We told you Blizzard was not going to cave in

That sounds great and all, but this is the same company that had a d3 dev call a d2 dev a loser well more like ," F that loser" and the only reason his game got a dime was because everyone thought it would have been like its previous game, and it wasn’t.

Blizzard has rarely done anything as big as ff14 in terms of redesign and owning up to errors.
if they did that, i’d be shocked for one. If there is an instance please show, reminder blizzard is a company that has been a decline not counting Activision.
Looking at them since diablo 3, they haven’t had many good moments.

Hearth stone incident did not help them
Diablo immortal certain didn’t help them
OW changes made very few happy
Battle for azeroth

When was the last time blizzard did something that truly made the community jump with joy with a majority? Not partial, a couple, a slight majority. No no no, a legit overwhelming majority.

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This is funny to me. Icy Veins gives very helpful guidelines for synergizing talents with your stats, but I’ve never felt forced to play something based on what they recommend.

The only reason I’m Unholy DK stacking haste is because I couldn’t be bothered to get a second weapon for Frost spec.

Because people who are happy don’t feel the need to do it? That is a silly metric to go by. Also, some lady youtubers I watch say they are in the wait and see boat. They are excited about the rpg aspects in the future and what systems like this could mean for wow. So some people are excited for it. You just don’t want to see it?

There’s gonna be a ton of complaining post release from people who’ve got no idea what the implications of this are.

LFM +15 Checking covenant!

That is a community problem like I said.

so you dont care to link or say who to prove your point just make a generalization. also wait and see doesn’t mean its going to be a good system LOL

wow youtubers go for news coverage. if this system were being supported by any of the youtubers they would have gone and created a video just like you created this forum post to gloat.

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Let’s be real here, “pride” has never been something blizzard is short on with their designs. It’s their game and they’re free to make any decision they want, but the question is, why do they even have a beta if they want to ignore feedback on the systems they’re implementing? The problem I see is that every expansion there seems to be a system with a major flaw (at least perceived to be by the community) that they end up raging about all expansion and Blizzard doesn’t end up doing anything about it until the end of the expansion when everyone who hates it has already quit over it and won’t come back that late.

It actually is a community problem that people think there is some kind of moral value in doubling down on mistakes even though it may lead to catastrophic failure.


The system is 100% flawed and not the community

This is like saying the customer is wrong

Wait it is saying the customer is wrong


I think the only thing more painful to watch than Blizzard devs letting ego dictate they keep repeating the same mistakes is those who celebrate them for doing so.


Well that’s the annoying part, they wait like 2 years to implement a fix to problems that the community is angry about and everyone cheers and says “Amazing fix, thank you!”, and it is good that they fix it but the problem is is why didn’t they bother to fix it 2 years earlier before a bunch of people quit because of bad design?


I really thought they would cave years ago on no flying and pathfinder. Sometimes they stick to their guns. Its rare but it happens.

I’m just going to hold onto the names of everyone who thinks not being able to freely swap covenants/covenant is a good thing and laugh when they complain the system isn’t what they think it is and they finally realise the systems crap. i swear this is gunna be funny af watch pug groups decline people for something they can’t switch or people under perform because their ability is terrible. I’m glad i’m virtually unaffected by this so i can watch this &^%$storm go down.


Blizzard says that they’ll keep the abilities balanced so that your covenant choice feels like a player choice and not a “right or wrong choice”, and in a perfect world where they could do that, it’d be fine, but look at all the years of talent rows and how well they’ve managed to balance those with YEARS of time.

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BFA was unironically the worst expansion they have ever put it out. It heavily outstripped wod and even early legion wasn’t as bad as bfa throughout it’s lifetime.

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You won’t see them in the forums. They only post to support unpopular game changes and then disappear.

Alright? people have a right to change mind. That is silly to hold it against them.

But hey if some moral victory is what you need for not getting what you want. Go for it.

I mean for you sure. But my personal thing is.

WOD had the best leveling but worse wait/end game but some of the best music.

My choices of worse is. Cata, WOD, than BFA.

BFA had tons of stuff to do, it just all felt bad. But we had options at least.

Naaaaaaaaah mate. I can freely hold it against you anytime. Thats one free i told you so. And you have a stick shoved so far up your own backside it would get you going so easily that you’d be ranting for ages.

When everything feels pointless or unrewarding, the main player option will always be play or don’t play.

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Blizzard says that they’ll keep the abilities balanced so that your covenant choice feels like a player choice and not a “right or wrong choice”, and in a perfect world where they could do that, it’d be fine, but look at all the years of talent rows and how well they’ve managed to balance those with YEARS of time.

Yeah pretty much right. Some abilities are straight up broken on beta. It took them till 8.3 to fix the crit interaction of Toth so it applied to pets, xD.

Oh no, they never leave, they can’t leave. Their whole existence relies on the forums tbh. 915 post by this monkey.