We want RDF

RDF is of course not content :slight_smile:


the only reason anyone is against RDF is because they think it devalued their social experience. when in reality it never did such a thing they were just too numb to that. things like GS, paid server transfers, paid name changes, and paid faction transfers are what devalued their experience. the arguments provided against RDF at this point have been strawman arguments and anyone arguing these points are disingenuous at best.


RDF is a tool that’s only as good as the people using it. It had the potential to enhance the social experience or destroy it.

The player base opted to make the tool more important than the people using it.

You made your bed, now sleep in it.

If they do add it, probably won’t be till ICC patch.

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And given how buggy the far simpler LFG Tool still is RDF will likely be unusable anyways.


No, it didnt have to be added.

The rdf icon on the minimap can display which dungeon you need to go to and you can run in manually. It is instanced content so it can work just like BGs but you enter by running in. Now if they made it so as long as 2 people are in the instance you can teleport to it i am fine with that as that would work just like summoning stones at that point. But no teleport back to where you were. When you leave the instance you are outside of instance door, not back where you started from.

The teleport with rdf made it easier and less confusing, but it wasnt aomething that has to be in for rdf to work.

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So tedious waste of time is what you’re into?

I’m guessing you’re pretty old.

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CRBG’s don’t work like that, why should RDF?


“but I need things to take longer for no reason other than for them to just take longer”- Red


But he walked uphill through the snow both ways while pulling his boot straps up. He’s not a liar he’s just a better person.


Except these arguments do not work but go on I guess.


Who says it is widely accepted as the downfall of wow? I don’t believe that. For me it’s maybe the single greatest thing they added to wow. I think what led to the downfall of wow was just the release of Cataclysm. I personally enjoyed Cata but I know it is viewed generally as a very divisive and contentious expansion.


I just gave you an example of what a straw man argument is because you have used the term incorrectly a few times in this thread. I thought you would appreciate knowing so you don’t continue to make the same mistake in the future.

Nor does the go to classic erra, which is what that was a reply to.

That’s because there’s no RDF for leveling :joy:

i mean maybe he enjoys flying to dungeons to make everyone else miserable having to fly there or wait for a summon. dunno why but thats the only theory i can think of.


i have zero interest in leveling anything right now because the lack of RDF. i hate just grinding my dick off for levels in the open world. i’d like to occasionally pop into a dungeon to break up that monotony of zone quests.


RDF does not prevent him from flying to dungeons.


never said it does. what i said he enjoys making everyone fly there.

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Yep yep he’s just a weird control freak.