also flying to our same dungeons that we have been trying to get into. It feels alive to you? Wow just isn’t good to you unless you see people hardstuck in cc on a flight path flying to places ? You aren’t serious are you?


The smart thing would be to send out a survey with the GM ticket system (as they have done a time or 2 in the past). 1 per account, only sent to classic characters. They could easily find out what people want. The question is if they actually care.


Yes please :slight_smile: :hear_with_hearing_aid:

Yes we do!!! I AM KRUMTOILET!

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Do you really think they don’t already know? I’m not talking about trolls on the forum spouting nonsense. Anyone with a brain realizes the vast majority want RDF in Wrath. And amazingly, miraculously it’s actually an authentic solution to the myriad of problems plaguing the game right now.

It’s not that they don’t know. It’s that they don’t care. They literally have not asked the players a single time what we think of RDF. Not once. Even in the new Cata survey they asked about LFR. That’s good…though it really should be an in-game poll to get a real poll of players and not some survey sent to hand-picked players.

But anyway, that’s still more than they’ve ever done about RDF. They clearly do not care what the players want.


Solid numbers to show everyone is always better than “everyone know.”

People have linked dozens of polls. Tens of thousands of votes. All about 70% pro-lfd. And every single time the anti-lfd trolls say it doesn’t count because it’s not official.

Well obviously not since Blizzard refuses to ask the players. But it’s the only data that exists. And there’s exactly zero data that says players don’t want RDF by contrast.

The point is you demand evidence and then invalidate the only evidence that exists one way or the other.


Honestly wouldent mind no rfd if the lfd was not purposely made inferior and clunky.

Add retails lfd system. It is clean and easy to use.

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He was speaking for the majority not the minority.

They have no choice but to deny the data.

They obviously can’t cope with being in the minority.


Cross realm RDF for classic right now, RDF for classic and tbc when wrath launches. Hard to find groups for old content.


nope, the raid geared folks will raidlog, and ignore you when you want to be carried through a heroic. We will laugh at you, and we will exclude you because you don’t have the gear to join our raids, and in general you will be back here complaining you can’t get into heroics because no one does them, and we will just laugh at you, because you brought this on yourself. Enjoy, I know I’ll be enjoying my raid logging, and ill really enjoy not even responding when some whispers my tank asking if i can tank a heroic for them, not even say no, just refuse to respond.