We the players did not sexually harass anyone, and we should not be punished

Just about any major country is.

There are some that are, but Japan is not one of them.

i’m old school when it comes to modesty. if they removed all cleavage from the game, i’d be in my element. no skin off my nose. thing is, i’m not the only person playing this game! i’m not prepared to censor the game, just so i’m personally comfortable.

This is 100% what I was afraid of when I heard the allegations were all about sexual harassment and inappropriate dudebro-ness. I knew that, while this was completely unacceptable and those people should be reprimanded or even fired for causing that much disconnect among the rank-and-file employees, it would boil over completely into the opposite direction.

Now, instead of chauvinistic fratboys who think it’s cool to randomly hit on women or get drunk while making obscene and raunchy remarks to co-workers and make complete piles of feces out of themselves, we are stuck with people on the completely opposite, but equally extreme, side of the spectrum; Over-correction to a level even a Quaker would find unnecessary from the PC crowd eager to show off their wokeness and how they “respect” (i.e. simp for) women. No more innuendos no matter how unrelated to the allegations. No more sexiness on women no matter how much these people claim they’re for “body positivity” because that only applies to overweight people, not ones that look like Playboy models. We threw out Ron Jeremy only to replace him with Anita Sarkeesian and Blizzard doesn’t realize they’re both equally bad.


Up until very recently I didn’t even realize those portraits existed in-game. If I had, I wouldn’t have cared. Likewise, I equally don’t care about their removal. Either way you slice it, it’s such a trivial matter.

That works in both directions.

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what makes it particularly odd is the solution was to turn one of the ladies into a bowl of fruit. lol

Of course. But you’re glue and I’m rubber, right?

“Wokeness” - Another white guy co-opting a black word in an attempt to 
 anger liberals? Stay gold, pony boy.
I enjoy your lack of self-awareness with kindergarten words like “simp.” Something about it is elegant truly.
The PC crowd is the “Starbucks Xmas crowd.” Maybe Karen from prime time Fox can rant about someone making fun of conservatives and how they should
 correct themselves or how we are supposed to say “Merry Christmas.”

It seems more like “the crowd that notices the chudbro’s acting with impunity.”

Pete Davidson made fun of Dan Cringeshaw and the right’s reaction was enough to rip a hole in the space-time continuum with their brand of PC suggestions.

Kinda like when Biden got elected, and all those same people were crying for “civility” while taking a dump on someone perceived as PC.
Self-awareness is a B.


I would like to know how censoring stuff in WoW in the game helps someone thats been sexually assaulted in real life outside of the game.

The Big Love Rocket been in the game 17 years? Why now after all this time is getting censored? Why have you all not taking up that offense 17 years ago on the forums 17 years ago? Same with the paintings censorship.

If they were truly offensive wouldn’t you all agree that it would have been taken out of the game or renamed 17 years ago if people were offended by it?

The censorships inside a video game solves nothing where the sexual harassment happened.

I wish someone can provide a logical answer or explaination.

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You know, its only an insult if you DO what they say DONT do.

If youre against woke, its because you want us to remain asleep and not notice your attitudes and actions.

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Yeah their censoring of obscure pictures is weird for sure, but also, they can be proactive as to how to deal with certain things.
They aren’t going to take innuendo, flirty and romantic stuff out of the game, they are going to take out things and references to and from the horrible men that disgraced our game and they should be. Remove the fingerprints of the guilty, but leave the gamers out of it. I’ve seen NOTHING that suggests they are changing transmogs or making every single aspect of wow different.
I wish folks would blame the offenders and not talk about this “woke” garbage. It doesn’t help and it’s a way for them to clutch pearls while also talking **** and nothing more.
That demographic has no popular issues, and therefore resort to this “culture” nonsense.
The problem I HAVE with the turning girls into fruit and any upcoming things revolving around girls, is that that they basically are taking it in a “no girls, no problems” stride
 That is weird and cringe
 but the basement troll got its reputation somehow.

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There’s a difference between being woke to the truth and woke to the lies. Mingle in feelings with political ideologies and you have a recipe for chaos.


Maybe try to keep up with the time then?

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Thats rich coming from you. Didn’t you call FFXIV a misogynistic game a few replies ago? Seems like you’re the one that needs to keep up with the time.


I am keeping up with the time, im not the one complaining about less bikini characters in 2021 am i?

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Before I reply, do I need to verify my gender to you? That seemed to be a problem with you before when you were talking to me. You also said you blocked me, and yet you replied to me here. So, you lied there.

If the entire race was genocided , why are there survivors in SW , why was a temporary home set up in Hyjal and what of the ones from Val’sharah ?

That would be called Virtue Signaling

How do you even feel “punished” by any of this? Is your life that meaningless that minor video game changes blow your mind like this?