We traded one spam for another Trade chat is now toxic

Bring back Barrens Chat!

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unless people decide they don’t want to see it, and then you can be squelched/silenced for it even though it doesn’t violate an actual rule.


Nature is healing!

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You said you should report every seller you see and Blizz can figure out if they are legitimate, not just shady looking low level alts. Wouldn’t call that good faith.

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Not gonna say “I told you so”, but

I’m glad the spammers have been spanked but having the old “trade” chat back is no improvement.

Anyone remember the old Barrens chat?

Sure you could hear some decent Chuck Norris jokes, but there was so much sh*ttalking and toxic stuff in there.

Just something about being being an avatar that makes the worse come out in some people, I guess.

It wasn’t always bad
 but it’s a lot like these forums. It just depends on who jumps in and starts typing.

Not really, it’s just awful its report happy on people like people has to chill on the reporting in trade

That’s all trade has ever been.

You’d be surprised (or not) how many people think that because there is an option for profanity filter, they should be able to spout vulgarities and worse.

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That is bad cause after so many reports they get auto silenced that is TOS for false reporting, and you can read the blue post from a year ago on TOS be punished for false reporting people on the code of Conduct

Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct

I do, and have fond memories of it. Meme after meme after meme.

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Yup I got a warning for trying to sell items

Not surprised at all. It has been a topic on the CS forums for 15 + years. People agree not to swear in game or on the forums then act surprised pikachu they get in trouble. “BUT BUT there are extra safeguards for parents to use so why can’t I break the rules?!” They also try to use Ignore as a reason they can be complete jerks.

No, those tools are not in place so that people can get away with breaking the rules. They exist because some people still won’t behave. I also lock my door. Does not mean someone can rob my house if I forget to lock it.


arguing with strangers in trade chat is my guilty pleasure - please don’t take it away from me

 that’s bad.

lol, that is what trade chat always was. I could never understand why people made a fuss about the carry spam, there was nothing useful on trade chat on any server I have been.

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Some servers were far more popular for the carry spam than others, those guys just forgot what we all knew. Nothing worthwhile was taking place on trade chat anyway.

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I knew this would happen. Been playing for 16 years. I remember what it’s been like before the boost spam and I knew the toxic stuff would come back. Well, it was never gone, just the boost spam could hide their stuff so they didn’t try. It’s worse now.

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There are good people and bad people. That will never change and Blizzard cannot do anything about that. People will always break the rules and be terrible. But not everyone does. Just because I acknowledge this doesn’t mean I condone that behavior.

Permission isn’t needed to be a terrible person. The tools exist to protect people from that sort of toxicity and that is a good thing, people need to use those tools. Blizzard has been making great strides against toxicity in game, ignore being account wide (A very good change) Right click report (All very good)

I feel like you are a very argumentative person because you are typically arguing with someone in your posts or starting drama. It gets old seeing that come from someone on the community council
 but you didn’t need permission to be that way, you just are.

People are on all levels good, bad, annoying, overbearing, argumentative, depressing, happy etc. That is something that can never change in a video game space with open communication. What is your argument about? that you don’t like bullies? okay? Me either. Do you need to feel special for that stance? Do you want a cookie? lol

Use the in-game tools, they are there and Blizzard does investigate the reports. Try it with this post. It could be an attack I guess that I called you out for your constant defensive stance on these forums with your title. I’m sure I’ll get a 24 hour ban for trolling or something. lol

some of you are apparently under some bizarre and completely false impression that trade chat was ever about trade.