We told you Blizzard was not going to cave in

There is a difference between 10-15% performance difference to basically doing double the dps.

Well why wouldnt they do that on 10.0? People have gladly paid for 6.2, 7.3.5, 8.2 , etc.

Correct also why the hell can’t I find out what happened to Uther.

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Because fewer and fewer people are paying for it each time.

Currently there is usually only one or two optimal talents per tier and the others are situational, it really is just to give you the illusion of choice.

I care a bit less that the choice I make blocks that off from my main. Because making an alt that you can just toss into the story and shelve after is pretty easy and requires almost no dedication.

Like doing the 12 class campaigns in Legion.

I do care however that my main can’t be the main I want, because that’s mathematically 5% behind the main I need to be playing. 5% can be huge. Even 2% is a big disparity.

And you’re defending this why exactly ?

I don’t care about numbers. A spec feels horrible if it’s missing tools needed to smooth out gameplay.

I shouldn’t need to decide if I wish to have a play style that supports raids, mythic+ or dungeons at the cost of playing horribly in the other 2 areas.

All because a player wishes to have their choice matter while only playing a smaller percentage of the game.

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Sure but a lot of people don’t actually play alts. I think not being able to see the ends of story-lines is going to piss a lot of people off.

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Not supporting or defending, it is what it is. Was the same in vanilla, there were always “optimal” talents and the rest were just novelty talents.

Man, Variance must be a real nightmare for you then.

As if a choice of base of operations, questing hub, overall appearance doesn’t matter at all.

If it didn’t, why even make 4 Covenants and waste the art team’s time on 4 zones ? Just make a big empty field with big 1 flat color boxes for player models.

Variance is factored in calculating optimal output.

Simcraft literally has a variance graph to plots out all the different outputs from the thousands of runs it did to give you an idea if the average comes from tightly grouped values or a huge spread and where your most likely performance is likely to sit.

Variance is trash but unfortunately the actual covenant deltas are falling between 20 and even 40 percent in some cases not just 5%

We’re not playing vanilla. You are very much defending their decision by resisting.

This. I’m playing Classic. I respec twice a week without any issue.

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But there wasn’t a 2 week cd on swapping back and forth in vanilla just gold which really wasn’t a big deal if you played enough.


If you have a 5% disparity in an abilities damage over 500 casts in an encounter, the disparity is basically non existent because it averages out, it’s the same thing as crit chance. A flat 5% damage buff over someone else is always a 5% damage buff.

Not sure if you thought you made a point there or just really don’t understand the game.

In Vanilla, the team had the excuse they were “new at this” and “had no experience making this type of game”.

So yes, you are defending this. It’s inexcusable to tie such a fundamental player power choice to such a fundamental player experience choice, while still not being able to provide a sort of balance that makes the power choice simply an esthetic or “fun” choice.

No one wants to choose a Covenant based on mathematics, yet here we are, stuck doing just that.

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Actually the only real solution would be to add many more talents for each spec so there is true variety, or the ability to mix specs like in Rift.

But no they totally make min maxers cry on their druid it’s just on their other account and resto sham isn’t actually good in raid either trust them because they are totally a legend on their other account.

He said that 5% was a big deal. Well, Variance is 5% (maybe 10?), so why worry about miniscule numbers?

Do you play the content that those bothered are referencing or are you a back seat gamer?

I get this sense from you referencing older versions and other games entirely.