We want RDF

uhh, you call the dude a clown for saying you’re going to need badges for tier pieces because there are no tier tokens to buy raw tier. you do get upgrade tokens for the 245 and 258 gear. but no raw tier token drops… and i never said anything about token items being buyable from the vendors. god your reading comprehension is dog s*** please get some hooked on phonics. do you enjoy looking stupid? is this legit your favorite pass time? or do you look for anyone to argue with?

please reread you potato brained fool. where did it ever suggest you buy tier tokens. oh wait it didn’t. please invest in some hooked on phonics so you stop looking an illiterate fool.

And you need an automated cross server function to obtain your 2 badges a day?

Also the 2 badges a day will help more than… ya know… actually doing the raid? LOL


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I see, and alrighty.

It’s understandable. My mind is just focused on the last year of Wrath. That’s the extent of my WoW expertise in terms of dungeons.

It worked real simple. 2 emblems of frost your first random heroic. 2 emblems of triumph each subsequent random heroic. I think capped at 30 a day. Frost was for current tier. Triumph for previous gear.

It would have worked perfectly if they just brought in RDF with Ulduar. Otherwise they would have fiddled with the rewards since there was no previous tier gear in the first tier.

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If we’re talking about cost vs benefit RDF would save more subs than the god awful LFG Tool(which also still has bugs they won’t fix) or H+ that they’re spending development time on.

Its already created and implemented, no more Dev time required.

No one here has quit because of no RDF, everyone is awaiting Ulduar, not a revamp of Dungeon queueing

There certainly have been people who have quit over no RDF.

And encouraging raid logging is also not ideal for long term game health.


People have quit for sure, but not enough to worry the coffers of activision blizzard.

If youre still playing this game, its more than likely not for dungeon priority.

who said i need it? i never said i need. but when you don’t know how to f-ing read? you potato f-ing brained mentally handicapped drooling cesspool of a human it leads me to believe you were dropped on your head intentionally. were you? does this explain why you are clearly so unable to read? you’re now pivoting because you got caught not reading a comment. you need to walk away seriously go buy some hooked on phonics. i’ll buy you your first set. seriously before you respond to anyone going forward reread their comments at least 5 times.

also 48, badges per raid, if they have the two quests in the raid thats 58. if you do your daily dungeons. regardless whether its through the RDF system that they will likely implement since after watching you on the forums they may just end up giving it to us because little brain here doesn’t have a third grade reading comprehension. 72 badges a week. i’d say yes, those 14 badges will. oh yeah oh i forgot 5, the weekly boss kill if they still have that in the game. 77. don’t forget the 4 from both 10 and 25 voa thats 81. badges. and that is if you kill every boss in icc. thats if you do every dungeon. thats if you get your voas and weekly boss in. oh and did i forget to mention the first time you clear and unlock the ICC dungeons. like 5 badges of frost. so in week one you get 96 badges if you can clear all the content. that sounds pretty F-ing sweet to me. thats one piece of tier that isn’t hands or shoulders. oh and hands drop off the VoA bosses. same with legs… but what do i know right? what does this little dk know. i didn’t play retail wrath when it was retail. what do i know.

invest in some hooked phonics you potato brained drooling sack of crap.

too long didnt read KEK

If you don’t know either, kinda funny your speaking on behalf of a large swath of people as if its fact.

Ironic Human DK is Ironic

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long story short? get hooked on phonics you potato brained buffoon.

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This still? :confused:

you are not wrong but if you’re full clearly 10 and 25 thats 48 badges plus if they leave in the weekly quests in icc (Which is pretty nifty because it gives badges and a chance at a BoE in those bags) thats another 10 plus voas 2 more thans already 62. plus if you top that off with with the weekly boss kill of the week if he’s there in the game they may just yank that out of the game thats an additional 5 badge. 67 badges plus doing your daily thats 14 badges. that isn’t anything to sneeze at. that puts you at 81 badges i wouldn’t say getting roughly 81 badges is and 14 of it comes from a dungeons. again. i’m not expecting people to do it. but if it means for some getting our best sigils or tier or off pieces faster i’ma do it. especially so i can be done getting the necessary gear so i can start buying up P.Saronites to start making either A funneling those to a Shadow’s edge, or crafted material. or B selling them to make bank off. I am not into dragging my dick when it comes to getting some of the gear especially if i don’t get gear i want to make sure to get as much of that badge gear as possible.

you realize that teleporting HAD to be added because RDF is CROSS REALM. it simplified the amount of work for the devs to have everyone teleport in, its why the quests were put in the entrance where you port into. no bonuses is fine. but you cant be removing other parts of rdf without removing the whole purpose of it and without adding a ton more work to putting it in game.

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wrong, i know of quite a few that monitor the forums and even occasionally comment here that have quit wow classic dur to lack of rdf.

and besides which, you lost all credibility earlier when you asked someone this…

and then your next statement you used the phrase…

with no proof of the data to support your claim. youre a pure troll who has no real reason to argue against rdf except you THINK it makes you look cool, and youre a self proclaimed horrible human being who the second i met you ingame would be ignored and i would never have to see you in RDF again anyway.

so go back to hanging out with your 6 friends who watch your stream and have fun ruining other peoples days because… you sir, are now in my idiot box where i dont have to see anymore of your stupidity in the comments…buh bye toxic ignorant child. peace be with you someday as it obviously isnt now.


Yes, I agree

Agreed; well said.

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The majority complaining about it on forums sure, but the majority I have seen in the game is against it.


Not at this point of content release

No, “we” don’t. You, a member of a small but very vocal minority do.