We want RDF

naw, i just like features of xpacs to be a part of the xpac they were introduced. just like i hate LFR but for it to be authentic to its original version it would need to be in Cata’s whatever its gonna be when it drops unfortunately it won’t be accessible til DS is released. but it’ll be there in the game!!!

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Youre on Benny, should I screenshot the people right now LFG?

Sure, show me who i could group with on my 42 lock right now. Very curious. Biggest ally server, and i garuntee you wont find a group for 30-40 on there. Especially right now. Please, be my guest.

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Which of these people should I be inviting to my VH hc group that I’d like to form for a chance at lavanthor’s, a bis p3 tank trinket?

Atleast with RDF our groups were guaranteed to fill and generally did so in under 15min

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LOL no ones playing a new character buddy, RDF wont help ya there.

Imagine not leveling during the first Joyous Journey

you missed that window by about 2 years.

how is any of this a valid argument? sorry but youre pretty much conceiting that I am right. Thanks for giving another great instance where RDF would be great! Sure would love some group content on my 40 lock.


Exactly, without RDF no one is going to do dungeons while leveling. Yet another thing in favor of bringing back RDF.


Because you are expecting them to implement an entire cross server dungeon system, that will bring its own complaints (via class exclusion and vote kicking, because of readily available fillers) for a tiny subsection of player, for an already dying game.

Why would they put any manpower toward that when its such a small subcommunity of people leveling fresh characters, when they already gave out fresh servers?

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Probably the same reason they would put out a 50% xp buff with Joyous Journeys. Who knows what blizzard does and why, who knows why they decided to early implement guild banks in TBC. I dont know.

A man can dream though. Hope you have fun in the game, and I will do the same. Just wish I had RDF at least for 1-79 so I could level faster, nobody usually likes leveling.

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Just because of your comments about it giving people power of kicking, I’m feeling inclined to create dungeons, get people saved, and then just disband the groups.

People aren’t malicious or good purely because we have RDF and vote kick.

You do realize that the manpower for them to reintroduce RDF is likely extremely small, in fact it would have been much more work for them to create this terrible LFG tool than it would have been to reenable RDF.

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MONEY is the reason.

J-Journey is a way to entice players to come back and max their TBC characters for the release and cycling of Ulduar.

Same reason they released it for pre WOTLK Hype. A way to keep people playing the end game content.

If they lose the small community of you guys who are leveling fresh characters they dont care, you are the vast minority.

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I dont think he realizes that you need a majority vote in RDF to kick a player. 2 out of 5 people cant kick one person just because they want to. Plus I dont see a world where that would happen often today with griefing, most of us have grown up. The average WoW age is around 30 years old. This might have happened back in the orginal WOTLK, who knows, didnt happen to me a lot. Maybe he is just projecting his crappy personality onto other people I dunno. Maybe that is who he plays with and interacts with - if so, that super sucks.

In any case I can’t wait for RDF, hope they implement it.

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okay, cant wait for RDF, really hope they implement it

Why would Blizard do something to make the game easier. they want us to be addicted and reliant to the game.

Thats wishful thinking because it happened all the time back then, and still happens in retail.

Why would I give someone a chance at loot when I can get it now for myself?

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Because they know exactly the amount of dopamine to pump into us to keep us coming back. Queues popping, people doing dungeons, and loot dropping provides us with that drip.

So in reality the problem is that you are greedy and don’t want RDF because it doesn’t come with a “I want a group with no loot competition” option.


I dunno maybe youre a piece of crap. I wouldn’t do that. Plus I already said that probably happened a good bit back in the day seeing as the WoW playerbase was younger. I already said the playerbase has grown with WoW. The average player is around 30, we all grew up… at least I would HOPE so.

I dunno, being a piece of crap for piece of craps sake doesnt interest me. I learned there is another human being on the other side of that character just trying to have a fun video game experience like myself. I would hope it is the same for you.

I think youre actually to dumb to understand what an actual argument is…

That aint it.


Bingo, guy is probably a piece of crap and assumes all others are like him. I mean… look at this guy.