We want RDF. And while you're at it, give us also WoW Token

RDF was a feature, not content.

Stop this strawman.

I don’t really care for the token, but I would like RDF.

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I never said it was content, I said it was included in the patch notes (which I provided the patch notes).

Awesome, the game could use fewer braindead people.

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I still think RDF should be put into wrath’s launch. Even if it comes at ICC, it’s already going to be too late anyways. I’d rather spam RDF for gear over a manual dungeon loot reserved group any day of the week.

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when you argue that it was added in patch 3.3, it falls under “it should be available with later content” whilst with EXCEPTION of guild bank and LFD in TBC (they were delayed because Blizzard had to actually develop code for our guild bank version and it wasn’t ready for launch). All “Features” that were available in latest patch of Vanilla 1.12 and TBC 2.4.3 were in their respective Classic versions 1.13 and 2.5.0.

So, it is a feature, not content itself. No reason for not having a feature available NOW in the game unless they also would have to develop it and didn’t do so far.

What tells me they had very limited resources for classic and came with this strawman that “RDF isn’t classic”.


just wait until icc phase for it. by then you tourists that want to telelport to dungeons will have quit the game anyway and we can carry on with life

I think it’s more so having access to everyone online on your region so you’re not spamming “LF healer for X heroic” for thirty minutes, while trying to get your message through while folks try to meme in the LFG channel.

The dungeon teleports are nice, but I don’t think it’s the reason folks want RDF.

Just like how suddenly your chat is disabled once RDF comes in and no one talks ever again. Oh wait.

RDF = Yes
Token = No (Just say NO to pay to win).


I bet he’s a dps worried about tanks excluding other plate wearers. Which I think is a valid fear.

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You had us in the first half ngl

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In fairness, RDF would make leveling alts more fun for most people. So it would help with the raid logging situation.


stop trolling people and maybe you will be viewed as someone who wants an intelligent conversation instead of just another anti rdf tool

There are several rogues and dps warriors who would like a word. They certainly had a harder time getting into heroics. At least initially.

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You want WoW tokens go to Retail leave Classic alone…

Matter fact Classic team needs to fix the botting problem.
My solution is to make the ore or herb available to the player when spawned and found rather than an herb spawned and everyone hitting the same herb and one person takes the herb and everyone else gets angry.

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except classic, by definition, means restoring to its original state, not modifying something to fit an opinion of what it should be. you dont put a diesel in a 65 mustang and call it classic, you call it custom. you dont repaint the mona lisa and call it a classic, you call it a crime.

people need to stop calling this version of wrath classic. because it isnt and never will be. theyve customized it and therefore should throw away any pretense of it being classic.


I keep seeing this phase. I started playing March 2007 back in early TBC. I was here literal day 1 of Classic. I want RDF. Am I a “tourist”?


No, it does not. Classic is the same as “Retro” here.

They’ve released retro versions of old game consoles that are considered “classic gaming”.

You’re just throwing stuff at the wall trying to make it stick.

A) Look in a mirror

B) You don’t want an “intelligent conversion”. Those of us that have recognized RDF as a horrible addition to the game and the literally beginning of the slip into the toxicity of the player base in the original version of the game (Retail) have been trying to have conversations with people like yourself, but you refuse to listen because you just “want what you want”, without realizing your experience will be FAR better without the system that allowed people to become toxic in the first place.

yep because anyone not part of their group think is a tourist. they want vanilla wrath you want classic. that apparently makes you a tourist.