We told you so

People are crying that the Arena pool is too small and very few people would get titles and mounts.

Well, we told you so.

Gate keeping arena gear behind ratings that weren’t implemented until season 3 and also changing the ratings and arena points distribution was a BAD idea, and yet, people were defending it:

It drove casuals away from Arenas. You reap what you sow.

Don’t complain now if you don’t get your title.
You complained about people wanting “free epics”.
Don’t complain about not getting “free titles” now. Work for it.


Has anyone come up with any theories or explanations as to how one might see any of these changes as positive?


Yes, read the thread. You will see people glad that the change will give visibility to those who have Arena shoulders and weapons equipped.

They even mocked everyone who argued that the change would drive casuals away from Arena. They would feel "important’ (AKA snowflakes) for showing off the shoulders.

I’m not doing arena now. I’m not a PvPer. I would do it for fun, but with the changes, I ain’t doing it. My guildies are not doing as well. No one is doing Arena.


I mean now. After we’ve seen it implemented. Does anyone offer any support for these changes, or defend them?

This sort of reminds me of the conversations around cloning for Classic era, which I have always thought was a bad idea. And, I think the way they implemented things made everything worse.

Of course this is a different topic, but I would have liked to have been able to upgrade a Classic Era character to TBC Classic at any point going forward. Such that I could create a new WoW Classic Era character today, level through WoW Classic, raid, gear up, then upgrade to TBC Classic and experience that expac. Forcing the choice (mostly) killed Classic Era imo.

Anyway, I figure either the people behind these changes are nefarious or don’t play the game, and are just so disconnected they don’t care.


Doubt it. It’s been an overall poor change for everyone. Can’t get any friends to play arena because they don’t want to waste the time. Blizzard needs to stop screwing over casuals.


idk if they “need to,” but it would sure be a welcome change to some of us!

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Im literally the opposite of casual but blizzard has been actively sabotaging people with casual interests to the game for years. This is just another aspect of that. It is absolutely something they need to do.


You don’t have to be casual to want casuals to have a good time in WoW. It’s like, I want the average person in my neighborhood to have a good life. It doesn’t mean I have to be an average person.

I could be well above or well below, and still my life would likely be better if those around me are enjoying their time. At least, I think that makes sense.


I want them to have a good time so the game stays alive. only catering to a sweatlord like me has ruined the game.


The addition of rating was well intended to stop raiders from being “forced” into arena; enter the 1850 required for weapons and 2k for shoulders.

This change didn’t come without unintended consequences being the increase in “boosting” for weapons.

Blizzard assumed that raising the requirements for gear rating would kill boosting but it didn’t work; it too came with unintended consequences also being even more boosting and less arena participation percapita.

If bkizz wants participation to improve.

  1. Remove ratings entirely
  2. Use the original system that starts at 1500

This is somewhat questionable. That is, I don’t think any of the changes to WoW historically cater to sweatlords, but rather cater to casuals.

Though, I don’t know what these arena changes aim to solve.

Literally every change ever. For actually anyone who works in software, live software, there is zero reason to believe that any change will have no trade-offs (including unknown unknowns). When you consider live software that has millions of daily users, those unknown unknowns are exponentially more likely.


The current systems in retail cater to sweatlords. Nothing about retail wow is meant for casual players. You fall too far behind if you’re not commited.


Ah… yeah. I gave up on Retail a while back.

It was when I left for a few months, and the gear I had from heroic raids and mythic dungeons was worse than the exact same gear from normal heroics and LFR from the same raids.

But I just didn’t like the gearing systems before that, which was why I took that break to begin with.

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i dont know anyone who does arena in my multi-raidteams guild, tbh.

i’m sure some do but nobody mentions it.

pvp just isn’t wow’s thing. at least the threads about queue times have stopped.

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I mean, some people have claimed this over the years, but some of the main events during WoW Classic were around PVP (Tipsout’s PVP tournaments, Blizzard BG invitationals, etc.), while there were no non-pvp events of equivalence.

Likewise with TBC, we have had Arena tournaments, but no PVE events.

One might say, PVP is WoW’s thing.

Eh, when you’re right you’re right OP. I’m not even casual in this game and I couldn’t be bothered to farm 300 hours for honor gear. It was honestly the honor gear grind that stopped me from doing arena this season. I’ll probably be doing them next season when the rep gear is available.


Back in the day we had the honor grind competition where the reward was the custom tabard and graphics card, two per realm, one per faction.

There were arena tournaments all the time in original TBC/Wrath if I recall?

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Well yeah. It was the main thing people went to Blizzconn to do. (I mean people that you’d watch)

I mean, to be fair, I don’t know the ins and outs of the industry, but I had always imagined that pro PVPers were the ones who were able to earn a living off gaming, and pro PVEers were mostly people living in socialist countries where they could collect government survival income, and just focus on gaming. And sometimes they had some sponsorship that helped sell keyboards and mice (mouses?)

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They really need to stop trying to make tbcc arena an e-sport

Pvp gear should take time

Pvp titles should take effort

I’m a sweaty nerd and I even nearly quit because of the stupid grind. I can’t imagine any casual or anyone with half a life would put up with it for more then a day or two.