Then why do other women see it as a problem and have you listened to them to understand why they see it as a problem? There was nothing wrong with these things and therefore did not require any change. If they go through with them, especially the fruit bowl one, they’ll never hear the end of it.
Taliesen released a video just today where he raised an interesting point. It was something I hadnt considered and just bear with me here - yes I know mentioning content creators is somehow considered bad, but if it triggers ideas it is no difference from reading a print article or coming to the conclusion yourself.
In a nutshell, his idea was that the odd randomness of these changes might not be so random. It might be that these things were connected with past bad behaviour on the part of people within the company and had been changed in order to redress things that had been done for rather tacky reasons.
He gave the example of the paintings - what if, for example, Person A had wanted to dig the knife into Person B and did it by creating the painting and telling Person B that the painting represented them…who knows, it may have been a superficial likeness. The fact that Blizzard has spoken about all the other changes but not about these makes me think this may not be such a crazy idea.
I mean, why else would they change these few strange isolated things? if they aren’t just a whitewash but an actual repair; repairing damage done by someone who perhaps doesn’t work there anymore? Changing a painting of a woman to something completely different appears to be a correction more than anything else. And they may be keeping mum because they want to protect whoever it was who was mistreated.
Sure it may not be true but I think its just as reasonable an idea as any of the other wild opinions put out there.
I think the one point that he brought up that I think everyone can agree with is that if they meant it to be damage control with the public they would have announced it. What good is a performative action if you don’t make sure people know about it.
Socialism ruins everything.
is a hyperverbal NIMBY Pro-IdPol Blizzard Shill. Of course he’s going to say whatever helps Blizzard run damage control.
What good is a performative action if you don’t make sure people know about it.
Let me lay out an equally likely scenario:
Caught in a series of lawsuits, and wanting to at least give the impression that they’re trying to pay lip service to social issues, Blizzard picks a bunch of things to change in World of Warcraft. Among them, a couple of relatively inoffensive paintings. Since Blizzard’s patches are data-mined months in advance, they know the whole player base will find out and argue about it. They then contact T&E, being the loyal shills that they are, and ask them to advance that theory while downplaying others.
OK, tell us what you really think.
I think its nasty to call someone a shill especially when he has been willing to attack them on important matters, as was the case for his report on the lawsuit.
inoffensive paintings.
My point was that these particular items may NOT be so inoffensive. We don’t know the reasons it was done, and there may even be cause for them not telling us. Rather than just assuming the obvious and trumpeting the abuse that seems to be the Meme of the Month, I’d like to try and think for myself and consider that just maybe there are things going on that we don’t know about. Not every single thing Blizzard does is bad, just as not everything is good. And I like to keep an open mind rather than just spit on them because its the fashion.
I am not going to buy any of their products until they stop with all this P/C crap. Blizzard needs to understand that most customers are not children and they aren’t P/C whining babies. We want adult themes and humor in our game. Stop treating us like children or we will go elsewhere.
I think its nasty to call someone a shill
LMAO. He’s admitted that he’s a blizz shill. He’s Emcee’d at Blizzcon FFS. You don’t get to do that without being in their good graces which amounts to being a shill. Blizzard is very thin skinned.
My point was that these particular items may NOT be so inoffensive.
And yet they’ve been in the game how many years with no problem? Well over a decade? Suddenly now they’re a problem. By all means, come to your own conclusions. But when Taliesin decides to make a video that’s basically him in hypercaffienated used-car-salesman mode giving his theories of ‘why Blizzard did nothing wrong’ for the 483rd time, I tend not to buy it.
Let me lay out an equally likely scenario:
You say that and then launch into cloud cuckoo land conspiracy thinking.
I mean, even Golden called out the consorts change as weird. It seems like this is an in house call more than one for us. Hell, even the one portrait that the outfit was changed on was just changed from comic book sexy to more traditional sexy, since I dunno when corsets became modest. I mean, my personal theory for some of the changes is just someone had a list of stuff that seems like it came out of the bad times in 90s comic books where they all went overboard because the comics code wasn’t as big an issue then.
