Weird, should I quote this in the thread I made where you didn’t want me leaving feedback? lol yikes.
My point stands, nobody is being punished over Blizzard changing their own product.
Weird, should I quote this in the thread I made where you didn’t want me leaving feedback? lol yikes.
My point stands, nobody is being punished over Blizzard changing their own product.
By the time it gets there, it’ll be too late.
That’s what’s so insidious about censorship, once people get used to it, they can’t muster the same outrage again and again and again, eventually they just get exhausted. Everybody has to speak up at the same time when it starts.
Actually it’s what comes after these changes that begins punishment. You can see that going from point A to B then to C means going to point D, and eventually Z.
Yeah, they need to stop with this.
It’s nothing to do with the painting alone and more to do with the fact it was changed and the desexuality of the game being a sign that this is change for the sake of change, which again is never actually necessary. It’s just virtue signaling just to virtue signal, which again is stupid.
If you can’t see the bigger picture, that’s fine.
Yes, this exactly. It begins with one or two small things, some more, then keeps going. Soon enough you have a giant snowball rolling down a mountain making an avalanche happen.
Right, because your sensitivity level is high?
Not at all. If you’re stating a fact of someone who is very sensitive telling them they’re too sensitive and need thicker skin, you’re obviously not a toddler or baby. People just need to stop being so thin skinned/sensitive and get some thicker skin.
Yeah, it’s change for the sake of change and virtue signaling.
It’s actually happening a lot more than you realize. Most don’t care, but again they don’t look because they don’t care and aren’t aware of it but it’s been happening for a while now.
Man I was totally unaware folks were subbed just to complain about that painting, too. See what I did there?
So is reading dumb comments like this, too, but eh. Keep em coming.
That’s going to be one of the next things to be changed.
I think you’re trolling, because several threads from what appear to be different people have the exact same style of speech, indicating that you are astroturfing. That’s not complaining that you left feedback. It’s complaining that you did so dishonestly.
I’m not the one acting like the apocalypse is happening over badly pixelated video game women
Aye man you got any lottery ticket numbers if you’re a psychic?
And if it’s not? Are you going to come admit you are wrong or are you going to be like others who tried the slippery slope argument on the Store. “Next they will be putting all the best gear in there!” 10+ years later and it’s still not… I guess any day now.
Just because you think something will be next doesn’t mean it actually will be. I have already said if they do start changing transmogs then I will be right there with you, but again… just because thing a happened does not mean thing b follows.
How many times do I have to say it? It’s not only this.
It’s hearthstone cards, it’s in-game models of major female NPCs (but funny thing, none of the shirtless men have gotten covered up!), it’s removed jokes and emotes, and on and on and on.
Have you considered that maybe they didn’t put pay to win features in the store precisely BECAUSE so many people spoke up so loudly they knew that if they did so, the outcry would do their reputation more damage than it would make them in profit?
You are one of the ones defending silly changes and virtue signaling. Also, again, if you can’t see the bigger picture that’s fine. A lot of people can actually see what’s happening and going on, some cannot.
Sure, come right over I’ll give you my numbers. I already hit it a few times in the last decade, so, I can’t keep hitting it or people get suspicious.
Are you thinking transmog is protected? Because if so you’re extremely naive. Slutmog, aka transmog, is definitely not protected by any means for any reason and once they start this big snowball effect, it will actually be too late to stop it.
Again, a snowball effect starts off small and then becomes so much bigger as it goes down the mountain, so, whether it’s actually next up or is up 5 years from now isn’t the issue. The issue is, it’s going to happen and it will be under the guise of virtue signals yet again.
You’re correct, but you can put 2+2 together and tell me it’s 4, correct? People do have brains, and while you like to take a “let’s wait and see” approach the problem with that approach is by the time you’re ready to act it’s already too late.
Especially when you’ve already “waited and seen” several times, and people have already claimed something was an isolated change that wouldn’t be repeated and been wrong.
This is not the first thing that’s been changed, from hearthstone cards to the Tracer pose to Jaina and Sylvanas’ midriffs, to costume changes in the Diablo 2 remaster, etc. There has been a steady push against any female sexuality whatsoever in Blizzard games for a few years now, it has only accelerated in the wake of the lawsuits.
So that’s a yes… You will continue with the “it’s going to happen.”
The argument you are giving is the same argument people gave 10+ years ago when they added the Game Shop. “This is just the beginning.” “When you get used to this they will do more” On and on and on.
And what do you think would have happened if there HADN’T been pushback? Don’t you think Blizzard would LIKE to add pay to win and pay to skip mechanics, and all the predatory monetization of a mobile game, if they thought they could get away with it without backlash or exodus?
They did do more, did they not? Also, yes, this is a long term thing, not a short term. Short term nobody cares and nobody cares about the painting itself, or any of that. What they care about more, for the most part and in my opinion is, that this is a change that isn’t necessary, and is a taste of things to come. later on down the road. It’s in poor taste to change history, regardless of how you view it or how it makes you feel, it is, in fact, in poor taste to change it and even moreso to remove it entirely.
This change, as well as others, begin painting a picture and a very bad one at that.
I wish they’d give some insight as to why they make these changes. It might help subdue the “outrage.”
Like I personally don’t care that they’re being changed, but I don’t really get why they needed to be changed either. They don’t strike me as gratuitously vulgar or hyper sexual. I mean, and I’m wary of mentioning this, but the Succubus whip crack and moan is more suggestive than these paintings as are the Concubine dens in Black Temple and Elisande’s Secret Quarters…
Eh, on this forum it would more likely make it worse. Unfortunate, but true.
Could end up going one way or the other really, to be fair. The most outrage we will all ever see/do, though, would be if they decide to never mess with class/spec balance.
The world is ridiculous, especially right now. Games don’t need to be “woke” or any of that nonsense, it’s a game. Political views, outside of in the game’s own version, don’t need to be adhered to or brought in. Racist remarks don’t need to be taken out, again as long as it’s in the game about the races themselves.
A game should be a game, which should also be a game and a game at that. Oh yeah, it should be a game.
It was smart of them to make these changes with the mage tower idiocy of not bringing back the weps will distract people.
This is getting silly, who cares about some low res paintings or other drivel they changed. It does not change the game in the slightest.
People care because that’s not the only thing that changed. Blizzard has been steadily erasing basically all female sexuality from its games.
Those skins should never be returned. We have a whole thread about that, too, and they should stay as they are. Recolors are fine, as are remodels. The same exact versions as Legion MT, though, should never be brought back, as that was a premise meant for Legion and not afterwards. No, timewalking in Legion is not the same as playing during Legion.
It’s censorship for the sake of censorship, which in itself is silly.
If it were just those things, nobody gives a hoot. It’s not, which is the problem.