if it keeps going, i’ll assume it’ll get worse and when that happens, i’ll recognize it for what it is - punishment. i am a prude, personally, but the message thus far is women’s body parts are offensive
Larger picture yeah I think blizzard needs to chill and fans should really realize that devs are gonna escalate but the title of the thread doesn’t match the post in the sense that in all honesty…who uses that mount? In the grand scheme it’s not going to affect anyone but I do think that blizzards needs to recognize that their fans are growing more and more discontent or concerned about any future changes.
I’ve been sexually harassed and bullied for being a woman on this game and on other Blizz games.
However, I’m not silly enough to think that the paintings, the names of the consorts or the big love rocket have anything to do with it. Some of the stuff they’ll end up changing will be minor stuff that makes me roll my eyes, other stuff will be things I didn’t even think of as a problem, and some stuff might even be things that I genuinely think should be changed. But sexism is a problem greater than a game, greater than a company, greater than a player base.
The best thing they could do to within their power to prevent these things happening under their watch is drastically improve CS and reporting/blocking functionality (which they’re doing iirc?) and fixing up their company from the inside in the case of their employees.
I don’t think that stuff like removing paintings, even if they are provocative, is going to make a single lick of difference.
Ok so what you are saying is that playing a female character avatar in-game is evidence that you are a woman in real life and therefore a potential victim of sexual harassment?
This really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.
Yeah it’s weird that the entire woman was replaced. Like they could have just placed a bowl of fruit in front of her cleavage. “Women are nothing but breasts; delete women!”
I’m a woman…doesn’t my opinion matter?
In my view the changes they’re making are NOT a problem.
FTFY. You are welcome.
Semper Fi!
I think the fruit basket is kind of silly, I won’t disagree. But maybe there were women developers who felt more comfortable changing that artwork. And if they did, so what? I mean… I’ll be honest. I didn’t even know those paintings existed. It won’t change my gameplay at all.
Prove this with recent statistics.
The latest pew stats say online harassment is about equal between men and women although what kinds of harassment they experience is different.
There are no stats showing women are more likely to engage in online harassment that I’ve been able to find. This is probably because many online users are anonymous. But really would love to see where you’ve gotten your ideas from.
There are no “women” or “men” in the online game World of Warcraft. There are only digitally generated 3D character models that resemble male and female humanoids. The only way to know if the player behind the character is “male” or “female” is if the player declares their gender or sex. There is no way to verify if said player is telling the truth about their real-life gender.
As far as the in-game player experience is concerned, “sexual harassment” does not exist. This is a completely fake and made-up controversy. If another player sends you an offensive message in-game, you can /ignore or /report them.
Imagine defending censorship. Why don’t you move to North Korea while you’re at it? I hear it lovely this time of year
Imagine making a mountain out of a molehill.
Speak for yourself OP.
I did not have lude relations with that fruit. I mean she was sweet at first, but now she’s sour
Define ‘recent’. The ‘women harass more than men online’ study was maybe 6 or 7 years ago.
Ah, I think I see the issue here. I’m talking about gaming. I’m guessing you are talking about all online activity.
Read through the Pew thing now, some other interesting numbers:
- Women are significantly more likely to perceive negative online interactions as ‘online harassment’ and are more likely to view the cause as their gender.
- Men are more likely to view the cause as politics.
I wonder if this is going to turn out to be a matter of personal sensitivities than anything else.
Sure. I remember a few things about it:
- It was a UK based study (I…think)
- It was in an online journal (probably Sociology or Psychology)
- It was about social media harassment. Possibly dating sites?
- It was paywalled (but not expensive)
I can’t link stuff yet, but when I get home I’ll see if I can at least dig up the name for you.
EDIT: Ah, I think it was also in HuffPo, so almost certainly UK based.
Imagine thinking all censorship is bad and that it doesn’t happen here already…