We want RDF

I really don’t understand this argument that Blizz should remove a reason for players to do dungeons. What a weird take.

In any event, the emblem rewards are tied to queueing, not group forming. Players like Red can completely, utterly 100% ignore RDF as they form their groups. Which then leaves just queueing for a dungeon. So instead of getting summoned to a dungeon, they get teleported. And for that reason he’s against RDF. :rofl:

Come on. Who can take that seriously?


Good news everyone, this person right here is a completely disingenuous. and arguing in bad faith.

Collete, you do not need to use the RDF system. you also do not need to use it with randos as you call. further more unless you have are building a group entirely comprised of people you know exclusively. you are gonna have a rando.

further more yes, yes we do want this feature. it was part of retail wrath. and it should be implemented into wrath plus. if you don’t want it in Vanilla classic, fine. if you don’t want it in TBCC, absolutely fine with that. but stop trying to take features away from the game that were there in the game. and before you say it was barely there. it was there for nearly an entire year before cata launched. it was introduced into the game on 12/9/2009. cata officially launched in 12/7/2010 thats an entire year. little under half the entire xpac.

edited portion below

really, i just logged into my pserver hunter, cleared like 5 heroic dungeons with RDF in a matter of an hour and 10 minutes. they all went smoothly. you really uninterested in being sincere in this discussion aren’t you? only time i’ve ever been toxic to someone in a dungeon is if they caused multiple wipes or they were just following another player in the dungeon doing nothing in the dungeon. at that point everyone else including you has the right to be disgruntled no matter how many times you’ve seen the dungeon.

also good news, thought collete. wow wrath had RDF sorry but it was there. don’t want it? find a good Vanilla Pserver or a good TBC Pserver that doesn’t have it. or go play the Vanilla Classic server. because if we have anything to do with it and i me we as the majority. will get what we want. RDF.


Except the daily heroic quest is gone with how 3.3 implemented rdf. So there would be no getting them without rdf.

And all of the lower tier bonus emblems cannot be fained without rdf as well. Essentially forcing people to use rdf.

Again, remove all bonuses and its just a grouping tool. Then i am fine with that as its no longer mandatory to use.

Its not removing a reason to do dungeons, its removing the reasons why rdf is mandatory. No bonuses makes it optional to use.

Make using rdf and manually forming and doing the dungeon equal in rewards and then its not mandatory to use rdf.

Again, this wouldnt be removing the incentives for doing dungeons, this would be removing the incentives for using rdf. Making it equal to manually formed groups that dont use the tool.

Let’s say it was implemented tomorrow, and the daily heroic quest was moved to RDF, and it would be rewarding 2 Emblems of Valor - completing this is not “mandatory” since we can still obtain those very emblems in raids.

In the case of it being mandatory to use RDF to receive the reward - it’s the same now. It’s mandatory to pick up the quest. Didn’t pick up the quest before heading into the heroic? Sorry, you’re out of luck. At least with RDF, you’re guaranteed those emblems, regardless of if you visit Dalaran first or not.

Simple solution? Keep the daily quest in the game both in Dalaran and RDF.


RDF does not prevent you from utilizing the massive social network you brag about to form your group first then queue for it.


A limited supply from raids. Again limited supply.

Big suprise coming for you. People play this game to progfess their character, and those emblems can be used to do that to a degree if not winning rolls on gear.

So again, it becomes effectively mandatory. Especially for the first few weeks of the “new” phase when the desire for the newest emblems are the highest.

Still forced to use the tool, thats the issue.

It’s a nice tool that makes content more accessible and allows people to get things done. There is nothing wrong with having the option. People who don’t like it can completely ignore it.


But, again, the simplest solution would be to keep the daily quest in the game and allow RDF to also act as the quest giver.

But what about my classic social experience of now using a LFG tool that never existed to begin with? I will use that tool and a chat addon to enjoy my classic experience and you’ll like it. To hell with quality of life upgrades like equipment manager, heroic plus, raid gear from 10 mans in dungeons, 25 man loot moved to 10 man, raid size lockouts between heroic and normal etc etc etc. #NotInMyClassic… oh wait. A more perfect example of delusional nostalgia does not exist.

Even more unacceptable is the notion of giving players the agency to decide how they will level IE Healing and Tanking dungeons for their lvling experience. Only classic Andy’s can tell us how we are suppose to enjoy the game.


And if thats the goal there should be no issue removing the bonus rewards and just letting it be a tool that helps people group and get things done.

If thats not enough for you though you clearly want it for more than just getting into groups and getting stuff done.

Aka, you want it for more than just acceptability of content.

yea even heroics are becoming near impossible to get. trying to heroic world tour to gear up my newly made 80s and its been absolute hell. Cant even get daily quests done. This is such a joke. People are literally just skipping heroics and going straight into naxx massively undergeared now

Yeah, I really don’t want the hour long process of finding a group for a dungeon back. That was never a fond memory for me. It’s even worse when you often aren’t successful in finding a full group at all. The issue only gets worse as less new players join over time. Eventually I’ll just have to skip them unless a high level will run me through them.


And i would be fine with that for the top teir emblems. But no bonus lower teir emblems from repeat use of rdf, no luck of the draw buff, no bypassing lockouts and no teleport.

Make rdf essentially equivalent to a group that manually formed and did the daily quest and i have no issue with it.

I am willing to compromise, are you?

You’re moving your stance now. Initially it was because the emblem reward caused it to be mandatory - we solved that. Now you’re bringing up other things. You’re not looking for a compromise at all.


What is this blasphemy. Nothing is better in this game then taking a literal hour to get a Mara dungeon group together as Alliance, making it to the 2nd to last boss and someone leaving then deciding if its worth the next hour finding a replacement and working out the entire summon issue. That is peak WoW and it should never die by solutions implemented to fix exactly that in the same expansion no less.


No compromising is necessary.

The new lfg that wotlkc has compared to wotlkc lfg system is UI improvements. When it boils down to it its not really more than that.

Wotlk had a lfg tool similar to what we saw in tbcc. The major difference between the two is the new one is easier to use, can be used for more than just dungeons, and has more details through the abikity to add notes to your liwting, see class/specs, exc. Its overal function though is the same as how the lfg tool worked in origional wotlk. The major difference would be being able to whisper from inside the tool instead of just invite, the ability to suggest an invite if not group leader, qnd the ability to suggest an invite when trying to join a group.

Ive been saying all bonus rewards. You are the one focusing purely on the emblems.

Could it be you want rdf for reasons ither than just the grouping and ease of sccess to content?