We traded one spam for another Trade chat is now toxic

I would like to see the window revamped as follows:

A) General Zone Chat channel: NPC chat, game info and player info only
B) Combat Log
C) General Channel Menu (drop down):

  1. RP Chat channel
  2. Community Chat channel- works like Trade chat now
  3. Private Chat channel- works like the whispers window does now
  4. Guild Invite channel
  5. Trade Channel- strictly for products
  6. Service Channel- strictly for services

With an ability to block any of the channels in the General Channel Menu.


They are trading, just it’s trading opinions. Also it’s better than seeing wts services spam.

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Yeah it’s great seeing people fight over real world events and mass false reporting you for saying something random or not agreeing.

I didn’t trade anything. I use the badboy addon. The only stuff I see are the occasional person talking about something or asking questions. I don’t see ad spam, I don’t see political, I don’t see none of the garbage I don’t want to see. And the best part is I only have to click a flashing icon to report all of it.

All I know is it’s a problem when you can’t sell mats and in game stuff cause you are reported and spammed out of trade

I really enjoyed trade chat in bfa. Some funny stuff in it.

Glad it’s back.

Tell me you are new to the game without telling me you are new to the game. This is how trade chat was before the meteoric rise of boosting through legion and onwards.

Eh, I have trade turned off. There’s never anything worth reading.

I laughed so hard the first day I logged in and hung out in trade. It’s awesome.

Did I once say I was new to the game, no, I have played this game for over 10 years

Trade chat was toxic before but at some point during the rise of boosting was the only time trade chat was ever used for trade now it’s just a pointless channel that isn’t worth being in
I’m all for general channels but trade I want for trade, not the trolling

it’s called not going back to the boosting spam or the toxic stuff, just keep trade for trade change is good

thinking the same thing. its always been bad since i started playing. Ive just tabbed to combat log and watch that instead, lol

We always had that , you just didnt see cuz of the spam

the trade chat spammers remind me of the ATT pushers in the walmart main aisle
or those girl scouts pushing cookies right at the entrance. lol.
Im here for X
not your cookies and not your cell service.
Probably is a good idea to make a channel for boosting and ads and prohibit it in the regular chat tab.

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/leave 1. Problem solved.

Trade chat was for a really really long time considered the main social chat. It was a long running meme in WoW, particularly from patch 3.3 through 5.3. It simply was not used for trading in this period at all. You’re seeing nostalgia for the good ole days play out, people fondly remember when trade was the social channel. Trade chat has been held hostage for a long time, and when it suddenly went quiet people saw an opportunity to enjoy for its original purpose.


It was always DirecTV here. Good LORD I’m so glad I haven’t seen them in a while. I started telling them I didn’t own a TV cause they would aggressively approach you ever time. “Scuse me sir which TV service do you have?”

“Um, which one are you selling? That’s the one I have.”

That is what trade chat has been for years now, now without the bots you’re just seeing it more
 you can uncheck the box for trade chat man.

Alright, since you’re clearly having reading comprehension problems, I’ll explain my reply for you. He wrote

claiming that hateful spam, abusive language and politics only appeared AFTER the boosting was banned, which is unequivocally false.

Hence, I responded with the actual fact that all of that has been a part of Trade chat since the beginning of the game.

I wasn’t saying it was right or wrong, I was just stating facts.

So next time, I suggest you try reading and understanding what I wrote and was responding to (if you’re even able to), so you won’t make yourself look like a complete imbecile again, alright?

You think the advertiser was bots, they were people posting Marcos it wasn’t always spam either just cause there was like 30 people from one boosting place it was 30 people posting that then made the chat look spammed with the posts regardless it was over done

Just like the spam in trade now is over done. All that was ever needed was trade to have a 1 post per 5 or 10 min limit and the channel would have never would have got so bad with spam

Blizzard can stop this in 5 minutes.
Have a moderator cycle though the different realms and when they see something ban worthy, ban them and have in BIG red letters over the offenders name BANNED.

A couple times of that in chat and the trolls will run for the hills.