We the players did not sexually harass anyone, and we should not be punished

Rated T for Teen btw.

This is the same thing they do to every hobby. Infiltrate it and destroy it.


You probably didn’t either. Stop acting high and mighty.


Not just several hearthstone cards, pretty much every card involving a female that had been wearing anything less modest than a robe. And even then they changed a Blood elf’s robe because it was kind of see through. All succubus cards were done away with and all harpies got new art with prudish clothing. Odd since harpies kinda don’t wear clothes. Obviously Jaina was nerfed as well.

Then there is the whistle emote, the recently change love rocket could count in this but I’m not super sold on that. We will see if they change the name. Two different achievements.

While none of these changes are the biggest worst thing ever, they are IMO, the wrong direction. Sex and sexiness is fun. Fun should not be targeted and removed from a game. Also considering the targets of these changes Blizzard seems afraid of female sexuality or they think that women are mentally weak and need to be protected and coddled even if they don’t want to be. Its gross.


As a woman, I am actually offended at how offended everyone has been at the sexiness in this game. There is nothing wrong with women looking or feeling sexy. People treat it like a crime, and some women ENJOY BEING SEXY! You can enjoy sexiness and not be an animal. You can still respect the person. Trying to censor everything is taking away the right of some women who ENJOY being sexy. I think if people are going to get offended by T rated content in a T rated game with warnings on the label, then they should just find their way out the door and stop trying to ruin it for other people who aren’t offended by it. This game is clearly not for you if you are offended by the things in it. Go play something else. Also, I 100% agree with the OP censoring a bunch of meaningless stuff isn’t going to change what has been done. It changes nothing.

Also to the dude above me ^ holy crap, they actually did away with harpies and Sucs? They weren’t even created by Blizzard. They are mythological creatures and are portrayed exactly as they are normally. It’s WHAT the creature is, a succubus is a sexy demon
 Incubus is the male version. We gonna start censoring the bible soon too? Good lord people. Stay away from fantasy if you are offended by it.


Why don’t you people ever look around when you are playing the game? How did you NOT see these?

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seriously? because the paintings in question are in ravenholdt and SI:7, respectfully, and i could probably count the number of times i’ve been to those places on one hand, even in 15 years of playing

Man, people who don’t oppose censorship should open a history book. Disgusting and regressive.

Of course the specific examples here are not a big deal
you need to look just a bit beyond that. Look at the underlying principles.

So many years of progressiveness being washed away recently by ignorant masses of people who consider themselves progressives even.


But I’m respecting and honoring you! Now put your burka back on!

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If I was to be honest OP
perhaps the fact that this is all happening is necessarily a bad thing.

See, I think there were definite stereotypes towards women in gaming in the old days, it was always the same BS of being a male character rescuing a beautiful young woman, from either a monster, or some witch or old hag. That’s always been the plot. The message was that to be a hero, you had to be a man rescuing the young princess, and the villains in the world if they were not other men or monsters, were older women that had become witches.

Of course it may be an extreme reaction to censor things that could be interpreted as the least bit objectifying to women, this is true, but sometimes to make cultural change, extreme action is needed? Obviously I don’t believe that making things all cute and innocent, will necessarily make games more safe for women
as I said earlier, Star Stable has had its share of predators, preying on innocent young girls and whatnot.

As gamers though, should we really be so afraid of change? To me, I grew up in the 90s, and back then gaming was very much seen as a boys club, the sight of a female gamer was a very rare thing, it really didn’t start to diversify until the 2000s/2010s. So as such, we need to do more to make everyone feel welcome in gaming, not just men?


Do what you want and ignore the people that going to complain regardless. Which I guess is pretty much what they do already so yay Blizzard? :wink:

It seems a bit prudish and/or pointless but it’s not nearly as dramatic as you’re making it out to be.

I do like the new portrait better though. The new design of the robe just looks better.

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Anyone who knows anything about the past of WoW, would remember that originally Westbrook Garrison had a lavish bed with art, marbles, fruit, and these very pictures.

