We the players did not sexually harass anyone, and we should not be punished

They are probably being punished by how awful a lot of the male character models are. :stuck_out_tongue:


every male human face looks like he just sniffed a fart, it’s punishing me just to look at them.


I saw a boobie once in a fanstasy MMORPG. I haven’t been the same since that day.

no man, that’s just your projection.

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oh damn, don’t tell the other gaming companies that all they have to do to get less toxic players is to be more woke, then they’d all go woke.

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Get woke. Go broke.


Can you give any examples of where this adage has actually held true?

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Yes, it is.
We’re not being punished. There is no ‘censorship’.

The Gillette anti-male commercial disaster. Sales fell through the floor and never really recovered.

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Do you mean the Gillette ad that targets toxic masculinity?

considering they are still one of the biggest names in shaving products i don’t think it was that much of a disaster.

So I looked into this Well based on a brief read of Forbes, Fortune and a few other reliable outlets it would appear that the effects of their toxic masculinity ad are:

  • A increased market share
  • A bigger PR profile

The interesting thing about the whole move is that P&G’s (the owner of Gillette) sales have been down for several years before the ad about 3–4% because clean shaving has been out of fashion and beard grooming is the in thing. Gillette didn’t lose sales over it’s ad on toxic masculinity. it’s losing sales because male culture is shifting to be pro-beard, men are growing out their beards more now than 5 years ago.


They had $6 billion in revenue in 2020. We clearly have a vastly different definition of broke.

If I go woke can I get $6 billion too?


I really need someone who can post the Chrissy Teigen grimace gif right now.

I mean technically you can have infinite revenue, but if you have infinite +1 expenses you’ll still go broke. (Sorry, part of me gets annoyed at people in all sorts of contexts getting revenue and profit mixed up. I see this all the time when people start arguing about how much money companies make.)

That said, Bliz is not broke, and as long as Activision (which is the real money maker in this arrangement) owns them, they won’t go broke.

Get woke go broke only tends to affect small businesses. I can’t think of a single large company that has gone broke from virtue signalling. I have no idea what the actual statistics are for whether it has caused them on average to gain or lose money however. I’m actually kind of curious.
Companies virtue signal because they think it will make them more money. Other people deride them because they think it will make them lose money. For companies big enough to otherwise be stable, who is right? Does it actually make any difference whatsoever?

Fair. Either way Gillette is not in any danger of going broke and their shares gained value in 2020.

King carries Activision and Blizzard.

Not to stereotype, but I think this would largely depend on location. Where I live, woke would probably score brownie points.

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I can’t even put into words how beyond ridiculous it is that they are changing these paintings. I feel so disconnected from the people who make this game now. I feel like they don’t know me or their community at all. No one asked for this. No one wanted this. Am I supposed to feel ashamed if I transmog one of my characters to show skin? I just don’t understand how anyone thought that this was for one a good idea and secondly that they wouldn’t get a lot of backlash over this (which they did and rightfully so). My interest in this game goes down more every time they do something like this.


Another delusional leftist. There is no point in arguing with them or trying to have a rational discussion. These fools think that communism and socialism have never worked because they havent been done right.

Wokeism is an attempt to do marxism right.

I am not a leftist, for starters. Even if I were though, I am entirely unsure how that relates to pointing out that businesses aren’t going belly up from going “woke”.

Sorry reality does not mesh with your little quip, but that is a you problem.


Oh for gawdsake, its a just a few pixels. What is this rage meme going on about some paintings hardly anyone even knew existed?

Seriously people, get a grip on your sense of proportion.


Must. resist. bad. joke.

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I wonder if ffxiv covers up there women. wonder why manga selling so well compared to western comics. hmmmm mystery