We want RDF

How is that an insult?

Awfully mean of you to believe being poor is bad bruv.

You and I both know it was. Not a very good one, but still an attempt at one.

Troll on, friend, troll on.


You’re rude brah.

One of the biggest complaints has been the feeling of RDF queueing being mandatory to get those two emblems, right, and we’ve proposed a solution to that, where they no longer need to queue at all, and yet, they still problems with it lol.

He doesn’t want solutions. He wants to troll. Have you not figured that out?


In all fairness, though, I’m sure if we dug down deep enough into your old comments from when you were against RDF, we’d find you calling us trolls, too.

No one cares about the bonus rewards and no one would complain if they were removed. So you can drop this argument. The truth is that not even you care about the bonus rewards. They’re too trivial to care about. This is just another of the lies you make up to have something to post on the forums.

You would not. Despite what my stalker claims I never made many posts against RDF. This was way before the RDF debate even began, and it was a philosophical objection to the system. Never the people who wanted it…since there was no debate about whether or not RDF would be in Wrath before Blizz arbitrarily removed it. Everyone expected it in Wrath. There weren’t threads about RDF before Blizz announced it wouldn’t be in Wrath. And the very date they made the announcement I was already in favor of it being in Wrath. I was advocating for compromises from the start. Little did I know that Blizz didn’t actually care what the players thought or wanted. And thus compromises are meaningless.

I don’t mention these things to draw attention to myself. The point is there was NO debate about RDF before Blizz took it out of Wrath. There weren’t threads about the issue. There was no one taking sides. Blizz completely created this drama all on their own. Sure, there were random sporadic posts like if someone asked me what I thought of Wrath maybe I’d say…‘Wrath minus RDF would be ideal.’ With the very simple explanation that I never for one second actually really thought deeply about the system, its impact, and what its lack meant. Once I did it became obvious it wasn’t the problem with what happened to the game. TBCC really opened my eyes to that fact, which is when my opinion started to change.

In any event, no I never called people who wanted RDF trolls. Why would I? It was a part of Wrath.


That’s odd, because there’s been some threads linked in various threads that include you objecting to RDF. Some of which fall under April - right around the time it was announced.

Knock yourself out looking them up. I know what I thought and when I thought it.

I am literally the only person in que for the heroic daily today… The game is dead af. All anyone does is naxx log now

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I don’t think it’s under this character - you have an alt that you posted on, correct? In fact, by the same name if I recall correctly.

Nope. I had a Retail character I posted a LOT on before Classic launched. I doubt I ever mentioned RDF since that was all about Vanilla WoW. He’s long since deleted…as all my other characters have been for a long time. There might have been another one I made literally 4 or 5 posts on. Again, none about RDF.

I think my stalker thinks I’m someone I’m not. I’ve been posting on just this character for close to a near now. And I guarantee I never attacked people who wanted an authentic Wrath. Even when I criticized the system long before Blizz were removing it. Because who would I be attacking? Like I said…there were no discussions going on about RDF.

Both effect efficiency after the group is formed.

If its considerably more efficient people will use rdf for that bonus.

Unless of course you want rdf for something other than just grouping and making content more accessible?

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For it to be easier and less effort needed to the point you can bot it more efficiently?

So we reached an agreement for a compromise. Add rdf with no bonus rewards. Having it be a queue based group forming system for dungeons and nothing more.

Sure, almost no one even remembered that there were any bonus rewards since they were almost worthless anyway. I vaguely remember getting excited to get loot boxes on my healers until I learned they were just vendor trash.

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Healer loot boxes weren’t until Cata.

Yeah, I think I remember that. It was so long ago that I don’t recall all the details. But even the loot boxes they added later were just vendor trash. None of the incentives they added mattered to me. I doubt anyone really cared about them

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You are not forced to do anything.