A guild mate of mine at the time once joked with me that we thought this set-up really seemed out of place for a garrison focused on soldiers and protecting a border.

This was back in 2004.

I think it’s less that people are afraid of change, and more that a lot of people feel the changes are simply put not solving the actual problem.

Instead you have meaningless changes and then people slamming players or other people who point that fact out. They claim those innocent people are the “problem” when anyone with half a cell in their brain, knows damned well that the only ones who were “the problem” were the morons who couldn’t behave like honorable human beings in the first place.

Personally I don’t care so much about the pictures. But a lot of people feel like the lawsuit is being used as merely a pretext to change these things. The issue said people have, is these changes don’t actually change anything in a positive fashion; or address the issues that led to it.

Additionally extreme action is never good, nor is unwilling cultural change, especially if the party in question did no wrong doing. How many of history’s tragedies happened because some dictator decided to enact cultural change with extreme action? We both know there’s plenty of examples. Heck, we’re about eighty something years out from the last one.

But in this case, the party I speak of that did no wrong, is the player base which was never complicit in Blizzard’s internal problems. Just because you like skimp-mogs, does not make you a predator. Often the most zealous virtue-signaling individual also has a trove of explicit images stashed on their PC also. Humans are hypocrites. That’s reality.

No what I’d wager people are getting angry about is the fact that they see what look like opportunistic efforts, by a small segment of the player base / developers; who have long desired to fundamentally transform this game.

Even worse, while those same individuals are now using this whole lawsuit as their sledgehammer to enact change? They do so while painting anyone who disagrees with the changes as the problem, when they are not.

This is because the words compromise or mutual existence do not compute in such individuals brains, because they think they are morally-superior. They are not. They are regressive, and merely retreading history. They are kind of like King Geoffrey from Game of Thrones.

If Blizzard does meaningful changes to address their problems?

That’s great. Everyone wants that.

Yet if Blizzard makes changes that appease a fringe group that has no grasp on reality outside of their bubble and echo-chamber? That tells me that the harassment will happen again between them. The faces will change, but the story will continue on the same way.

Such absolutism ultimately is what will lead to the game’s closure, and that is why people are up in arms about it. When you slice through all the nonsense arguments, and attacks on people’s characters; that’s what is really at the core of the matter.

This is also probably my last post on this topic. Good luck people.


100% agree. It’s like they’re saying it’s bad to show off. It’s seriously so baffling that they’re removing random stuff like this that doesn’t make a difference to anyone’s game play. Also, to everyone who’s like “you most likely didn’t even know the picture existed” IDK about anyone else, but I certainly didn’t. But the thing is that no one actually cares about the picture at all. It’s about what they’re DOING to the pictures! And they have actually removed some skimpy armor in the PTR. Remember the new starting gear? Yea, that. I actually loved the belf hunter starting set, and it’s a little skimpy but it’s getting replaced by the new no-skin-showing hunter starting set. I don’t know what all those new starting sets were made for, they could’ve been for an ‘easy win’ or it could’ve been them just wanting to remove all starting gear that’s a little bit skimpy. Considering the other changes they’ve made, I’m starting to think that it’s the latter. And I love my skimpy tmogs!!! :frowning:

I mean why not cover up her hair and face as well?

side, side, side note
 they’re actually nice looking paintings. :sweat_smile:

O please stop allowing them to just censor everything. It’s getting ridiculous :roll_eyes:


They don’t need to be “allowed” to do anything. They don’t need our permission.

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Why are people turning this into a principal thing? It’s like if I got mad at 16 bit zelda for taking the cross off link’s shield. Yeah, I liked it better the way it was, but what it became wasn’t actually that bad. And this isn’t even as visible as that, like, at all. I think I might have looked at these paintings all of one time. If a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, there is only the sound of people whining that the tree should still be there even though they never cared or noticed it for 16 years.

You are enabling their ridiculous virtue signaling .


#Cancel the ocean!