I dunno if I can make my point clearer to you so Im going to decide you are being deliberately obtuse.
I said there may be a reason for them being removed, and time has nothing to do with it. How long were people like Alex employed by Blizzard? A very long time as I recall, and people dont evolve into creeps overnight. They may be fixing things now that they should have done before but didn’t.
But anyhow, Ive had my say. If I turn out to be totally wrong Ill own up but Im still prepared to wait and see what turns out to be the facts.
I’d of prefers the painting be my chiseled tauren bod with the fruitbowl strategically placed for cover.
Moooo yeah~ /tauren eyebrow waggle
You say that and then launch into cloud cuckoo land conspiracy thinking.
It’s no more unlikely than Blizzard removing 15 year old art over ‘recently discovered accounts of emotional trauma among their staff’ that goes back an equal amount of time.
But, as far as I’m concerned, it’s just one possible scenario. I don’t have all the facts, so I can’t say for 100% certain what’s motivating Blizzard. I have, though, seen the pattern of Blizzard doing a thing, then Taliesin rushing to defend Blizzard doing that thing enough times to recognize it for what it is. Even when he pretends to attack them, wait one week til his next video and it’s “I’m so excited for this thing Blizz is doing… EEEEEEEEEEEE”. It’s all calculated. It’s all carefully scripted. The guy comes off as totally fake.
I dunno if I can make my point clearer to you so Im going to decide you are being deliberately obtuse.
No. I understand your point perfectly. I just don’t believe it applies to everything that Blizzard is doing. I think that’s incredibly unlikely. It could be a combination of reasons with that being one of them.
How long were people like Alex employed by Blizzard? A very long time as I recall, and people dont evolve into creeps overnight.
Alex was a jerk a long time before he was employed at Blizzard. But that’s neither here nor there.
They may be fixing things now that they should have done before but didn’t.
MAY. You do realize we’re basically just trading nebulous suppositions correct? Neither is more valid than the other. (Which happens to be my point)
But anyhow, Ive had my say. If I turn out to be totally wrong Ill own up but Im still prepared to wait and see what turns out to be the facts.
Agreed. I don’t think anyone, certainly not myself, would think the less of you if a pet theory doesn’t pan out.
A bowl of fruit is not punishment, sir.
I do envy you, your real life privileges must be astronomical if you consider a picture of a bowl of fruit as punishment.
You should come live here in Africa, all the pictured fruit bowls in the world wouldn’t phase you one bit.
Have to worry about a society where rasterized fruit causes such rampant conniptions! This is like the kind of decadence the Bible warns you about.
At best you should laugh at the fruit bowl thing, the second you take any of this seriously or start interpreting it as some kind of punishment, you need to step the hell away from your computer, take a shower, do some pushups, go outside, enjoy the sunshine.
And there’s other games out there if you want the other stuff.
Millions have left this game for that reason, but yeah, keep advocating the mass exodus of subscribers.
Man I was totally unaware folks were subbed just to stare at that painting
Are you being intentionally dense? How many times do they have to say it’s not just the paintings?
But again, stop pretending it’s just these paintings.
Blizzard needs to adopt the same role model that Games Workshop has employed with Warhammer 40k, you either go with what WE have chosen or $TFU and take your sensitive sunflower a$$ somewhere else. Thanks for your time.
He is just a troll. Stop feeding him. At certain point you gotta stop trying to explain stuff to dense people.
The guy comes off as totally fake.
while i agree his position on the censorship is less than palatable for the average freedom loving gamer, he doesnt strike me as fake. its likely what you’re witnessing is a guy, from a family line, many generations in succession, who long ago adapted to the authoritarian nature of former monarchies. it conditions you to think like a subject and subjects are keenly aware of what side their toast is buttered on. some would call this wise.
as example, consider the beatles. they seemed like freedom loving hippies, but dont be fooled, they were/are subjects of her royal highness, the queen of england, elizabeth II.
the dude is a knight!
Speak for yourself.
Censorship is always a slippery slope.
I don’t think people will take you seriously if you used that word.