We want RDF

I’m going to bed, yall hold it down. Good night Bigdave. I hope you have a fun time playing the video game you like. Same with everyone else.

Everyone is greedy, especially when the Naxx 10 gear gets dumped to dungeons.

I would specifically go in with 2 friends and have the voting majority to remove anyone who would contest us.

Bring RDF on for naxx loot so we can exploit it.

Thats not how it works, you should do research on how RDF worked.


ahh so you’re a piece of crap and assume everyone else is one too, well i agree i wouldnt want to suffer you in a dungeon, which is why it is awesome that RDF lets you make a 5 man group beforehand and just port to the dungeon. Yay!


You can vote kick at any time

Pretty sure you need 4 out of 5 votes to kick someone, and it is usually only available once the said person you want to kick D/cs - only then does the option open up.

I find it funny that you are projecting your own horribleness onto others. I find it quite amusing. I’m glad we got to the heart of the issue.

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No it cant.

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You are the social community that the anti-rdf crowd is championing. It’s actually quite sad that blizzard sided with you lot because you pitch it as a social benefit that you aren’t out there ruining peoples days.

I would still rather run into the random scumbag like you that needs on stuff than have no RDF. The benefit of RDF is that I can leave once I see you are a group of 3 and that you will ninja without getting saved, then its a max of ~45min before I’m back into the dungeon I need. This is all compared to the long periods of time we can go now w.o a group ever forming.


The guy essentially doesn’t want RDF because he is afraid he will run into someone like himself LOL. wtfffffff

god the anti-rdf people on these forums are so twisted

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I’m pretty sure you also can’t vote kick in the first n-minutes of a dungeon, so unless you grossly slow yourself down you can’t just kick people.


First 15 minutes.

Dungeon would literally be over by the time you can even vote to kick someone now a days.


Nope only needed 3

Good thing I finish the long dungeons, even with pugs, in just around 15min. It would be a literal non-issue. Maybe they all need on the item but :meh:

You also have a hidden count with your buddies on your vote to kicks.

After a certain number is reached you cant vote to kick for atleast 2 hours.

Only 2 people can be kicked from dungeon.

You also cant even kick someone for 15 minutes, which is longer than the dungeon took.


if you’re going in the the intention of getting end boss loot, you’d just throttle the speed’s with your 3 man.

kick the competition right before the last pull.

GG Easy Naxx upgrade

Who cares about naxx10 loot from the h+'s. Also whoever said anything about RDF for h+, I would sooner assume h+'s get treated like M+ and are not included in any RDF.


We get it, youre the kind of person who would ruin it for everyone. You made your point blatantly clear. Lucky for me everyone isn’t like you, and would assume this to be the exception - not the rule.


This is speculation, as i doubt Heroic+ would be eligible for RDF.

Just like mythic+ isnt eligible in retail for RDF.

At most you would be doing normal heroics with RDF and NOT heroic+.

Again youre showing you dont know anything on the subject.


Lucky for me its not going to be put in, and thanks for acknowledging your precious system has exploitable flaws :slight_smile:

They just want to make up crappy scenarios to try and convince people that RDF is just so bad, but in reality they are just showing how scummy they are. They are the type of person that you can’t let lead a GDKP because they would just logout with the pot.