We want RDF

The simpler explanation is trolling. His posts lament the loss of the social group forming process if RDF is added.

Group forming is 100% optional with RDF. He can completely ignore RDF for making groups and wouldn’t even know it’s in the game.

So then they switch gears to ‘Everyone will use RDF.’ Which is just a translation of, ‘Players have another option besides being forced to group with me.’ It’s been established he gets carried in every group. Maybe it’s that accountability he’s afraid of. But still…even with RDF you can form groups with friends, with guildies, with that random guy you meet out in the world. And more of those random groups will be formed thanks to the convenience and accessibility of the tool. So maybe less full 5 man server parties, but an absolute explosion of 2-4 man groups then with the remainder filled out with RDF.

In any event, you can’t force players to be social. Classic has taught that lesson. I would argue players who are less stressed out, less frustrated, less aggravated because their time isn’t being wasted behave better. That was certainly my experience back in Wrath.


No RDF, no subscription. Vote with your wallet, It’s that simple. I’ll check back in another month or 3 to see if Blizztard gets the memo… Seriously there is an infinite number of better games and publishers to support.

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I think you guys got your information wrong.

The RDF gives you x2 of the best emblems and gold on the very first dungeon of the day when lvl 80

After the first dungeon, you would get a bonus emblem of a lower quality . You definitely do obtain more than a total of “2” emblems per day.


Shhh thats logic they hate that

No, we don’t want that garbage in classic. Retail has that if you want it.

I don’t want to be forced to use a tool to be grouped with randos ill never see again who roll need on everything and want to rush rush rush to the end boss for their loot crate.

And you are forced to use it, stop spouting crap. Try forming a group on a pserver with RDF without using the tool, you can’t, because tanks and heals want their bonus tool loot and DPS don’t want to drop their spot in their 1 hour queue.


Who is ‘you guys’? That’s exactly what I said: 2 frost emblems the first random and 2 triumph each one after. And since when is incentivizing players to do content bad? It’s somehow better if there’s no reason to run dungeons?

By the way, those random queue rewards have absolutely nothing to do with the group forming process. Anti-rdf trolls continue to ignore that fact.


It happened literally all the time.

And realistically, it should remain the same experience for Anti-RDF players since they claim they’re in the majority.


Don’t get baited by someone telling you to go play Retail because you want an authentic Wrath. Just report those ridiculous posts. According to their logic Death Knights should be removed from Wrath. If you want to play a dk, go play Retail!


It “literally” does not. I was there playing OG wrath, played pserver wrath for years, I know exactly what RDF in wrath is like and it’s toxic garbage. Retail has it, please go there if you want that RFD LFR crap.

Let those of us who want an mmo without RDF have one. You guys already have TONS of options with RDF features.

Not a single one of the people you’ve reported for telling you to play Retail, have or will have any sort of forum punishment applied because of your reports. Ion Hazzikostas himself has said Retail exists if you want an RDF experience.


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Yes, it did.

As was I. Would you like a cookie?

Classic Era doesn’t.

You have one - it’s called Classic Era.


It would cost an absolutely trivial amount of money/time. RDF is also already created and implemented, the retail client and the original client both still have implementations that the devs would either copy/paste or simply enable. (Maybe a very small amount of time spent on refactoring the original UI files, but trivially small amount of work).

Exactly like RDF. People absolutely have quit over no RDF, not everyone plays the same as you and some of us actually put a bunch of replay value in RDF.

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No, the tanks and healers also use the tool because it yields faster group creation time. The bonus isn’t the only reason we use the tool. My main gripe with the current implementation, as a tank, is purely that I can go to do a heroic on a pretty popular server and have an hour+ time to fill depending on time of day and whether it’s the daily. This is compared to the instant queue I would have with RDF because dps/heals would be pushed into the dungeon I queued for by the daily random heroic queue.

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This is what I find hilarious “RDF gives bonuses it makes it mandatory and forces people to use it!”

Ok, I guess Blizz is forcing you to play Tank or Healer because of the BONUS goodybox at the end.

But funnily enough, you don’t see them crying to remove that little feature, huh?


The entire anti-rdf argument is inconsistent and hypocritical. There’s no logic in any of it. It’s why it’s so easy to punch holes in the anti-rdf stance.

Unfortunately it doesn’t matter since hypocrisy and inconsistency are what define Blizz these days.


I know I basically stopped playing. maybe I’ll come back for Ulduar? I dunno yet, but instead of playing a single player RPG for 80 levels I just decided to actually play single players RPG’s, new ones, ones designed to be played single player.

And I know friends who absolutely would have come back for Wrath, but when they heard no RDF they just remembered their experience in TBC and just said “Nah”


Classic era exists
Classic Era was before RDF

Wrath Classic comes out
People expect Wrath features
Get told to go to retail if we want WRATH features in WRATH CLASSIC

It’s like, actual clowns, but nobody is laughing.


Weird of an anti RDF person to point that out. Especially when he was correcting you about being able to spam RDF for emblems.


You can spam rdf for emblems. The correction he made was on those saying “its only 2 per day”. Weird how you ignored that part.

It gives more than 2 per day, its just 2 of the max emblems per day. Then bonus of the lower teir endlessly.

Aka why i have been saying remove ALL the bonus rewards from rdf and i am fine with rdf being purely used for grouping and there being no other benefits tied to it.

Does it require using rdf to get those bonuses? No? Well you have your answer why its not seen as a big issue.

The bonuses are what make people have no choice but to use the rdf tool because otherwise they are hurting their own progression.

Remove the bonuses being tied to rdf and there is no issue.

Another strawman!

It gives 2 of the good emblem, exactly what you can get without RDF. And RDF does not prevent you from preforming your group just like you do now to get those 2 emblems.

The bad emblems from running it 3+ times have a very finite value, on my server they’re 5ish gold.

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