We the players did not sexually harass anyone, and we should not be punished

Of what? Pixelated sleaze? What you do in your own home, and/or what you look at is your business. In the public and specifically within this game it is theirs. If they choose not to perpetuate the degradation of women, I’m here for it.


Over some freaking paintings we’re being punished? Didn’t know the paintings held content. Ya just have to grow up, I know it’s a censorship but there’s more issues with the game then this silly censorship.

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HOLD UP! Blizzard are you comparing women to a bowl of fruit, or easily replaced by fruit?

nice painting tho. :blush:

omg…so much drama.

We’re not being ‘punished’ for pete’s sake. :crazy_face:


Having to make a post named “We the players did not sexually harass anyone” really says something about the nutjob type of thing Blizzard is doing right now.


What degradation are you referring to with that painting? There’s no nudity, close, but there isn’t. If you can’t take scantily clad things then that’s a “you” problem and you probably are easily offended.

It just doesn’t need to be censored. It’s rated T for Teen; edgy and crude humor is included in that rating. If people can’t take it, there’s the door, don’t let it hit you on the way out.

The punishment people are referring to is the censorship, and it’s the act of just how trivial this “fix” is. As has been pointed out in this thread numerous times it’s virtue signaling for the sake of virtue signaling, which virtue signaling is already nuts as it is. When it’s done for the sake of it being done, though, is much more ridiculous.


because of course, our body parts are degrading and should be censored.


You mean the Blizzcon back in Feb ? What does that have to do with what is going on now or the price of tea in CHina?

Because they knew it would get data mined .

They make the changes , the theory crafters go through using wowtools and find the change .

The guys who datamined it had to notice the new artwork, then - out of intellectual curiosity very few people here seem to have - go into the live game files to find what was being replaced, then write up a post about it on WoWhead with a headline about “de-sexualizing” the paintings, and then cue the dopes to start throwing hissies.

You think that was Blizzard’s plan all along?

THey didn’t have to go into the game and find it .

All they had to do is look using wowtools and once they saw the new image , which probably had a reference to where the original is in the game they probably could of gone through wowheads data base to find the original in game.

As for Blizzards plan they should of known it would of been data mined but I’m guessing they thought they would try to sneak it in hoping no one would notice . Wouldn’t be the first time they tried it .

As I mentioned before I think there is something seriously wrong with Blizzard as a company right now. Torture, murder, enslavement, genocide, mind control, sex demons, pleasure palace, a mother skewered to a wall while her daughter cries below her corpse, path of glory, Saurfang talking about murdering children, and I could just keep going on and on and on, and yet they seem to think the female form is taboo. Also showing of the male form sexualized is a-ok.


Women are fruit now. It 2021 where women get the polymorph: Fruit.

Spin the wheel of fruit and select your fruit form.

This is poetic and clever. Well done!

“Sexuality is fluid”

OP’s response: “And it’s being poured down the drain”

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:toilet: :arrow_left: This is where there pouring it.


Look the bottom line is this. The harem portrait I get. That it’s being replaced by peach fruit which is an innuendo in and of itself is regrettable. Honestly, the issue I took with the other portrait is that the quality of the new one is not in line with the art style being replaced, and frankly I feel it is a downgrade. I suspect I could do better with MS paint.

The bigger issue I have is the inconsistency being show, and I suspect that is a part of the majority of the player base’s issue. We all know that for a while now there has been an undercurrent of overt sexuality that really has needed to be toned down. Should that include player mogs? No. That is player agency and choice. Pictures? Not so much.

The issue I have is that I want to ensure it is equally applied. Now some people may say “Well they don’t censor LGBTQ+ depictions!” No. They do not. But can I be sure it was malicious or agenda driven? No. Not yet at the least. No one can. Case and point? When was the last time you saw lewd photos of Therniax or Qadarin? Shaw and Flynn? Bladeguard Kaja and General Rakera?


Now if they crop up? Sure you’ve got a legit gripe then if they are overly sexualized depictions. But when then was the last time you saw that sort of thing overtly celebrated by art in the game? No. Go on, tell me. I have a mnemonic memory and I know WoW well.

I will wait.

…We all know it does not exist.

The real issue people need to focus on here isn’t removing depictions.

Yes, censorship is bad and so is any sort of imposition of one person or group’s will upon another. This is after all why I am completely against Talonel and others over the top rhetoric and the whiny demand nature of their posts.

But the real issue here is unequally enforcing the rules. The blade has to cut both ways. The hypocrisy of giving a pass to certain things, because they are X; while removing Y because they are Y. No one is going to shed a tear or bat an eyelash over the removal of the Afrasiabi NPCs.

This is merited given all that happened in the company. But if we’re going to have true equality, all such named NPCs need to be removed. Simply because it goes against the Activision Company policy. That means the Maldraxxus Conflict Essayist. That means the ones in Kul’Tiras. In Dalaran. All of them.

Players can help and should help with this. Start reporting NPCs that violate the policy as bugs so the company has a list of the NPCs that need to be changed. That will help them not have to search down every instance of it. Keep doing so until the company has the full list.

As for the company…? They need to enforce the company rules fully or not even bother trying to tell players that things are changing, because they will see it all coming from one side, while the other is immune and say “Sure. Yeah. Bye.”.

This sentiment is exacerbated when some of the NPC homages real world counterparts have said or done things that other people consider just as vile, or offensive as the ones being removed.

The point here, the company won’t get to have it both ways. They might think they do because they own the servers, the characters in them, the items those characters possess and so on, and sure they can delete comments or accounts they dislike, but really that won’t win them new players. Nor will it retain older players.

They may not like hearing that, but that’s the reality of the situation. So it’s really that simple at this point. They either do this equalization measure / clean-up right, or they can do it in such a way that they anger people and lose more folks to FFXIV. Oh I’m sure there’s plenty of gleeful people internally and externally who’d say “Good! It’ll allow us to make the game more inclusive for X or Y!”

Sure. They can think that. More power to them. I pity then for being delusional though. You know why? Because it has no viability long term. That won’t happen, because the group catered to is a minority, and a minority is not what a profit driven corporation is interested in supporting if they can’t make profit.

All that will happen is a small subgroup on dried out servers will have 5-7 months of glee, and then be kicked off the servers as they shut down. Same way as other MMOs that crashed and burned.

The company will need to ask itself if it wants WoW to crash and burn, or whether they want to take the steps needed to ensure it does not. The first and biggest cornerstone of that is equal enforcement of company policy and the rules (you’ll note I did not mention the company by name out of respect of said rules).

It’s really as simple as that. Good luck.

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I am not responsible for the bad behavior of a few game developers. I will personally boycott any woke game, including WoW retail.

what about gay men, are they being punished too with the removal of this painting?

Are you sure about this? Or is this just wild head canon?

I haven’t seen any serious lore points either way.

For all we know, the new Devs found a file in Afrasiabi’s office with their true origins. And the story involved made the things Sylvanas and Alexstraza suffered through pale in comparison.

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