We the players did not sexually harass anyone, and we should not be punished

Thats about the intellectual and maturity level I’d expect.


You mean because you can’t come up with anything besides “heed your own words” to something I said? Yeah, it ends up warranting the equivalent of such a stupid response with another stupid response.

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You know and understand what they said and why they said it. You do.

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Thats funny you have no clue the ignorant hypocrisy of saying other people shouldn’t get triggered about things, but it’s ok for you to be triggered about them being triggered.

Again, not surprised all this is sailing right over your head. Guess the internet is going to become an uncomfortable place for you going forward if you can’t handle change. So yea just like you tell other people,

Deal with it

I have mixed views on censoring things like female nudity…

I mean back in the 90s, it only seemed to be the religious nuts that wanted to censor the nudity in games, but these days it seems to be the more extreme feminists that have a problem with overtly sexualized female characters. What’s with that?

Oh well on the bright side, there will always be games where we can cut people in half with chainsaws and whatnot and get off at the blood splattering everywhere, and nobody will ever complain about the extreme psychopathic levels of violence.

At least vampires, ghouls, skeletons, and skulls, and walking corpses will always be perfectly safe from censorship.

Except for in China maybe.

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no it wont as people are attracted to shapes, covered or not. the only cover that removes this fact of nature is one that hides all the shapes. please dont be so ashamed of circles and curves that they must be hidden

Slippery slope is only a fallacy when the links between events are unlikely or exaggerated. Not a fallacy just because you said so.

The internet was less obnoxious before everyone skimmed the wikipedia list of logical fallacies…


Yeah, cause none of them watch TV or movies or read magazines. The objectification of women is everywhere.

You saw the MTV awards right? :rofl:

I didn’t. Society still has a lot of work to do.

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Hmmm who will fix society? Oh wait, women are treated even worse in most of the rest of the planet earth.

All of us. Little by little. Day by day. :smiley:

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I never said it wasn’t hypocrisy, in any way shape or form. I said it’s stupid things like wokeness. Wokeness serves nobody.

You mean your dumb remark? Yeah, it didn’t sail over my head, I made a dumb remark in response to your dumb remark.

Why’s that? It’s not changing all that much. If you think wokeness is gonna become something so customized and normal before it wrecks society as a whole, you’re more delusional than a lot of people playing the lottery.

I do, you guys don’t.

Because they think it empowers them when it only drives people away from them except their own people, which they all drive each other crazy anyways so they hate each other.

Prob, we will see.

For now, yeah. Once it grows to an even more asburd level that’s beyond absurdity more people will step out and say “F off” to things like this, which in turn will give rise to more people and more, then another war will probably break out.

Theorycrafting, of course, as by the time this all happens people will have stupid things going through like no right to bear arms or any of those wonderful amendments or constitutional rights.

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No, not that. Thanks for proving my point.

Guess we’ll see. Until then I wish you all the discomfort you deserve.

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I honestly never once noticed Mage chick’s cleavage. Mostly because I hate her character.

I wonder what astroturfing pays, must be a good racket.

Look at your list of things have been changed.

They’re not things over which players have ever had any control. WoW NPCs changing clothes for the first time in seventeen years and daring not to show their bellybuttons, Hearthstone cards you could never alter the appearance of, and so on. Your options as a player, other than Tracer losing a butt pose five years ago, are unchanged.

Also a quick look at IG or only fans would tell you many women want to be objectified


It’s still their choice to make. And if people are going to quit over 2 paintings they didn’t even know existed then they probably should have quit before then.

Jordan Peterson alt confirmed!

And no, they won’t censor the armor, and no, it doesn’t matter what they did to lame crap no one ever looked at anyway. Was it the best decision they ever made? Hardly, it’s backfiring among a vocal minority and I’m sure they didn’t expect that.

Is it the end of the world though? Definitely not.

Oh we got another wannabe social engineer here. Decades and decades of research proves this untrue, no, you cannot control the content of media to control what people think.

And if you see female skin and think less of women in general, look in the mirror to find the misogynist you’re chasing.

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