We The Players

Ah,did i hare you to speak for me? Omg,I’m forgetting again :pleading_face:

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BFA was a testing ground because the developers had no confidence in anything they did the whole time.

And were ready to high tail into shadowlands and give up.

Nobody will convince me otherwise.

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We also have the problem, where Blizzard overcorrects, and goes completely 180 on us, giving us a new thing that wasn’t quite what we asked for.

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Interesting, to each their own. What class/covenant combo for your main?

Corruption vendor on a rotation lol


Yes, the beta forums are for expressing concerns about the state of the beta.

And you can’t even use them unless you have access to the beta, and most of the people there are telling you and Blizzard the beta is in a poor state.

But of course, admitting criticism of the game is a good thing, requires admitting the game is flawed, and some people are just too scared to do that.


Idk man, those dark green chaos bolts and drains would look tasty :wink:

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Not sure what I’ll main yet. I box a few different groups and have a couple different ‘mains’. I’ll likely stick with warrior as a non-boxing ‘main’ but I’m not certain.

Anyone that says we or I is always speaking for themselves.


You don’t speak for me. You speak only for yourself.


Because Azerite and essences were a big hit outside the forums too :roll_eyes:


It’s referencing the constitution as a jokey joke.
Both of you fail to give an actual argument and contribute to the discussion. It’s just a way to discredit my argument without proposing your own.


I’m talking about the Beta forum, where feedback is given. There is plenty of positive feedback for other stuff.


That’s what they said about azerite gear too. That said, I wouldn’t say it’s the minority by any means. At least not the minority of people who have actually tested it. The beta forum has a feedback thread started by blizzard asking for specific feedback on each covenants gameplay, based on class. The feedback is overwhelmingly bad. Some covenant abilities are great, some aren’t even worth using in the rotation. This isn’t even a numbers problem, it’s a problem on how the abilities are designed. This system is a train wreck in the making, and there’s no stopping it now.

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Just wait. They still have plenty of other jewelry to use as artifacts in the future :laughing:

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True, but the proposed changes have no negative impact on the people who don’t mind the current covenant system.

If player power was untied from covenant choice, no one would lose anything.


This is the biggest thing. In the iteration that I want (wont say “we” this time because it makes people’s brain go brrrrrrrrrr) nobody is negatively effected. Everyone gets the player ability that they want and everyone can choose the covenant art style they want.


WOW isnt game design by democracy and Im not sure why everyone seems to think it is.


Because we pay a subscription fee, meaning that this game as opposed to games like The Last of Us is a LIVE service. We may not get to vote on what we want in the game, but sometimes the players no better than the devs. They have data, but data does not measure fun.

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People seem to think that their $15 a month is more important than it is and they feel that they should have a right to have their opinion implemented into the game for whatever reason. Blizzard is a AAA company but people who have no insight on the genre or gaming industry seem to think they know better than a multi-billion dollar company.

It’s on par with yelling at something on tv while it’s playing and screaming how stupid the athlete or actor is and what they should have done.