We want RDF

So its no different than LFG is now?

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its not made up, I used to do it - and would do it again without remorse. I want my gear. Welcome to the Min/Max baby!

No more/less exploitable than the crappy system we have now, but good one

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No you didnt.

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But im accountable to the reputation/guilds on my server. I could be blacklisted from a raid.

Why would I care about someone not on my server?

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Not like this is new, people who are scum are gonna find a way to be scum regardless. But im sure you already knew this. You can kick anyone from the party at any time as a group leader before their loot drops, no votes required - then again, I’m sure you are familiar with this.

Many of the systems in the game are exploitable, doesn’t mean that if one person such as yourself can ruin it it should be scrapped completely.

That is like saying they should delete WSG when you have a flag runner in the exploiting zones on the sides and you cant get to them, which is still in the game. And yet, WSG is queueable right now.

If this was the case, we wouldnt have WoW at all.

$10 name change.

Realistically you should be banned for your comment about ninja’ing the pot in gdkps.

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Never ninja’ed a GDKP pot, but I did kick people in RDF.

You already don’t care about your server reputation, so why do you use that like it’s some kind of important thing that anyone cares about?

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You have pure buyer written all over you so i believe you never took a pot since you are the buyer in the runs and not the Leader of them.


They are probably a gold buying whale on some server because they just can’t let other people win loot over them.


Hes in a guild named after himself, hes obviously just a troll.


WTS Death’s Demise title and realm first mim’s head for 1mil, you want in dave?

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I’m doing well in the game so i’m doing well in life - right?.. right?

I dunno I just want RDF and to chill and game. Not gonna let a scumbag like this Dave guy get me down. I still want rdf in hopes that I get with homies like you tandoor or Drinknblink. There is still good here.

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25% org cut is far more lucrative than buying coins

Are you talking about buying gold? Because wow tokens dont exist on classic… you knew that right?

And who tf buys gold

Anywho, if self proclaimed scumbags thing RDF is a bad call. And decent humans think it is a good call. I can obviously see which side is the better of the two. Ill keep holding out hope - that we get RDF.

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The RDF Dave Votekick rule is now known. Let it permeate the culture! KICK ALL GEAR COMPETITORS! Rejoice with your uncontested new loot!

Grats on stealing leveling gear.


Dont forget the Naxx roll down gear!