We want RDF

This is also an absurd argument. Where is your fight against insta-queue-from-anywhere BGs that are also cross realm? These do the same thing as RDF. Go on, I’m listening.


Contrary to what you seem to thin some people are agaist rdf because of those bonuses, not just because it lets people get groups from cross server.

I dont like the cross server grouping. But i dislike all the bonuses tied to rdf even more. Being forced to use the tool even with a full 5 man simply because the bonuses are there tied to the use of the tool.


Which is what i said earlier for removing all bonuses…i would support a rdf that is just a grouping tool. No teleport, no luck of the draw, no lockout bypassing, no bonus emblems, exc.

Players who level up multiple alts.

Our RDF is not about converts, making money, publishing or gaining political influence.

The Teleport to Dungeon God said that the good news (gospel) of Teleport God’s kingdom would be preached in all the earth before God brings an end to Satan’s control over mankind.

If you remember the RDF’s prayer , the first few points are “Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Random Dungeons.” Halls of Stone 6:9,10 (KJV)

The word Hallowed means To make holy, consecrate, sanctify to dedicate, separate, set apart for Teleport God To purify

That was the first thing RDF taught and we view that as the most important. That God’s name be sanctified or made holy and pure against the lies told by Satan in the garden of Gundrak and at the time of Job.

It is Teleport God’s kingdom with his son RDF as King that will do that.

So our ministry is telling people about that Kingdom. It is then up to you as to what you do with that information.

you guys sound like a bunch of cracked out Jehova’s Witness’s

The trolls are really starting to crack…

Really. I’m sure I heard at one time or another that there were some rewards for joining the rdf but the rewards were so meaningless I completely forget they existed.

gives the silly druid a cookie good boy.

Funny you claim you cant accomplish this without spoon fed dungeons. Get off Classic WoW if you cant hang.

Changing it for your laziness isn’t an option.

are they though? pretty sure you are gonna want least some badge’s for your tier pieces if you want tier with ToC and ICC. no token tier pieces from ToC and ICC.

gives a cookie to the druid good boy.

Yeah the repeatable reward was like 20 something gold and 2 hero badges, so almost nothing for a 20ish minute run.

Badge’s of Triumph and Frost dont have Token items you clown. This must be your first time playing Wrath, retail baby.

Hes correct, they are irrelevant.

I can wait till I get the badges from raids.

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Those are from the good badge though which regardless of RDF you can only get 2 of per day from dungeons.

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Please no logical statements about game mechanics in this thread. They will personally attack you for making their request seem obsolete.

I have gotten 2 cookies so far from the Human DK Vizantius, which is comically ironic.

plays human DK, complains about wrath

When people speak of badges I get confused. RDF used emblems. So I assume you’re referring to emblems of frost, which yes you can only get 2 a day from RDF.

It’s just force of habit from TBC.

This was covered, and I think their biggest issue is low level dungeons. 10-79 where they cant find people for old world content.

But what they fail to acknowledge is the very low participation of leveling new characters. Sure it would patch work those few who are leveling into a dungeon.

But how much Money would it cost to bring into action VS how many subscriptions will it save.

An irrelevant figure of subs in the eyes of a Publicly Traded Company.