We the players did not sexually harass anyone, and we should not be punished

I mean, I don’t think reduced cleavage is a punishment. It’s censorship I guess, but I don’t see it as a punishment otherwise I’d have to assume seeing cleavage is a reward which feels awkward.

Apart from that, I don’t think this change was really necessary. The original looked somewhat similar to dresses celebrities wear to award shows and cleavage is more of a hint of sexuality than actually being sex, so… I don’t know.

It won’t affect me in the end but I can still see how it’s kind of dumb. My wife enjoys wearing floozy mogs on her female draenei and feeling attractive, so I know she’d prefer it stays. I prefer wearing a stainless steel double door fridge for my mogs so I couldn’t care less at the end of the day.

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Was that meant to be pinged at me?

Try reading the whole post… “From my point of view” seems to hint at the fact that I already admitted it was speculation.


And then you quote supposed tweets by supposed employees as if lending authenticity. Provide citations please.


True but we the players I don’t think are owed big public “here is what we said privately to our employees” responses.


Is a fallacy when offered WITHOUT EVIDENCE.

“The strength of such an argument depends on whether the small step really is likely to lead to the effect”.

In this case, the evidence is plain for all to see, we’re watching this happen, many things have now been censored. Small changes led to bigger ones, and to more ridiculous ones.


I didn’t quote anything, I said that was the idea I got.

Stop reaching.

I don’t think they are making the changes to either appease or punish us. I do think they may be making them to appease people internally.

You are more than welcome to disagree, but I don’t owe you source material for my own thoughts.


And there’s other games out there if you want the other stuff.

Man I was totally unaware folks were subbed just to stare at that painting


Actually there’s very few games out there that include that “other stuff” anymore, at least from Western developers. We have been watching a wave of puritanical censorship sweep the Western media environment since about 2012, growing increasingly more kneejerk and absurd with each passing year.


I haven’t decided if these threads are more amusing or more alarming.


Could also be that it’s such a insignificant change that they didn’t see the harm in swapping some silly painting to better their image and standing internally. :woman_shrugging:

This faux outrage is just so dumb.


Definitely could be that too. This acting like the game has become completely unplayable because 2 paintings 99% of us probably didn’t even know existed is getting super tiring.


Blizzard can change anything they want in their game, when they want, and without the forums approval. People are being outrageous by being so offended over two upgraded paintings that they didn’t even know were in the game.


Look. They’re just changing things the players have no control over.

If they start changing the more skimpy armor pieces then I’ll believe you and speak up.

For now it just seems like a waste to think of all the what ifs

Again, stop acting like it’s JUST THIS ONE THING, and that’s the only censorship that’s occurred.

You have repeatedly ignored me saying this, including in direct replies to you, and continued to barrel ahead making the same argument like a Westworld robot ignoring information contradictory to its programmining. It is clearly intellectually dishonest at this point.


Reminds me when the G*mers lost their collective minds due to the larger female presence in BFA. Rage addicts.


YOu are right we are not but like I said doing these changes means nothing and are just another way for them to virtue signal.

I guarantee you they could of left them alone and none of these threads tonight would of happened . Because no one cares about the images them self . It is the over abundance of making changes in the game that people see as then being fake and pretending like they actually care .

If they did this stuff would of never been in the game to begin with and what happened in their offices would of never happend either.

I’m glad they are trying to make a better work enviroment over there but this does not do that and just makes people look at them and go “Really you had to change that ,who cares . How about fixing the game instead”


Agreed. I personally don’t use skimpy mogs, but if they start removing things that players are CHOOSING to have then we can talk. This ain’t it though.


“How dare you give feedback through the designated feedback channel!”

I’m a paying customer. You’ve made threads asking for changes yourself, having the nerve to castigate me for doing so is pure hypocrisy.


And I bet just the other day most of ya’ll weren’t even aware those paintings existed.

Welcome to 2021. Welcome to the culmination of over thirty years of yellow journalism in this country replaced factual reporting, reasoned debate and science itself with manufactured outrage meant to confuse self-righteous idiots into voting away their own rights.