We want RDF

I feel most classic players just wanna play glory days pre WoW clone era MMO style WoW. Features like RDF push towards modern WoW/Clone games. There’s so many available options if I wanted that. I’d just go back to FFXIV or ESO.


Yes, I want it


Do you really believe this? Anyways, at least I know you will be keeping me company on the forums, trying to oppose the inevitable. RDF is coming!

You are another member of the great classic community I presume. I can tell this by your choice of words, it must come from all the “social interactions” you had in classic without RDF.


It’s called a joke.


random dungeon finder

Where exactly does it say you can see who you’re going to be grouped with before it puts you in a group?

Oh no where…

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Make your own group? :thinking:


Parrots are such interesting creatures. It makes you wonder how an animal with such a small brain has the ability to “talk”, let alone think.

Was it? It’s not a good one.


Doesn’t work that way, when you implement something like RFD most people are going to take the path of least resistance. Rfd was a terrible tool and took away from the community, and gave griefers a free pass, it rewarded “gogogo” mentality and killed the fun of learning.

Rfd is bad, want it then go to retail


I wouldn’t be surprised if we do get it eventually, and that will probably divide the player base even more. If they announced it as part of wrath classic right from the start the majority of people wouldn’t have said a word, because I feel most people expected it. Now if they change people who are anti-rdf will lose their minds.


Maybe it is bad, but I have not seen a single compelling reason suggested that shows that.


Prolly cus hoes mad x24


No matter how much the Anti-RDF people try to lie to themselves and others.

More people want RDF than don’t.

Their arguements are all bunk and nothing but red herrings, conflating RDF with LFR despite them not being the same thing or strawmen bad faith arguements.

The Pro-RDF people aren’t going to stop. If you think we are, you are woefully naive and lying to yourslef


Yes RDF 100% thanks


All the anti-RDF people will be the first ones using the RDF and calling people who don’t use it names and insulting them. They all know its the better system than the LFG tool.


Probably, but it seems like a lot of the vocal people against rdf don’t even run in pugs, they group with their guilds, which leaves one wondering why they even voice their opinion? The rdf wouldn’t be for them.


You must be a writer or something. There’s no way someone can come up with such great lines without being a master of words.


Its called “gatekeeping”. There is a lot of money in selling things like GDKP and boosting services. The more they keep regular players out of the content the more likely they are to spend money and gold to get it.


IDK why people malding so hard… The RDF and the current tool literally do the same thing except one is more interactive with who you invite… Also it’s not like adding RDF is gonna somehow make northrend catch on fire and be unplayable…

Alternatively, not having RDF isn’t gonna make the game suffer either… People who quit because of no group finder would probably quit halfway through phase one whenever they get bored.

People who want it are lazy and antisocial.

People who DON’T want it are delusional if they think having RDF is somehow gonna somehow ruin the integrity of the game, as if it was some kind of “final nail in the coffin”

Both sides suck lol.

I understand some see that adding RDF is the beginning of the end but tbh i think it was cata’s changes with removing talents and and wotlk’s removing of class-specific buffs and utillities. (I.E. Enhance shamans and DKS sharing the same 10% attack power buff or not being able to use strength of earth and horn of winter because they overwrite each other, ect.)

TBH I prefer the current LFG tool not because its better or worse, but because blizzard actually gave people what they wanted and I don’t want blizzard to be punished for finally listening to players.

Before you say (Why won’t blizzard listen to me then?) you have to realize people were asking for blizz to leave RDF out of the game waaaaaay back in 2020 when classic first launched (Yes people were expecting wotlk classic release way back then) and ALMOST NO ONE at the time was on the side of putting RDF in the game.


Oh yeah gotta keep normies out of utgarde keep normal… big $$$ gets spent in there.


I wish people would stop trying to speak for everyone. No one, I’d wager not even Blizzard, actually knows what most people want.

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