We want RDF

The arrogance of “I don’t like RDF, so you can’t use it” is astounding. What happened to #NoChanges? RDF came in wrath. Wrath classic is based on the last patch cycle. Last patch cycle had RDF. Seems like a no brainer.


If you want to whine like children you can get treated like children - You’ll get it when you stop asking for it.

He said posting on a level 37

:tea: :frog: interesting.

How funny to read RDF is gonna kill social when 95% of the LFG chat is either racial slur, trolling or unrelated contents.

RDF would definitely make it simpler for people to find a group without having some group leaders looking at your gear at A’dal for a Heroic dungeon (I did see it on Sulfuras the other day) and people that wish to keep group finding on the social aspect will simply continue to do it on the LFG chat… Best of both world, everyone will be happy.


no we dont :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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@hellyas just stop please LFG never seen 1 racial slur anything negative that is all lies, please dont make up stuff to make people think we need rdf… We already have a LFM tool that works perfect its all we need and it has spam filter as well. Not to mention you can not even randomly spam LFG anymore and everyone uses LFM tool… All you players asking for RDF PLEASE PRESS i on your keyboard we already have a Raid/dungeon finder that works perfect but keeps the game still originally Classic without just teleporting into dungeons and never leaving Dalaran or the main city like in retail where every does not talk or just votes to get you kicked or banned because you said hello. Please just Stop its time you RDF players just quit it, we already have LFM tool it is the same thing your just to ignorant to see and use it.

This is probably a Blizzard employee on break defending the decision sadly lmao. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.


I use it. I don’t have a choice.
But either you are trolling or just have no idea about what you’re talking but LFG chat is literally Barrens Chat 2.0, mixed with people actually using it for group finding.
I never said the LFG function we have right now is not working. The thing is some people use it to simply list themselves in order to chat in LFG chat for content unrelated to group finding, and we sometime get invited for stuff we were not even listed for (2 times yesterday I was invited for Sethek Halls while I was listed for Underbog and AC)


+1. I also want RDF in the game. I’ll still play wrath without it, but I’d prefer it

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The whole reason I played Wrath in the first place. Was because they implemented RDF and Dual Spec. No reason to waste money for Wrath if they don’t do the same again. I just subbed and will cancel after my month runs out if it does not happen. Here is the thing I bet people like me will quit, but people that cry about not wanting RDF will stay if there is RDF.


Times ticking :clock1:

Indeed. People quit when they can’t access the content. People don’t quit simply because they can’t gatekeep quite as effectively.


RDF please and thank you.


How about, [Server Name]…<PVP / PVE>…<RDF / No RDF>…[Population].

I mostly agree though id argue the dead game feel came from WoD garrison trash, in both Cata and Mop on my servers i still saw a ton of people out in the world all the time, doing the same quests, farming, etc. once Garrisons were a thing after a couple months, I didnt see hardly ANYONE outside of the capital cities.

yes, RDF is good for the game, just remove the teleportation maybe, but no LFR.

I have literally had far more negative experiences trying to find a group manually than I ever have had just queuing in LFD, because sitting there for over an hour trying to find a grp for a dungeon is frustrating, especially when you have people looking for the same gear, and when people dont win w/e they are looking for in the dungeon they lose their minds and kick the person who won the roll out. Happened to me plenty. All because I need rolled and item that I actually needed, at least with RFD if somebody wins an item you are looking for you can just immediately re-queue its not a big deal.


Same here. I was really open about the change at first, but it’s honestly really really bad. RDF was one of the best additions to this game, and it literally made the world way more populated. It gives you the option to do quests, level professions, or whatever you wanna do, while waiting for the queue.


groups are formed manually. group leaders decide the group. that’s a fairly notable difference.

edit: lol

Please bring RDF back.