We traded one spam for another Trade chat is now toxic

Can be, if you upset enough unique players you can get squelched. Whether that sticks is up to a GM, and they tend to side with ‘well you upset enough people for this to happen, so refrain from that behavior in the future’.

Really you never saw posts that did a 4 letter word for a person’s posterior orifice along with some cheevo like
( Expletive) [Backdoor Job]

So in other words if a bunch of players reported you for being a worgen and daring to speak in chat that’s fine if you get squelched because hey worgen daring to talk annoys people. The only plus side of making this dumb decision instead of just making an opt in channel is it might lead to squelch getting nuked.

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A GM would probably see that as people being unreasonable and remove the squelch, which has occurred before. There’s no behavior there to change, I’m not posting advertisements or being combative with people or being disruptive in any conceivable way. :3

Every race has and loves their extremist ideologies and are just as bad with putting us up to our eyes with political violence .

That is a human race problem not a persons color problem

THey did it is called trade now and has been Barrens Chat 2.0 since Cata


How will that be enforced? Who will moderate it? Basically ANY chat channel can turn into a Sh*tshow like Trade Channel. You are not going to pry people out of their favorite chat channel without moderation.

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Except it will take days to get that removed.

THing is according to Blizz’s own rules advertising Boosts is only allowed in Trade Chat as long as it doesn’t involve RMT.

Can be, but squelches were always 1 day then and I got plenty removed within 4 hours. Plus, if people were being malicious and going “Report X for being Worgen” then they would end up getting actual action against them for it.


Sounds like it just returned to the way it used to be, and likely has always been (underneath all the boost selling spam). But this is not unique to trade chat, either – trade chat is just condensed internet culture in channel format.

If something someone says bothers you, add them to your ignore list. If the entire channel gets too obnoxious for you, leave the channel or leave the zone – you can always return later, when things have cooled off.

Calling it “hateful”, “abusive”, and “toxic” however feels like a stretch to me, at least for most of what gets posted, anyway. An overwhelming majority of people posting crap on tradechat are only doing it either to get a reaction or to be edgy, and their words carry no strength or meaning. They may not be “nice” people, but they certainly aren’t evil, either.

Or they would just report you for spam and according to you one line of text is a fine amount to report someone for spam for.

Again not being able to talk in trade isn’t the issue not being able to use group finder is. If squelch just stopped you from talking in trade it wouldn’t be a big deal it’s everything else it does.

Because general chat isn’t server wide. Trade chat is.

How did y’all just now discover this? It’s what the larger RP servers have had for ages. It’s why I haven’t had trade chat on since probably Mists.

There’s no server wide general chat. Trade chat is ubiquitous. It’s the same trade chat in every city, Covenant, Class Hall and Garrison.

That’s not spam.

That’s people getting fired up between battlegrounds, dungeons, and raids.

I think it’s fine.

If somebody goes too far report them and be done with it. If they’re saying really nasty things, multiple people should be reporting them.

It takes time to get it cleaned up. It is a learning process. People learn to relax after being banned a few times.

All we do is chat on Moon Guard and it stays relatively clean. Whenever someone gets out of line, you usually don’t see them for a while.

I know there’s technically just a “suggested use” rule for Trade chat, but…WHY? You can’t actually USE trade to trade in-game items because the disruption is so bad. Trade should be for trade, period. (And General (or a new official “city chat”) should have the same reach Trade does to alleviate the problem. )

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This is what Trade Chat was like before the boost spam. It used to be far worse than it is now but the hate in trade chat is sadly pretty normal

Depends on what the text is, yes. :3 One line of text can indeed be something to be reported depending on the context of said message and if it’s an advert or not.

A single line of text is demonstratably not spam lol.

It can be. “unsolicited usually commercial messages (such as emails, text messages, or Internet postings) sent to a large number of recipients or posted in a large number of places” Take note of the ‘commercial’ part which is essentially, an advert.

There are too many angry 8 year old’s (give or take a few years) playing WoW. I cant prove it because nobody admits to being that young. But there are SO MANY things that lead me to that conclusion, like excuses to why they cant use discord when the truth is their voice will give them away. Maybe its time to get rid of jerks and griefers.