We want RDF

there is this saying and it goes like this - ahem Truer words have never been spoken.

11 year old video still relevant

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really? do you know what comes with ToC? do you know what everyone is gonna want when ToC comes? if you don’t know that is entirely fine i don’t expect you to know. but there are two reliable ways to get them. Honor Points. and badges of heroism. yes you can convert your badges down, but its just easier to grind them now. further more if we had the RDF i’d be grinding out heroism badges right now to get more Boas. but since this isn’t an added feature i’m less inclined to want to play the game and grind dungeons.

You think a compromise is a strawman…

A compromise is where both sides get something they want but not everything they want.

I dont want rdf because all of the bonuses attached to it make it feel mandatory to use. You want rdf to make grouping an easy push of the button cross realm queue based system for dungeons.

Removing all the bonuses gives you your queue based system you want while keeping it from feeling mandatory to those who dont like it.

A compromise isnt a strawman…

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Then go play those and leave the one without it for those who dont want it.

You’re arguing with someone who insists RDF wouldn’t get more players doing dungeons. Might as well waste your time on a flat Earther.


The dude talks about how he would use RDF to scum other players, and has the audacity to say this.

God you are scum. Just a bad troll.

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RDF is an authentic Wrath feature which shockingly people want in Wrath classic.

Vanilla era is there and isn’t going anywhere if you want an authentic experience without RDF.


I know Red is trolling, but that’s such a silly thing to say. ‘The one without it’…he means Classic Era? No one is trying to add it there.

Is there really just a complete inability for people to realize that this is Wrath Classic now? It’s such bizarre behavior to deny a simple fact like that.

And we all know that the people pretending that RDF is some all encompassing game changing feature and not just an optional QoL feature to run dungeons won’t go play vanilla era if it gets added.

Whether or not RDF has bonuses attached to it makes no difference because you can click the button to queue as a solo player or as a premade 5-man group. That fact negates your reasoning. When you make an argument against something, but your reasoning has no weight to either side of the argument, it is a straw man.

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This is how its always been used. You will see if you get your wish Mr. Rose Tinted Goggles.

Yup and I’m not going to run them.

Badges are irrelevant.

Don’t assume everyone is like you and wants what you want. How absurd. In any case I would like 1-79 RDF. Which wouldnt affect you, like you said you dont level. I don’t think you have any say here. You wouldn’t even use it - like you said.

I get it, it costs time and money blah blah blah. You’re a scummer, we get it blah blah blah. I think everything that you needed to say has already been said bud.

Time to go outside.

I already have all the BoA/BoWeapon sets. Cloth-plate. Its been months, IDK how you don’t have this done already.

One world tour is like 55 badges.

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The bonuses have nothing to do with the group forming process. Red is just trolling like usual. You can form your group however you want with whomever you want. Using RDF to do it is 100% optional. I guess the lone exception would be the luck of the draw buff. Is someone seriously going to flip out over a 5% buff? This isn’t Cata where it stacks up to 15%.

As far as the queueing for dungeon bonuses…he can’t be serious. Oh no, you teleport to a dungeon instead of getting summoned there! THAT is seriously why he doesn’t want RDF? That’s laughably absurd.

And of course the anti-rdf trolls have no problem with the healer and tank bonuses that have been added that weren’t actually in Wrath. But like usual when it comes to actual changes, they have no problems.


That’s really rich, I don’t see you advocating for the removal of cross-realm instant queue from anywhere BG’s… Which is the EXACT same thing… Hypocrites.

Exactly, if that was the issue, they can just remove ALL bonuses. The problem it fixes is sitting there for absurd amounts of time looking for a group for things that there aren’t enough people to fill same-server.

Yet this isnt wotlk carbon copy from back then. People still seem suprised by this simple truth.

Pretty much, noone would care if they removed the rewards directly from the tool and just left the quests in Dal. That’s not why anyone was used RDF, it shows how completely incapable he is of coming up with a real issue that he’s acting like the tiny rewards you get beyond the dailies now are some huge deal.


Retail is there if you want rdf as well.