We The Players

We the players were right about Azerite Armor in the BfA beta.
We the players were right about adding a vendor to buy Azerite Armor.
We the players were right about the necklace and essences being unfriendly.
We the players were right about adding a corruption vendor because of too much RNG.
We the players were right about how much it sucked not being able to catch up your cloak.
We the players were right about wanting PvP vendors because they make gearing for PvP more rewarding.
We the players are going to be right about player power being attached to covenants.

With all of these failed systems, you listened Blizzard. But you listened too late. The system gets better in the next patch, the next expansion, months after you already did all of the RNG grinding.

You guys have a chance to fix covenants before they go live. You have two months. It may not be easy and it will probably take a lot of time, but it will be worth it when we love the game. We have been begging for a change but you guys are too busy with preaching your gameplay philosophy over what the players want. Beta is for feedback. We have given feedback and we want changes.



You don’t speak for everyone.



Don’t put words in any mouth but yours.


It has been a general consensus across the forums that people don’t want our player power to be tied to a covenant. We made a meaningful choice for our class, race, and our faction. We don’t need another meaningful choice to tie our player power behind.

To me, picking our covenant and having it heavily impact our player’s story in Shadowlands is a meaningful choice in itself. We get cosmetics, lore, and mounts as a result of our choice. We don’t need to be locked out of groups for our covenant choice.


Yeah, because the masses participate in forum discussion… right, right??


As self-appointed representative of GD, you’re wrong.


Of a vocal minority.

Visit other places, not every one want’s what you want.

I haven’t expressed my opinion. That’s all it is, an opinion.

It’s the same folks in every one of these threads.


You are playing devil’s adovacte. Go on YouTube, the beta forums, Reddit, even Trade Chat. There are a lot of people having a discussion about it.


you know what a sample size is correct? how do you think they take political polls? they dont ask everyone just a group and make an assumption based on that


Can you find someone on the Beta forums who says they enjoy the gameplay of being locked to covenants and being locked to conduit choice for a week? You know, these are people who have actually played with the system, and all the feedback I can find is negative.


As humans we like to think that anything that matters to us as individuals is just as important to the masses around us, when in reality, the masses simply don’t care. Think about the greater majority of these “mega-threads” on the forum, after about a day or two it’s usually only 3 to 5 people (sometimes alts which is hilarious) that keeps them alive. The masses simply don’t care.


I don’t care.

Its a game, play it, have fun or not, the end.


It’s no secret that the majority of the players who use the forum use it to complain and bicker. This has been the case since day 1 of the forum, same goes for nearly all other video game forums.


Another one? Did you even try searching the forums for the ump-teen other active threads on this very subject? Barely two months to go, and I don’t see this conversation cooling off any time soon.


We know not everyone in game comes to the forums. Heck 2 days ago a guild mate of mine, horde side just figured out the old forums were gone.

It was literally the second post they’ve ever made, they’ve been playing since TBC.


No, he doesn’t, but he can speak his mind.

I for one find a major logical flaw of attaching player power to a covenant, especially when such power is temporary—it loses any sense of attachment we have for it.

It should be focused around real RPG elements and flavors: live Covenant battles and competitions, convenant-specific spell/ability skins, etc.


If people disagree with you then they are not following the history of these systems. I doubt blizzard would change or implement systems a minority of players asked of them.
Personally, blizzard should just look to add systems that are fun and give players freedom to do what they want. Covenants would be like essences. Once you unlock one, you can swap whenever. Everybody wins. I guarantee you 100 percent there wouldn’t be a single person complaining 'but there’s too much freedom with this system!" If they would have come out with an essence type system from the get go

I would be all for recoloring spells to fit my covenant. Except, um, Maldraxxus for a Warlock would be more of the same… probably.


Do you have an actual opinion on the matter or are you here just to disagree for the sake of disagreeing? Do you like the idea of player power tied to covenants?


Sure do, I can’t wait for the system to go live in its current iteration. :+1: