We The Players

This brave soldier is dying on the hill of defending a multi-billion dollar company that would bend any of us over for an extra penny lol


The thing I hate the most is that Blizzard adds in the ‘fix’ for the problems months and months after they’ve been an ongoing problem.


Yep this one.

I’ve read it.

It has 239 replies 232 of those are from separate individual players. No I didn’t look to see if any of the 232 replies were from any repeat accounts other than what was listed at the top with frequent replys.

So you’re telling me 232 replies to 1 topic is a large enough sample size?

Now I’ve never said I disagree or agree with what’s going on. I have stated many times I’ll form my own opinion once I’m in game.

I don’t form my opinions from other people spouting word salad at me. I decide for myself. Maybe that’s me, maybe I’m an original not letting other influence my choices. Who knows.

I do know I’m not a parrot repeating anything and everything you or anyone else wants to here. And I definitely don’t like others putting words in my mouth. I can speak for my self.


I play with friends, I can assure you they will not care what covenant I choose.


That’s great man. But it’s already being seen on beta that pugs prefer certain covenants for Mythic +, and hell it doesn’t matter the content. People will always min max. Look at Ret paladins in Classic have one hell of a time finding a group.

Actually it’s the opposite. We know from past failures that this system will be changed as it’s doomed to fail. We want it to change before everyone has a negative experience, not after the fact.


I have yet to run across the people opposed to it that are not viewers of some type of WoW streamer or youtuber. In b4 a bunch of them reply to me pretending they are not one of them.

Why is it that the only people you ever see on forums posting about how they don’t want their player’s power bogged down that the TC never has any raid progress and doesn’t even clear m10s?

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Im not gonna act like I dont watch youtubers or streamers. Theya re what made me read up on it. I watch anywhere from Asmon, to Preach, Taliesen and Evitel, and bellular. All very different creators with different opinions. Ive done the research on my classes and I see the issues. Nothing wrong with learning about an issue from an external source and then doing your own research.

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I don’t watch them. Also, I don’t care if the system goes live, to see how it goes. I will most likely pick a covenant-specific ability, even if I am not locked into that Covenant’s ability list.

That lines up with your perspective, right? :wink:

You mean in the BfA alpha.

Keep in mind that their “solution” involved setting prices so high that little of the azerite gear you needed could be purchased by elites, and azerite gear lost all vendor value, hitting casuals hard.

The PvP vendors in Shadowlands are not actually an improvement over the BfA system. We will be seeing an even greater power gap than ever between top players and average players.

Most of your points only take into consideration what elite players need, disregarding the fact that a lot of these fixes did not benefit new players, casuals, and their alts at all.

I’m telling you 232 replies not just pointing out that covenants are bad, but why they are bad is extremely concerning. What I gathered from reading that thread is a ton of the abilities, at the very least, maybe even soulbind trees, need to be reworked, and they have 2 months to do so, which isn’t going to happen. The system is a complete train wreck.


Regardless of if people agree with the OP speaking for GD, you cannot deny that all those systems underwent major changes to make them more inline with what many people where suggesting before they were even released.


My observation is that when they say, “We’re keeping [something lots of players hate]”, and then they change it soon afterwards, it is a reflection of mass unsubbing over something that the playerbase had been told was the solution they needed, but turned out to be convoluted and misrepresented.


I disagree with this entirely. I PvP’d a lot back when PvP vendors were a thing and high level players deserve higher level gear than casuals. Corruption vendors were good for casuals. Even Azerite Armor vendors were good for casuals. Just doing one +15 a week allows you to save up your residuum for an Azerite piece.

So did I, and I have no objection to elite players getting better stuff. PvP gear at all levels of difficulty will be worse than the equivalent PvE gear in shadowlands. The gear gap will only increase.

But corruption vendors were only good for casuals who were farming horrific visions hard, which is not something I actually consider “casual”.

Sure. Buy a +15 a week, that’s how casuals play the game, right? And get a worthless random piece of azerite gear.

Casuals got so little titan residuum from casual content those who didn’t farm elite content (which I consider pushing keys, for a casual) got essentially none.

Don’t forget that after they implemented the essence vendor, casuals’ alts could buy essences earned by earlier characters with echoes earned doing casual content like emissaries. They couldn’t cleanse gear without getting the cloak and running a vision, though, so 25% of the gear they were getting was corrupted and basically unusable. They removed the ability of casuals without the cloak to earn echoes when the corruption vendor went in, so my newer alts don’t have essences, a real kick in the teeth.

Doing one +15 a week is something I would consider casual. That is what I did on my main and I got by just fine, I didn’t have to buy the +15, I grinded my way up the keys week by week to get gear. You should have to play to get gear.

Also yes, the way they did echoes for corruptions and essences was stupid. It happened to my alts too and killed my drive to gear this character.

The only BFA system that I really hate is corruption.

Same as mythic raiding, right? Totally casual.

It’s not what I would consider casual. My friends and I who used to do keys for fun and profit in Legion didn’t do any this expansion. That’s what changes to the system have done to mythic+ participation.

I don’t do BfA anymore. That was one of the things on my list that pushed me back into old content.

I can’t wait until the day my gear never attacks me again.

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And that multi-billion dollar company doesn’t need anyone defending it. No corporation needs to be defended by those that use their service.