We want RDF

You also said teleportation and “Luck of the Draw” - neither of which affect you if you don’t use RDF; the main point of our conversation has been the extra two emblems from the daily, which we have come to to an agreement on with a fix.

What other reasons are there?

noone even runs maura anymore because its so horrible to make a party for and then travel to. Everything after SM/ZF is dead. Especially Maura/sunken/brd/lbrs etc. That last 42-58 is pretty much a deal breaker for most people due to how poorly optimized the quests are and how bad the dungeon situation is. When you finally get free of that hellish nightmare and into outland it feels like ‘oh thank god’, but most dont even make it. I still have a bunch of alts all stuck in the 40s that will never see TBC unless RDF is put in

It’s not coming brah.

In the past four months, I think I’ve seen maybe two groups for Maradaun in total. But it’s definitely thriving content, right??

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Oh no.

No one cares about Mara :frowning:

Either you cant pick up on sarcasm or youre screwing with me. Either way what you just described is exactly what I was addressing. The finder in fact makes content more experienced. I agree 100%.

I think they were agreeing with you…

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Youre missing the point. GG.

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Nothing compares to Naxx for 4234234th time. Cutting edge.

I am not I assure you.

Not having to level 79 times before 80 would make more 80s.

Water is wet.

Wow how insightful.

Hence why Blizzard gave you the option to skip 69 of those levels.

Okay so why are people whining about Mara then?

About as useful as a lvl 13 troll repeating “its not coming bruh” 50 times.

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My comment is true. Be mad, who cares?

Because people shouldn’t have to fork out $50 to have even a chance of experiencing content. That same content, mind you, they quoted as being one of their Design Pillars.


Stop being poor.

Apparently he just doesn’t want anyone doing dungeons. What insanity is it to actually remove reasons for players to do dungeons?

What amazing design! Let’s remove incentives that get players grouping up, interacting, and running dungeons!

On top of the fact group forming doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with RDF. He could literally pretend RDF isn’t in the game and it would have no impact on forming groups.

It’s also rather sad that about 95% of the anti-rdf posts on the forum are from one guy.


My goodness - I thought we could have had an actual conversation, but you’re just going to troll, huh? Pity.

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This is a conversation.

Both of my points are true but your feelings are hurt.

You told me to not be poor. That’s not a conversation - that’s an insult wrapped up in an assumption.