We told you Blizzard was not going to cave in

No matter which camp you’re in, surely it’s not beneficial to the game to implement systems that are so divisive.

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It is if it gets the toxic people on one side of the dividing line to leave.

I’m so tired I read this as something else, was bit confused for a moment.

Even if this is true, why would intentionally add more variables to an inherently difficult equation?

I honestly have no idea why you are defending this.

These temporary power designs have been demonstrably poor design since the beginning.

Being spec locked in legion with AP 7.0, with legendaries 7.3, with BFA azerite traits 8.0, so on. They have been consistently warned in every alpha and beta.

At this point i don’t think it is even “stubbornness”.

I feel like they are doing it now for MAUs. They know players will put up with it…and when they reach a breaking point around 1 or 2 patches in - they fix it to what it should be from the beginning.

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It’s exactly what they are doing it for. Thank god Ion has an army of people willing to defend him over implementing player unfriendly but investor happy systems eh?

Would love to see their thoughts on the corruption vendor being a rotation for??? Reason.


If they would of pulled the ripcord and untied abilities from the covenants balancing would not be an issue.

People would of been able to test and go , hey this works good for raiding , this works good for m+ keys and this works good for pvp. THey would of been able to change accordingly. Another thing is hybrid classses would of been able to see what works with the various specs they use.

Problem is now outside of the hardcore 1% that are going to do it anyways ,a vast majority of players are now faced with the issue of will I have to make alts of the same class/spec for different forms of content and will I have to make alts of the same class but different specs because a covenant may be good for this spec or this content but not for this spec or content.

Now the issue is going to be is

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The game used to have 11m players.

They already killed it. It’s not growing anymore, unlike FF14.

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That has nothing to due with Blizzard more so to do with game is old and we got other options now. Before the other options was bad.

Using Subs as a reason the community is right is just plain silly.

I agree OP. I wasn’t a forum junkie for every expansion till this one and it is a huge cry fest. Everyone at each others throats because of what some youtubers and tippy top players are saying.

The expansion is looking great with tons of player unique things to unlock and mess around with. I honestly wouldn’t care if my covenant did 0 dmg and was broken. I won’t need whatever ability power is given to complete content up to defeating the mythic end boss.

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His idea of PvP is probably a 40v1 in the open world. Either that or he lied.

I know this might be a shocker, but many people like BFA just as many don’t.

Myself? I think it is the most subpar expansion. Islands was nothing like we thought it was going to be, and warfronts well…ya.

BFA was not bad, it was not really good either. To me it felt like cata.

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If you’re not already giving Blizzard feedback on unknown systems for Blizzard’s unnamed expansion after Shadowlands, you’re already late.

I highly doubt that.

If that’s how you’re judging bfa then its no wonder why you don’t think it’s awful.

Yes, yes it was.

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its like you havent paid attention to any of the 1000s threads in GD, reddit, mmo champ, wowhead, or any of the literal 100s of youtube videos saying that this system is garbage and going to push people away from the expansion instead of draw them to it. also speaking of youtube videos where are all the ones championing this system showing how great its going to be? can you link me one?

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You highly doubt it does not mean you know that is true or not. So you don’t know got you.

Why would I not judge it? That is the content that is the most spammable. What most people farm it, and what we spent tons of time on. Silly not to judge the expansion base of it. Unless you want to talk about necklace grind? Grinding in a mmo does not bother me.

I do know though.


Wrong again.

No, it’s not silly to judge the xpac on things other than snorefronts and islands.

That’s islands for you.

Doesn’t bother me either.

Well hold on, because no, Blizzard never blamed the problem on the community, and seeing as how they experiment with systems every expansion demonstrates rather obviously that systems are part of the problem.

Dismissing feedback from the community as “hissy fits” and “crazy” is unacceptable. Blizzard have made major revisions to SL already on player feedback alone. Everyone can and should contribute constructive feedback to the betterment of the game. It’s a free and easy way for the devs to do their market research, but keep in mind, they also have to balance business requirements.

It’s apparent that the vision of what WoW is and what it’s supposed to be is taking a different direction with this expansion. Players are used to WoW being more of an ARPG while Blizzard wants to experiment in its emphasis of RPG to complicate the meta and bring the game closer to its roots. The anger players have over this is legitimate and claiming otherwise is just disingenuous.

If Blizzard ends up being right in the end, then great, we all win and have a fun game to enjoy. If not, well, players can say “we told you so”.


That would encourage covenant switching, you are not supposed to change covenants.

So basically the entire game right? Come on you know that isn’t true.

It has some weird outliers but it has been balanced enough.

No, you are the one letting icy veins choose for you. Icy veins will choose your class, your spec, your race and your faction if you let it.

WoW had classes since day 1.

I’m sure you will do a great job fitting what you see into your narrative.

I would be surprised if it affected a single player. Not even world first racers will be affected by this.

Yeah the vast majority seems pretty bothered right now by their inability to change classes.

Not even then, it is people trying to pug mythic while pugging +20 keys and doing high end arena on the same characters. No one does this, they usually have separate alts for this.

This is a made up problem for made up players.

Loudest does not mean most. I think this forum really thinks they are the will of the people, or that because so many post and threads agree with them. That they are right. Silly logic.

Blizzard does not have to blame it. All we got to do is look at other MMOs, and look at this one to see a huge problem. We saw what classic turned into. We see many people not in guilds or in small guilds. We have tools to make Group Finder replace guilds for content, and people are throwing a hissy fit because a system comes in, that will add another tool to weaponize making groups in finder.

The community is 100 percent the problem with wow. It is the reason myself, and many others I’ve talked to never got into end game content. I’ve done Raiding in EQ Planes of Power. And now I do FF14 raiding. Wow is the only one I have never done end game stuff in because of just how awful the community acts just by doing pugs.

You all even made tools like Raider Io to make the best pug groups you can, and form all sorts of meta in a system that should not have it.

I would love to start doing end game stuff, and since my husband and I got our best friend to start playing in shadowland. I’m going to be doing mythic + with him. and tip my toes into raiding maybe if we find a guild. But I’m not going to be heart broken about not doing it because this community for years has been the worse i’ve played in a mmo.

no but there are literally 0 videos on youtube that are championing this system ZERO. if its such a good system where is the videos praising it? this has nothing to do with the forums quit deflecting to other arguments

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