We want RDF. And while you're at it, give us also WoW Token

Nope, the whining and threatening to unsub is entitlement. I actually think some parts of RDF are good. I see both sides and came out on the anti RDF position :slight_smile:


Wrath classic is a different game. It doesn’t matter if the raids are the same, the classes are the same, the systems are the same. It’s different!! It’s not the same game.


except they said it would never be coming to wrath classic in april of this year, in august of this year they have been heard to say… there are no plans yet but we have received a far greater backlash from the community for removing rdf than we thought we would, conversations are being had about rdf.

Offering feedback isn’t whining. Maybe if Blizz had actually asked the players before removing a core system from Wrath we wouldn’t be in this situation.

I interpret his statement as “People are very upset over the removal of RDF. We need to take an ambiguous stance so players stick around in the hopes we include it sometime in the future.”


could be, but they pretty much said the same thing about pvp que anywhere and its back pre launch… so who knows. maybe they are actually hearing the noise pro rdf’ers are making. just means we need to turn up the volume.

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The door isn’t closed…they said that many members of their team are pro-rdf and that they are “closer to not-never than never” when they did the interview about RDF.

It will be added at some point because it’s quite obvious that many players are upset about the removal of RDF and the backlash is intense and ongoing.


When did they address the bg queue anywhere? I know they recently included it, but when did they say they weren’t?

No no, feedback is not threatening to unsub. You’re not reading what im saying

More people should threaten to unsubscribe. $$$$ is the only thing Blizz understands.

People have posted feedback for months and been met with crickets. Blizz doesn’t communicate. They don’t care what players think or what we want. If they did they would have asked about RDF. But they didn’t. You know what they asked about in the Wrath survey?

“How much would you be willing to pay for a deluxe edition.”
“What would you pay for a boost.”
“What would you pay for pets or a mount.”
“What would you pay for a boosted dk.”

That’s what they care about. Not gameplay. Not authenticity. Milking the playerbase.

That is definitely feedback, and in many ways, the best feedback to get a company’s attention.

If a company jumped through every hoop of threats to change the way THEY want to run THEIR product, nothing would get done. They can’t appease everyone. which leads back to my point. if you dont like the game, don’t play it

See here’s the thing…they want me to play it because they are a business and they want my money. They will always listen to the money. If people don’t play, like you’re suggesting, it will only cause them to bring in the tool sooner.

I mean, think about it for a second. RDF is a very popular tool and you’re suggesting that the people that don’t want it just…not play? Do you want Wrath to die so easily?

Removing RDF is the change.

And the people who made Wrath are long gone. Blizzard legally owns the right to the game, but these people didn’t make it.

But it is. Blizzard allows carries for gold, as long as it isn’t real-money transactions, it isn’t against the EULA. Oh wait, but you can purchase that gold through the WoW Token and use the gold from that token to buy the carries. Just because it isn’t on the shop, does not mean it isn’t there.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the current devs for WoW Classic didn’t even play it.

I agree with RDF but we can do without tokens. In wrath, it will be much easier to farm gold.

Classic team is 30 people and at least one of those people got High Warlord in Classic. Looking at Aggrend’s Twitter, he has a Hunter in Sunwell gear.

Multiple people who were on the original WoTLK team are on the Classic WoTLK team. I’m sorry if the facts are getting in the way of your narrative.

I want a full on debate with all sides present /bump

WoW Token is fine, only people concerned with it are gold sellers that don’t want competition.

I still remember the years of “We’ll never have classic servers”. I guess the people who kept asking until they got it were just whiney and entitled.