We want RDF

Who is still running heroics? Are you god awful at this game? You would be locked on top of a 30 minute debuff you idiot.

Alts? You’re free to look me up on wcl, I’m not amazing but I’m not complete trash either

Take alts directly into Naxx, dungeon gear is obsolete

Then why do you care about RDF if you think people should skip immediately into raids?


Because its all the autists talk about on this forum, strangulating it to death with their antisocial obsolete needs.

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“It’s cool to be edgy” -that guy


Nice rebuttal, also you do realize its significantly faster to quest in terms of leveling?

Not true for everyone.

Prolly not even true for you.

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You ability to do it has no bearing on it being correct.

You’re right it is, that doesn’t mean I ONLY want to quest or that I ONLY want to do dungeons while lvl 1-79. I quested 70-80 5 times already while only doing dungeons on the realm first race, it would be a breath of fresh air to pop into a queue while questing and have the opportunity to do a dungeon without playing a terrible LFG tool minigame of finding people and spamming chat.


The ability to do content in the game isnt relvant to the game?

Thats not really a good argument.

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There is a tool in game of people who are in need of dungeons.

you see what you need in your group, and you invite them…

How fat can you be that you need it 100% automated hahahah

I know whispering people can be scary

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So you have no actual argument.



So why again do you care if people are “inefficient”?. Seriously, why do you care? If people have fun with random groups and doing dungeon content with a good QoL system… why does that… upset… you? Does RDF… ruin… something for you? Other people doing something different from you… upset you?



as one such autistic i am gonna go ahead and ask you to keep that word from your lips. further more if you can’t come up with decent arguments and have to resort to literally calling everyone autistics then your are a failure and low iq fool screaming at the sky.

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You can only have fun with groups if they are formed for you, you are incapable of having fun forming them just as easily with the tools available.


“I want the social element of groups, but I dont want the social element of forming groups!”

Get back to retail with all your automated systems. You like RPG’s not MMO’s

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I never said any of that. I’d rather spend my time questing than forming a group, and then go into a dungeon. Which is pretty darn fun for me.

Sorry but “hey can you tank? no, okay” “Hey H Violet hold? No? Okay? Oh you have to go? Ill find another and we will have to summon” isn’t the pinnacle of fun for me.

Who cares if i have a system do it for me while I do something else, literally who cares?

Nobody is forcing you to do it, form your own curated group and ill just chill in RDF doing my own thing.

Never understood this whole “people have to have fun the way I’m having fun” thing. Just seems… insane.

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Are you flat out not using the Group Finder?

Hate to break it to you, nobody is using the group finder. Especially for lower level content, you said it yourself. Nobody does heroics. Just trying to get my game on dude.

Then again somehow all of this is ruining… your game? I literally don’t understand it. You even said you don’t need heroics or dont care, you enter naxx with dungeon gear. And that is great, good for you. But I want people to be able to have fun the way they want to. If people want RDF with randos - cool. If someone wants a curated group they hand pick - cool. If someone doesnt want to do dungeons all together and get carried in a naxx - cool. I dont care. All formats are valid. Games are meant to be played for fun, after all.