We told you Blizzard was not going to cave in

They will cave in when they go into 9.1 and 9.2 and players just feel horrible for not being able to play more then 1 spec at its peak.

Is reasonable for then not to back down now, like they said simply opening them up wouldn’t work, they need to rebalance and change the systems. Also is the first tier, it has always been a bit of a mess no matter the expansion.

We can only hope they change it faster and not wait until the last patch, but they can at least test it out on the first one.

In more than one type of content. And quit in large numbers.


This will be the first time we’ve had a talent locked behind a grind to swap, and that swapping said talent will impact where you hang out in game, and what transmog you can achieve.

I doubt it’ll just fly as “first tier is always a mess”.


Players brought up these concerns as soon as covenants were announced, how much earlier does it have to be brought up?


I think its only natural after the last five systems doing the same exact thing. People are going to come onto covenants more strongly because it has the same type of issues legiondaries, artifact weapons, azerite gear, essences, and corruption had (The gcd issue is similar too). And once again history is looking to repeat itself, its very exasperating tbh. I think its a gross generalization also to say that the response was only hissy fits and stuff, there is still plenty of feedback that explains why covenants will be an issue, perhaps the issue in shadowlands.

Covenants have a few sticking points that simply unpalatable to various types of players, its reasonable to ask for some change. It’d be fantastic if they changed it before it left a another scar in the community, Bfa hasn’t even passed yet and we can’t pretend that all of the new systems added didn’t come in broken, unfinished, or built in a way that punished playing the game for a specific type of content.

I don’t think the tone of some voices should be relevant because a lot of the feedback has been nothing but respectful toward blizzard, pleading for them to fix one of their new systems before it becomes a problem for once, instead of months after. It would be such a big deal if blizzard could for once not double down on a damaged system for months before fixing it a patch or two later, and instead acknowledge the problem and fix it beforehand.

And personally I just want a covenant system where I can pick the one mog I want, and not feel the need to swap covenants as I move across game modes, and play with the new abilities available to my class, with bonus points for being able to play hybrid classes effectively at some point like I’ve always been able to do in some form or another. The current advertised system makes my gameplay experience worse in some ways, even compared to bfa which is impressive, I resent it, and I am unhappy with its current state.


Im doing a bit of devil advocate, because in reality I agree with you, but it seems for WoW if a system hits late alpha/beta is too late to change it.

Its a big problem Blizzard has for the last couple of expansions, where the alpha is more about bug fixing and the beta is for number tuning, where they leave real change for the first few patches.

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Genuine question. Have you tested it?

It’s pretty bad.

It doesn’t make sense from either a gameplay or story perspective. There’s absolutely no reason we couldn’t unlock all four Covenants and switch between them as needed, beyond Blizzard saying that they don’t want to do that.

“People hurt Blizzards feelings so they’re not changing it” is a hell of a defense for the developers lmao.


If players never complained, we’d never have had titanforging removed, we’d never have had classic… it goes on.

We’ve been through this cycle many times before. There were similar complaints towards Azerite armor and essences before they were released. Blizzard eventually caved in future patches.

Why must we keep going through these motions before restrictions are lowered? Why must we have unsatisfying play until later instalments long after we’ve purchased the product?


I think they removed titanforging to get more hype for 8.3 and better acceptance of corruption.

It is going to change. That is already pre-determined. It’s just a matter of whether they do it before or after droves of people leave.


Why is it the same 6 people in all of these threads? I only realized yesterday that the serial posters and distributors of the insanely cringey hashtag also have several thousand posts on MMO champ and reddit, too.

They haven’t caved in yet.

Just like they weren’t going to cave in with Legion Legendaries.
Or Azerite traits.
Or light skin tones for void elves.

Honestly, they’re just trash business strategies.
They know most people are still going to try the expac.
They know there will be losses after a month or 2 regardless.
So in order to get people back for X.1 or X.2, they fix things to attract people back for another month.
Same with pathfinder.


To disregard years of complaints and the loud applause received when they announced it would be completely ignorant.

Corruption isn’t carrying over into SL. You can see that the rate of gear being acquired is lowered in the new expansion. This is in result of the removal of TF. This decision wasn’t made out of thin air nor was it made lightly.

Awful take. Did I know? I was there and played through it. The meme of ‘WoW releases 4.0 and FF14 gets a 4.0’ was all over the place. I pushed through fatigue with my 1.0 pugilist killing a bunch of dodos and billy goats around limsa and then spent like 30 straight hours fighting efts in that cave with netflix on. And that version of FF14 was STILL better than current FF14. That’s how gross current FF14 is. There’s no gearing, no budgeting of stats, nothing to do at max level except people pretending they have new content to do by leveling an alt to get exactly back to where they were on their main. Completely gross and antithetical to the genre. Sucks too because FF is one of my favorite game series and FF14 is worse than every mainline FF game except FF2 NES.

Let me tell you why the FF14 reboot worked. Because Yoshi P runs it like a cult. That’s the sad reality of 2020 community building. It doesn’t matter WHAT the game is about. It’s team bloops and team blarps. If team blarps is trying to mutiny the community, then if they aren’t cut out your game will fracture into a million pieces.

Yoshi P is incompetent at designing a game, but he’s VERY competent at facilitating a group think where no criticism of FF14 is allowed in their community.

This is where the line has been drawn in the WoW community and it will continue to schism along these two teams from here on out. There’s no solution other than expunging one group. Bottom line. I wish it were different but it isn’t. And being we’ve got momentum going and the team that isn’t in power decided to toss the first serve, the answer is obvious who has to go.

The enmity that’s already been established will make sure the devs can’t switch sides at this point without fostering distrust in BOTH teams now. It’s so bad here I honestly don’t even want to play SL but I want to support the team for not giving in so I’m going to play it and try to ignore the other team for as long as I can.

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I have said it many times now but tons of people who play this game and really all games should just stop in general and find a new hobby. I do not like when vocal minorities try to speak for me and people I know who are excited for Shadowlands. It is highly frustrating to constantly see and listen to because for what ever reason this group of people feels they are always right and they always need to shove their incorrect opinions in my face. Like no dude, just unsub and go away already. Some people really need to at this point. It doesn’t matter what they add, some people can truly never be pleased.

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If I turned in a paper to my teacher on the subject of quantum physics, when it was supposed to be about Harry Potter, id get the same reaction they get. They need feedback before some of these ideas, not just hoping it will work. Then fix when they fail.

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I like how in this example you think of yourself as the teacher and that blizzard owes it to you to give you something that you, personally, approve of.

It was literally brought up immediately after the blizzcon reveal.

Uh yes because people are spending money for a product really not that hard to understand.