We want RDF

Again that wouldnt be part of RDF.


I honestly just want RDF 1-79 to level. <3

Thats all most people want.

Heroic gear is pretty pointless.

Especially with heroic+ launching.


Bro did you even play? With the 3.1.0 patch it came stock with Heroic queueing.

Yes normal heroics.

Thats all it would be tied to, normal heroics do NOT drop raid gear.

Heroic+ does, and that would never be tied to RDF just like mythic+ isnt in retail.

Youre actually clueless.


you can mythic+ across servers in retail, just not Mythic raids.

Correct, but that isnt RDF thats a better version of the LFG tool.

You have to physically form mythic+ groups, it has never been automated.

Please try and keep up.


But this is a major problem, everyone who wants RDF will never be able to do Heroic+ because there isn’t an automated system for it by your extrapolation.

How very isolating.

Majority of players who want rdf dont care about its use for normal heroics, they want it for 15-79.

So they can find dungeon groups.

Without any other opinions or bias answer this 1 simple question.

If RDF was in the game would dungeons see a huge spike in participation across all level brackets?

Yes or no?


As the spokesperson for the Majority needs of the RDF community, can you tell me what subset of the 178,586 US characters actually want RDF?

Or are you just going to frame the needs of a tiny group of people who are unable to play WOW without the Lazy Group Finder feature, on everyone as if its an overwhelming majority?

I asked you to answer that 1 simple question and you literally ducked it.

Its no different than Joyous Journey, its in the game because the world was dead and they wanted people leveling alts, so they added it to get people to level alts and thats what its doing.

Why cant you answer the question?


What question?

This question.

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No, because the vast majority of the players on this game are participating in end game content. Raids/Arenas/BG’s.

The group of people who are leveling or creating new characters is so tiny. The new character enthusiasts are even more fractured than that with the introduction of “fresh” servers.

So you honestly think if RDF was added tomorrow you wouldnt see a massive spike in dungeon participation…


adjective: disingenuous

  1. not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.

No why would I? Everyone I know already has multiple geared characters. Why would we go level more?

You see thousands of people in dalaran, and you claim you need a RDF tool to even find a group. You think this tool will randomly stim shot participation? Thats a hypothesis.

Another hypothesis is that everyone already leveled and geared up, and there isnt a large group of people who need another character.

but you can keep posting dictionary definitions to dilute what im saying, but more so make yourself come off like a D-Bag :slight_smile:

Keep begging for RDF sweetheart

If everyone is already leveled and geared why add JJ back?

Why did blizzard add JJ back to get people leveling alts?

They shouldn’t of needed to as like you said no one is leveling because they all already have geared alts.

The fact is blizzard has the numbers and obviously the participation of leveling alts has gone up, which is what JJ was for.

I’m just sick of debating nonsense to someone who is completely foolish in his ideas and opinions and think they can’t be wrong when I have been proving you wrong literally all thread.

From your misunderstanding on how RDF works to the fact it being in the game will dramatically increase dungeons being cleared to why JJ was brought into the game contradicting your idea that no one is leveling.

Deep down you know for a fact it would do what it was made to do, it wasn’t made for the sole purpose of automating groups it was made to get more people into dungeons at all levels which is why it was cross server when it launched.

You couldn’t even invite bnet friends into rdf until cata came out, so its literal purpose was to bring up dungeon numbers which is what it did.

You can give your biased uneducated opinions all you want, they aren’t fooling anyone.

Also I don’t need RDF, I won’t ever run a dungeon again. I raid log like the majority of players do already.


Most if not all MMO’s have that “automation”

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the only people who are worried about being kicked from a dungeon are those who either Suck or those who know they can hold people hostage once they kill a boss or two in this climate. plus vote kick in dungeons was 15 minutes in wrath in cata it got bumped to 30 minutes. also if the person is being bad we should have the right to kick the person much like we can do current with the current dungeons.

also if you’re so concerned about cross realm dungeons. then you need to start championing against cross realm BGs and Arenas. oh wait that will never happen. it will never happen. RDF is a net win it doesn’t hurt the game as much as you think it will.


i wouldn’t say you’d never run another dungeon again. there are those ICC dungeons that i think each quest for those dungeons give 5 frost badges.