We want RDF

Indeed. Even the satchels you get while doing dungeons leveling are rather worthless. You’d get the same ones every dungeon and just vendor them.

Red’s just trolling. That’s what he does. Apparently he wants no one doing dungeons. Why else would you want things that get players grouped up, interacting, and doing dungeons removed?

Nothing he’s mentioned has anything to do with the group forming process, which he keeps harping on is what RDF destroys. The emblems, the gold, bypassing the heroic lockout. NONE of those things are impacted with how you form your group. So the only difference is instead of getting summoned to a dungeon, you get teleported instead.


I think that’s a great thing. Often in BC I’d want to heal for friends who wanted to do the daily but I couldn’t because I already did it.

There is no freaking bonuses from queuing into RDF. stop being disingenuous about this statement. RDF does not provide you a bonus from queuing.

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Of course it is. RDF creates an active, thriving dungeon culture. And for whatever strange reason some people apparently don’t want that.

Blizz doesn’t either.


Lol - so you’re just afraid more people will use RDF than not? My goodness, you’re all over the place.


I’m mostly convinced it’s mostly Birmingham who just want’s people to be forced to pvp at the summoning stone.

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Yes, there is.

It’s such amazing world pvp when almost all the servers are massively faction imbalanced. :wink:


tone deaf. from someone hiding their real character from retail or classic GG gives a cookie to the troll okay on your way with you.

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the two emblems were standard those were not bonuses.

You got gold, and tanks/heals did get a satchel eventually.

yes in the current system for tank and heals you do but not from the RDF system its self. and yes tanks and heals should still be incentived to do dungeons.

Actually, RDF started giving tanks and healers (the two roles least represented) “satchels” to help incentivize them to queue. This, however, was not implemented until Patch 4.0.1, 4 months into Cataclysm.

During Lich King, you received 2 of the top-tier emblems for your first heroic, then 2 additional emblems of the lesser-tier per heroic after that.

Also seems that dungeons below 80 rewarded money and additional experience, as well.

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Should correct your first sentence since RDF did not give rewards to tanks and healers in Wrath.

I was referring to this part. They did not specify LK as the timeline.

yes this is correct. and i don’t care as long as you see more tanks, more healers and dps get runs through herocis. why is this bad. yes it sucks dps don’t get satchels but those that can tank and heal should learn to tank and heal if they want those satchels. and yes i’m aware mages hunters and locks are incapable of doing this. and yes this sucks. would say sorry not sorry, but i don’t think being disingenuous and that doesn’t solve anything.

as far as the two emblems everyone gets this who cares.

Items, gold, or experience gained through queuing in RDF not gained by traditional means are a bonus.

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really? are you sure about this? because traditionally in 3.3 people could use the queue system and go to the dungeon. the loot that drops is still the same loot they would get from walking into the dungeon. the gold they get from the mobs is still the same gold they get from the mobs they loot there is zero difference. oh no, they get a 13 gold 23 silver bonus from doing a dungeon!!! the HORRR!!! any daily from SP IC or SB rewards more than that. and there are roughly i want to say close to 20 of those dailies at of those 3 zones. but 13 gold is what you’re gonna lose your mind over. 13 gold does not break the game. if you’re worried about 13 gold boy oh boy can we switch subjects real quick if you’re worried about 5 people getting 13 gold and 23 silver? you’re really worried about this? are you sure you want to worry about such an insignificant amount of gold? hello, there are legit gold sellers on these servers selling enormous amounts of gold. and you’re worried about 13 gold and 23 silver? and if htey did implement RDF tomorrow you’re worried about the lesser badges being given out at 2 per completion of a dungeon really? but never mind the gold farmers right? its that blasted 13 gold and 23 silver. bro i can sneeze 13 gold and 23 silver faster than doing a dungeon. you are overvaluing the gold you get. and you’re overvaluing the those 2 bonus badges. never mind they already currently give you 5 additional badges from an actual quest per day. but never mind that. lets remove that as well.

your argument about these badges and gold is ludicrous especially since if someone really wants to go ham they don’t do dungeons they do a GDKP and buy gold. like omg any argument you present is just laughable at this point. its not traditional blah blah blah blah. you want a traditional wrath experience? well we have it right now for naxx but in 3.3 the traditional wrath experience is RDF. you don’t have to use it. you don’t. but it should be. and if you’re worried 2 stupid badges and 13 an a quarter of a gold. you’ve got your priorities totally mixed and skewed.

…what? You said RDF doesn’t provide any rewards when queuing, which simply isn’t true.

Nothing about this release has been even REMOTELY close to being authentic.

The queueing rewards are a good thing. Incentivizing players to do dungeons is a good design.

The fact it has nothing to do with the grouping process is what makes it irrelevant. Using RDF to form your groups is 100% optional. And that’s the important part.

As far as using RDF to queue for dungeons…what is the actual objection to that? What are the negatives to that?

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